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Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

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Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet



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Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Destiny weekly update, 29.8.2014:

Päivityksessä kerrotaan Raideista vähän tarkemmin. Jo pelkän Vault of Glass dungeonin oven avaaminen voi kestää 45 minuuttia jos pelaajat eivät kommunikoi ja työskentele yhdessä. Pelaajien pitää muodostaa eräänlainen vertauskuvallinen avain yhdessä jotta holvin sisäänkäynti aukeaa. Raid tehtävän alkaessa pelaajille ei anneta waypoint-merkkejä hudiin, ei vihjeitä siitä mitä pitäisi tehdä ja minne mennä varsinaisesti, vaan se on pelaajien vastuulla viedä Raid-tehtävä eteenpäin ja jouhevalla kommunikoinnilla sekä yhteistyöllä homma lähtee käyntiin.

Raidissa on myös kaksi vaikeusastetta, normal ja hard. Normaalissa vaikeusasteessa pelaajat tutustuvat itse Raidin mekaniikkaan, ja oppivat toimimaan yhdessä sekä luomaan strategioita haasteiden ylipääsemiseksi. Kun Raidin on päässyt läpi normaalilla, aukeaa Hard-mode, jossa vaaditaan ylläopittujen taitojen lisäksi tiukkaa silmää tilanteille, viholliset tietty ovat vaikeampia, mutta mukaan on myös siroteltu uusia juttuja, joita ei tietenkään etukäteen spoilata.

Raidi tulee olemaan haastava ja sitä ei välttämättä yhdellä istumalla selvitä, ainakaan aluksi. Pelitilanne tallennetaan, joten voit tehdä osan Raidista ja jättää siihen, myöhemmin voit ryhmäsi kanssa palata Vaulttiin ja jatkaa siitä mihin jäitte. Bungie tallentaa tilanteen aina viikoksi kerrallaan, joten viikon aikana on mahdollisuus viedä Raidi päätökseensä. Resetointi tapahtuu joka viikon tiistai.

Vaultista löytyy jokaiselle hahmoluokalle kokonainen setti varusteita, molemmilla vaikeusasteilla. Vaultista myös löytää jokaiselle yhdeksälle ns. asetyypille oman legendaarisen versionsa. Löytyvät varusteet ovat täysin uniikkeja Raid-kohtaisia löytöjä, joten niitä ei mistään muualta saada, ja ovat visuaalisesti tuunattu Vaultista löytyvien vihollisten teemaan.

Lootti luonnollisesti on suunnattu juuri sinulle, kukaan ei voi sitä hienoa legendaarista pyssyä viedä nenäsi edestä. Lootti on myös hahmokohtainen, ja viikottainen. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että jos menet vaikka Titaanillasi Vaultiin ja saat siellä olevalta viholliselta aseen, et voi aloittaa samalla viikolla samaisella Titaanilla uudelleen etsimään kyseiseltä viholliselta droppia, vaan sinun täytyy odottaa että tulee viikottainen nollaus. Voit kuitenkin tehdä vaikkapa Titanisi jälkeen Hunterilla Raidin ja saada jotain hienoa.

Lähde: Bungie
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Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Tässä olisi tälläinen koodi jolla saa julkaisupäivänä Emblemin, Sign of the Finite, käyttöönne.


Menkää Bungie.net ja Redeem Code ja syöttäkää tuo koodi. Julkaisupäivänä meette sitten sinne Profile -> Codes sivulle linkittämään tuon emblemin peliinne, vaatii varmaan yhden pelikerran jotta systeemi tunnistaa teidän pelinne/tilinne.
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Kiitokset Swanille näiden koodien olemassaolon muistuttamisesta:

Warlock: YKA-RJG-MH9

Hunter: 3DA-P4X-F6A

Titan: MVD-4N3-NKH


Old-Russia: HDX-ALM-V4K

Hive: 473-MXR-3X9

Moon: JMR-LFN-4A3

Gjallorhorn: HC3-H44-DKC

Duke MK.44: 69P-KRM-JJA

The Tower: 69P-VCH-337

The Hive: Ogre 69R-CKD-X7L

Valley of the kings, Mars: 69R-DDD-FCP (Added on 10/31)

The Fallen: 69R-F99-AXG (Added on 10/31)

Red Death: 69R-VL7-J6A (Added on 10/31)

The Cabal: 69X-DJN-74V (Added on 11/10)

The Devastated Coast, Venus: 6A7-7NP-3X7 (Added on 11/10)

Vex Minotaur: 6A9-DTG-YGN (Added on 11/10)

7MM-VPD-MHP - Shader: Double Banshee
RXC-9XJ-4MH - Shader: Oracle 99

Pari Shaderia, lunastakaa pois

Bungie.Net ja redeem code. Näillä saanee jotain kivaa pikkulisää peliin, tuskin mitään pyssyjä tai muuta mutta saa nähdä :) Tsekatkaa myös tuo ylempänä postattu erikoisemblemi
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Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Destiny Weekly Update, 5.9.2014:

Viimeisimmässä uutispäivityksessä paljastetaan mm. se miten Bungie-yhteisöä palkitaan Destinyssä.

Betaan osallistujat saavat Beta-tunnuksen:


Yhteisön jäsenillä on mahdolisuus myös seuraaviin tunnuksiin:


Sankareiden Kilpi - Heroic-asema foorumilla.


Legendojen Kilpi - Legenda-asema foorumilla.


Myytikkojen Kilpi - Mythics-asema foorumilla.


Taivaankansien Laulu - Osallistuit Alpha Lupi-kokeseen.


Sisäinen Kammio - Olet pelannut ainakin 4:ää Bungien 6:sta pelistä.


Tienlöytäjän Merkki - Rekisteröidiyt Bungie-sivulle ennen vuotta 2013.


Maltillisuuden Tähti - Ninja (Ylläpito) Bungie.netissä.


Kouluttajan Merkki - Mentor Bungie.netissä.

Oletko oikeutettu johonkin näistä tunnuksista? Ne löydät julkkarissa Tornista. Tess-nimiseltä Awokenilta.


Tämän lisäksi uutisessa paneudutaan Destinyn loppupeliin ja mitä se tuo tullessan. Spoilereiden minimoimiseksi tämä osio jätetään tiivistämättä. Sen voi kuitenkin lukea lähdelinkin kautta.

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Sunnuntaina (14.9.2014) Destinyyn julkaistiin ensimmäinen Hot Fix:


  • Fixes for Xbox One bootflow issues
  • Changes in network configuration to improve stability
  • Fixes for issues causing game crashes

  • Public Events should occur twice as frequently in public spaces

Lähde: Bungie
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Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Destiny Weekly Update, 19.9.2014:

Tämän viikkoisessa uutispäivityksessä tutustutaan Destinyn ensimmäiseen viikkoon lukuina, jotka pitävät sisällään seuraavia paljastuksia:

  • 100 miljoonaa pelattua tuntia ensimmäisen viikon aikana.
  • 137 miljoonaa aktiviteettia pelattu.
  • Keskiarvolta pelisessio arkipäivänä kestää 3h. Viikonloppuna 4h.
Uutisessa tutustutaan myös Vault of Glass-raidin ensimmäisenä valloittaneseen PRIMEGUARD-ryhmään.

Viikon mehukkaimmat skuupit tarjoaa yhteisön kysymykset, joissa lupaillaan Tornin laajentumista hyvin pian Kuningattaren saavuttua kuvioihin (ensi viikolla?). DeeJ mainitsee myös sen, että Destiny ei ole ikinä valmis ja sitä tullaan päivittämään erittäin aktiivisesti. Tähän kuuluu mm. PVP:n tasapainotus, pelaajien palaute ja mahdollisesti PVP-palkinto systeemi kuositus. Lopuksi paneudutaan tietenkin Warlockien ylivertaisuuteen.

KTfreak4Jesus: Is the Tower going to be opened up more?

Yes. And soon. Hell hath no fury like a Queen scorned.

Dmoney12321: Did you intend for the PvP reward system to be the way it is?

Yep. The question you should be asking is: Do we intend for the PVP reward system to work like that forever? The answer is: Ask us again sometime. We’re one week clear of the launch pad here. What we can promise is that Destiny is never finished.

Bromigo: What changes will be made and have been made from feedback and what you've seen so far from players?

Check it out. And keep an eye on it.

ExpBountyHunter: What is the "unknown" reward for defeating Vault of Glass?

You, of all people who have gamed the Mail Sack, should know that this is not the venue where such sacred unknowns become known. Away with you, before I send your head back to your King.

RdN: Now that the game is shipped, are you guys having discussions about weapon balancing for the Crucible?

Every day. Some of what we discuss comes from our own games. We also pay attention to the Feedback forum if you have, you know, feedback.

MrSwier: DeeJ, Why are Warlocks the best class in the world?

It’s really a matter of the people who choose to embody that class. They are the finest humans, aliens, and machines in the City. They are faithful, have a dashing sense of fashion, and contain the bravest beating hearts in their chests. Ask this question every week.

You have reached the end of the Bungie Weekly Update. What is it we’re always saying? Oh yeah: Every ending is also a beginning. There are aliens out there that need to be shot in the face (or the stomach) and they’re not going to do it to themselves.

Get out there and secure our future.

Talk to you next week.

Thanks for playing.

Love, Bungie.

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet



  • Shrine of Oryx: Reduced difficulty by removing majors from Heroic tiers
  • Sword of Crota: Reduced difficulty by removing majors from Heroic tiers
  • Exclusion Zone: Reduced difficulty by removing majors from Heroic tiers

  • Dropping the relic at the end of the raid will no longer result in a team wipe. This will prevent players being stuck at a black screen after the raid.
  • You will remain dead if you were dead when the mission ended. That will be addressed by a future patch.

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Hot Fix 25.9.2014:


  • Reduced drop rate of engrams following a hard wipe [fixed in]
Queen's Wrath Event
  • Material rewards for dismantling Queen's Wrath gear will no longer provide ascendant materials, but missions will continue to drop Legendary items


  • The Hive of the holy “Treasure Cave” have realized the futility of their endless assault on Skywatch and have retired to lick their wounds and plan their next attack.
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in Skywatch have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 6)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in Forgotten Shore have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in Ember Caves have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in the Shattered Coast have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in the Barrens have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 20)

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Ensi viikolla ilmestyy päivitys 1.0.2:

Only Engrams that drop after 1.0.2 are subject to this change.

Cryptarch Changes 
  • Legendary Engrams will always produce Legendary or better quality items, including Materials or Exotics
  • Rare Engrams will always produce Rare or better quality items
  • Rare engrams will have an increased chance to produce Legendary quality items
Activity Changes
  • Daily Heroics, Weekly Heroics, and Vanguard: Tiger Playlist activities will include Rare and Legendary Engrams in addition to their existing rewards
Item Changes
  • Ascendant materials have been promoted to Legendary to closer associate them with the gear they are used to upgrade
  • Legendary Engram items that exist in your inventory will be demoted to Rare quality when the patch goes live, so decode them while you can. But let’s be honest--even if you don’t, we all know they were blues already...

Lähde: Bungie
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Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Tänään peliin ilmestyi odotettu Päivitys 1.0.2:

  • Legendary (purple) engrams will always produce a Legendary quality item or higher
    - Note: Legendary engrams that exist in your inventory will change to Rare quality items when the patch is applied. However, decoding these engrams will still produce the same results as before
  • Rare (blue) engrams will always produce a Rare quality item or higher
    - Chance for Legendary gear increased
  • Materials: Ascendant Shards and Ascendant Energy promoted to Legendary quality (from Rare quality)

  • Rare (Blue) and Legendary (Purple) Engram drops added to the potential rewards for:
    - Vanguard: Tiger Strike Playlist
    - Daily Heroic Missions (first time per day)
    - Weekly Heroic Missions (first time per week)

Known issues
  • When selecting a higher difficulty for daily missions, XP Bonus not show in the reward display
  • You will still get the XP bonus, you just won't see it in the UI

  • Reduced time limit on Bastion and First Light in Control and Clash from 15 to 12 minutes, bringing them in line with non-vehicle maps in those playlists
  • Lowered weighting on Bastion and First Light in Control and Clash so they appear less often in those playlists

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Bungie.net sai viikon aikana parannuksia:

Major Changes:
  • Grimoire Update: It is easier to review cards and see your in-game bonus progress
  • Help section has been updated to make it easier to search for articles and browse for newly resolved issues

Notable Fixes:
  • Clan names now appear in game for accounts set to private on Bungie.net
  • Raid Advisor now shows weekly boss progress
  • Forum topics replied to by a Mentor or Bungie Employee now display a badge
  • Page loading in Internet Explorer is no longer slow for AJAX pages
  • Sign-in will keep you on the page you were browsing
  • Group Probation message displays the appropriate times
  • Team scores are available for team-based games
  • The Tower will now more correctly indicate vendors with whom you have business

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Uusi Hot Fix ilmestyy huomenna:

Most of the changes included in this update will improve the technology that enables players to connect to Destiny. The player experience will remain unchanged, aside from the stability for some users who have encountered issues connecting to servers.

Client fixes
  • Added more data logging for matchmaking systems
  • Improved connectivity failure handling to reduce beaver (Kick To Orbit events) KTOs
  • Improved logging of player disconnections
  • Internal tools fixes to speed up our release process
  • Fixes to the roster system to allow us to tune the frequency of roster updates on Xbox One
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to quick scope on some weapons

Server Fixes
  • Security fixes
  • Server performance improvements
  • Fixes to reduce the frequency of some KTOs
  • Better logging to help diagnose connectivity problems
  • Fixes to some Centipede errors that were exclusive to specific player characters

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Hot Fix 14.10.2014:

  • Fixed a bug where the Valkyrie-O5X Ship was the same as the Aurora Lance


  • Unbreakable: Fixed an issue with the perk granting more agility than intended
  • Brimstone: Perk can now activate if player is airborne


  • Fixed some issues related to quick weapon swapping
Auto Rifles
  • Base Damage decreased by 2%
  • Reduced Precision Damage multiplier from 1.50 -> 1.25 (head shot bonus)
  • Stability decreased by 4% - 17% (driven by stat value)
Hand Cannons
  • In-air accuracy now increased
Scout Rifles
  • Base damage increased by 6%
  • Damage vs. Combatants increased by 6% - 25% (based on tier)
  • Improved target acquisition, plus additional recoil tuning.
  • Decreased base damage at maximum range (falloff) by 20%
  • Shot Package Perk now has a slightly wider cone of fire
  • The Rangefinder and Shot Package perks are now mutually exclusive

Exotic Weapons

Vex Mythoclast
  • Base Damage decreased by 34%
  • Increased Precision Damage multiplier from 1.25 -> 1.50 (headshot bonus)
Pocket Infinity
  • Enhanced Battery Perk has now been replaced with the Speed Reload Perk
  • Metal Detector: Fixed a bug that prevents this perk from actually providing additional ammo
  • Lightweight: Fixed a bug that allowed additional agility to apply even when a weapon was stowed


  • Engram rewards from strikes now appear in the post-game Activity Summary
Raid - Vault of Glass

Templar Encounter
  • Kill volume added to sniper platforms to prevent players from sitting on top of them
  • Relic is now removed and respawned if the holder leaves the playable area

  • The Fallen have also retreated from their hold over the Rocket Yard to discuss a new takeover plan

Lähde: Bungie
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

Korjauksia siellä täällä päivityksessä v1.1.1.

1.1.1 : The one about Weapon Rebalance

Destiny Update 1.1.1 brings you a round of weapon balancing, perk fixes (including the heavy ammo fix), and other issues.

For a detailed review of weapon changes, head over to Destiny Weapon Tuning.


  • Fixed an issue in which armor with perks that increase ammunition carrying capacity resulted in ammunition loss upon respawn
  • Decreased over-penetration value for weapons with armor piercing perks
  • Fixed an issue where items from the PS3/360 Destiny demo were using old power values. They have been adjusted to regular levels
  • Song of Ir Yut weapon tooltip now advertises the correct magazine size
  • Shoot to Loot: Two-second cooldown added to perk to prevent extra ammunition gains while ammunition bricks despawn
  • Dark Breaker perk will now correctly damage Hive Shriekers
  • Snap Discharge will now increase attack speed as per the description
  • Thunderer perk now has priority on the 4th Horseman tooltip
  • Full Auto: Fixed issues in which the weapon perk stopped working while the trigger was being held down

Auto Rifles

  • Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
  • Reduced effective range values

Pulse Rifles

  • Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%

Hand Cannons

  • Slightly reduced effective range
  • Slightly reduced initial accuracy

Fusion Rifles

  • Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
  • Reduced starting ammunition in PVP


  • Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
  • Reduced high-end range values
  • Damage falloff starts sooner
  • Reduced starting ammunition in PVP



  • Weekly Heroic Strike now is a matchmade activity
  • Strikes will be less likely to repeat in Matchmaking rotations for full Fireteams



  • Players will now unlock all playlists (Control, Clash, Rumble, Skirmish) simultaneously when unlocking the Crucible.
  • Added a new notification when Crucible modes unlock
  • Crucible maps will be less likely to repeat in Matchmaking rotations for full Fireteams
  • Guardians no longer drop heavy ammunition when killed in PvP
  • Guardians now drop much less special ammunition when killed in PvP
  • Completed matches will now award gear with the proper power level
  • Fixed a bug where there was no audio playing for the bullet that kills them

Event: Iron Banner

  • Iron Banner playlist now contains smaller maps in rotation
  • "Focused Aggression" Bounty can now be completed with headshots from Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Hand Cannons


  • Fixed an issue in which Xur did not carry exotic engrams in inventory on certain dates
  • Crota’s End completion emblem will now be sent to the Postmaster when player inventory is full
  • Ammunition consumables will now work if used when player inventory is full
  • Fixed issues that prevented qualifying players who had deleted their characters from claiming the Tumbler Sparrow from Tess Everis in Tower

User Interface

  • Character inventory screen now displays faction reputation and weekly mark counters
  • Players in public spaces will no longer see voice notifications when a player in a matchmade fireteam enter
  • Players will now see improved notifications when teammates join and depart Team and Fireteam chat channels


  • Combined Arms Grimoire cards will now unlock when completing a Clash or Control game
  • House of Wolves card will now unlock upon the start of Ishtar Collective story mission
  • Guardian Abilities card will be granted when a player enters orbit
  • Siege Dancers card will be granted upon the start of the Dust Palace Strike
  • Completing Crota's End now adds to the Raid Introduction Grimoire card's Completed statistic
  • Ir Yut grimoire card will now unlock appropriately
  • Siege of the Warmind card will now unlock appropriately
  • Fixed Grimoire scores for the following cards:
  • Omnigul, Will of Crota
  • Ir Yut, the Deathsinger
  • Crota, Son of Oryx
  • The Wakening
  • The Will of Crota
  • Crotas End
  • Ascendant Sword
  • Pantheon
  • Skyshock
  • The Cauldron
  • Might of Crota
  • Ghost Fragment: Rasputin
  • Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 2
  • Ghost Fragment: Hive 4


  • DLC and Patch systems have been improved
  • Xbox One upsell from trial version to full version no longer makes you leave the game
  • Improved networking resilience to packet reordering
  • Networking improvements for certain routers


  • Bug was introduced in 1.1.1 patch that caused the Vex Mythoclast to spawn with less ammo in the magazine and reserves in PvP
This weapon was affected by overall Fusion Rifle changes because it is treated as a secondary weapon
We intend to correct this issue in a future release

Lähde: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12607
Vastaus: Destiny: Viralliset tiedotteet

1.2.0: House of Wolvesin ennakkolataus (ladattavissa nyt).

  • Fixed an issue in which Vex Mythoclast was not respawning with primary ammunition
  • Fixed an issue with the Hive Disruptor perk, which now appears in the Black Hammer perk set again
  • Fixed an issue in which the Phantom Gift and White Nail perks would become interrupted when non-precision damage occurred from other perks
  • Bonus damage from other perks (e.g., Explosive Rounds, Hive Disruptor) no longer interrupts the count
  • Three precision hits within the time window will trigger the intended refund bonus
  • Fixed an issue in which the Hive Disruptor perk did not work correctly with sustained damage events (auto rifles, pulse, etc.)
  • Oracle Disruptor perk now triggers more often
  • Hive Disruptor perk now triggers more often, but does less damage per event

  • Salvage: Moved the first Relic to more consistently appear in a centralized position on the map
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to wait an excessively long time to respawn

  • Faction reward packages will no longer produce Shards
  • The Speaker will now exchange Ascendant and Radiant Materials for Glimmer and Motes of Light
  • Xûr will now exchange Strange Coins for Motes of Light
  • Commendations are no longer required to purchase gear
  • Commendations can now be converted to receive +250 gains in Vanguard, Crucible, or Faction reputation
  • Note: Etheric Light will not be made available for ascending gear until the release of House of Wolves

User Interface
  • Vendor Interaction Panel has been updated to support Quest chains
  • Vendor Interaction Panel now has better animations and fewer popping issues
  • Number of buffs that can be displayed on the Character screen has been increased
  • Inventory item stacks that have reached their highest possible count will now display gold numbers along with an alert in the tooltip that maximum quantities have been acquired

  • Added improved feedback for players who take damage from energy weapons

  • Fixed an issue in which the Mercury Grimoire card was not being awarded
  • Retroactively awarded the Mercury Grimoire card to players who have found the "Mercury Memory Fragment" Dead Ghost
  • Vendor items, damage types, and perks will now be visible on Bungie.net and the Mobile App

  • Addressed a crash on Xbox One that was induced when too many explosions/projectiles were generated
  • Fixed an issue that affected the network quality user interface
  • Indicators will no longer display persistently bad ("red") quality after a user's connection recovers from a temporary quality issue
  • The quality indicators should now always correctly reflect a user's live connection quality

We have discovered that Legendary Engrams will drop in 1.2.0 that the Cryptarchs will not recognize
Hold on to all newly-acquired purple Engrams until May 19th to benefit from their upgraded decryption skillset


Hot Fix: (julkaistaan HoWin yhteydessä 19.5.)


  • Added a new Daily Reward package upon completion of the first game in the Daily Featured Crucible playlist
  • Added Passage Coins to reward streams across all playlists, including the Daily reward package
  • Increased Crucible Mark drop rate across all playlists by 100%
  • Increased Crucible Reputation earnings across all playlists by 100%
  • Increased Rare Weapons and Gear drop chance for completing games across all playlists by 100%
  • Added Legendary Weapon drops into the Crucible reward stream across all playlists
  • Added Dark Below maps into all Crucible playlists for all players to enjoy (Pantheon, The Cauldron, Skyshock)

Iron Banner
  • Adjusted the power curve for Iron Banner playlists to accommodate the competitive range of power in House of Wolves
  • Across one Iron Banner event, players competing in Iron Banner with more than one character on the same account will receive a reputation boost for the lower-ranked characters to reach parity with the higher-ranked character more quickly
  • Six additional Iron Banner bounties have been added to the bounty rotation
  • Removed an errant buff from Iron Banner Control playlist
  • Etheric Light will now be available at Ranks 3 and 5 in Iron Banner

  • The Cryptarch will no longer convert newly acquired Legendary Engrams to Shards (possibilities include gear/weapons or exotics)
  • Daily Heroics will produce Motes of Light in lieu of Shards
  • Ascending: Year 1 Legendary and Exotic gear can be upgraded to the highest power levels available in Year 1

User Interface
  • The Control UI above the mini scoreboard has been fixed & returned to the players HUD

  • Added a new “Connection Recovery” System
  • Specific player networking problems will now be fixed instead of kicking affected players to orbit
  • This will be enabled first for Trials of Osiris and rolled out to other activities over time

Lähde: Bungie.net
Uusia vastauksia ei voi lisätä.
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