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ADOMin pelaajia?

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Pitkästä aikaa tartuttuani vanhaan legendaan ADOM. Tulin siihen tulokseen, että utelempa onkos täällä muita ADOMin pelaajia?

adom.de sanoi:
one of the most detailed computer RPGs ever created (with hundreds of levels, randomly generated anew for each game, 200 combinations of races and classes, more than 600 items, 400 monsters, dozens of quests, skills and a lot more!).
Lähde: adom.de

Jos tämä Nethackin / Zangbandin tyylinen peli alkoi kiinnostaa niin tässä on suoraa urli download sivulle. Sieltä vaan nappaatte sen adom_winbeta4.zip ja pelaaminen voi alkaa.

Peli vaatii aika vannoutuneen pelaajan koska peliin sisään pääsy vaatii paljon nappien opettelemista ja monen muunkin asian opettelua, ellei sitten Nethack tai Zangband ole tuttuja. Jos ne on tuttuja niin siitä on jo paljon apua, pääsee sisään pelin mekaniikkaan ja nappeihin huomattavasti nopeampaa.

Oma trollini Tro'k just meni ja hukku tuossa :p
Stunned + Blind ja yritin liikkua -> sokeena meni veteen eikä osannu uida ja sinne hukuin sokeena. Peli alkoi todella hyvin ja oli parit artifaktit jo matkassakin, mutta ei... Näin tällä kertaa.

Eli jos pelaajia löytyy niin vois alkaa hahmojen tiedoja alkaa nakkeleen tänne, eli vain parhaat hahmot. Kun hahmo kuolee -> Tee filu siitä kun peli kysyy. Avaa se notepadillä ja pastee aikalailla kaikki mitä näkyy mapin jälkeen, mappi ei näy täällä oikein. Voisin itse aloittaa siis...

Tässäpä se olisi ->

EDIT #1:

Eipä olekkaan, sekos KonsoliFinin boardi käsiin, tuli rajotuksia vastaan :p Kerta se on ensimmäinenkin.

"1. The text that you have entered is too long (12226 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long."

Eli seuraavasssa postauksessa on hahmoni ;)
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Vastaus: ADOMin pelaajia?

Hahmoni: (Viesti oli vieläkin liian pitkä, argh!)
Background Information

Name: Tro'k
Race: male Troll
Class: Bard
Eye color: black
Hair color: black
Complexion: brown
Height: 8'9"
Weight: 546 pounds
Age: 9 (young)
Star sign: Raven
Birthday: 21/Raven (day 21 of the year)

YOUR HISTORY - (historia poistettu)

Total weight: 2262 stones Carrying capacity: 3712 stones

He: -
Ne: -
Bo: uncursed studded leather armor (-1, +0) [-1, +3] [250s]
Gi: -
Cl: -
RH: uncursed tower mithril shield (-2) [+9, +2] [120s]
LH: uncursed golden gladius "Death's Sting" (+2, 2d5+2) [+3, +3] (+7 spd)
RR: -
LR: uncursed ring of damage [1s]
Br: -
Ga: -
Bo: uncursed light boots [+0, +0] [20s]
MW: -
Mi: -
Tl: uncursed tamborine [5s]


Total weight: 1836 stones Carrying capacity: 3712 stones

Gauntlets ('[')
uncursed gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +1] [10s]
Girdles ('[')
uncursed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+1} [15s]
uncursed girdle of weight [+0, +0] [40s]
Necklaces (''')
uncursed pendant of mana {Ma+2} [3s]
blessed amulet of order [3s]
One-handed weapons ('(')
uncursed broadsword (+0, 1d7+1) [80s]
uncursed heavy mace (+3, 2d5+3) [-2, +0] [200s]
Tools (']')
blessed torch [10s]
heap of 2 uncursed torches [20s]
uncursed box with flint and steel (16) [5s]
uncursed tinderbox (13) [3s]
blessed climbing set [180s]
Instruments ('{')
uncursed lute [20s]
uncursed flute [3s]
Wands ('\')
uncursed wand of light (1 charge) [4s]
uncursed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s]
uncursed wand of paralyzation (5 charges) [3s]
Potions ('!')
cursed berzio potion [2s]
uncursed potion of gain attributes [4s]
uncursed potion of stun recovery [2s]
uncursed potion of water [4s]
uncursed potion of balance [4s]
Food ('%')
heap of 5 uncursed large rations [1000s]
uncursed huge bat corpse [120s]
uncursed dwarven sausage [20s]
Valuables ('$')
7776 gold pieces [77s]

Weapon Skills

Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks[
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- --------------
Unarmed fighting 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 36
Maces & flails 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 62
Swords 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 60
Axes 2 +2 +1 +0 basic 10
Twohanded weapons 3 +3 +3 +1 basic 40
(Nollana olevat skillit poistettu Weapon skilleistä)

Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- --------------
(Kaikki nollia - poistettu)

Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- ------------- --------------
Shields 6 +12 skilled 140

Damage caused with your melee weapons:
Left hand: Î+5 bonus to hit, Î2d5+10 damage

Damage caused with your missile weapons:
No missile weapons available.


Alertness ................ 43 (fair) [+2d4]
Archery .................. 18 (mediocre) [+4d4]
Athletics ................ 69 (good) [+3d4]
Bridge building .......... 11 (mediocre) [+4d5] (mr)
Climbing ................. 46 (fair) [+4d4]
First aid ................ 17 (mediocre) [+4d5]
Food preservation ........100 (superb) [+2d4]
Gemology ................. 33 (fair) [+3d5]
Haggling ................. 24 (mediocre) [+4d5]
Law ...................... 24 (mediocre) [+3d3]
Listening ................ 44 (fair) [+4d4]
Mining ................... 52 (good) [+2d4]
Music ....................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Smithing ................. 58 (good) [+3d5]

His achievements during his adventures:

Tro'k, the trollish bard, drowned.
He scored 14602 points and advanced to level 7.
He survived for 0 years, 18 days, 13 hours, 50 minutes and 26 seconds (8658
7 companions were killed during his adventures.
Tro'k visited 19 places.
His strength score was modified by +2 during his career.
His learning score was modified by +1 during his career.
His charisma score was modified by +1 during his career.
He was the champion of the arena.
He was the head of the thieves guild.
He brought back joy into the life of a tiny girl.
He ended his adventuring life on level 10 of the caverns of chaos.
266 monsters perished under his attacks.
The following two artifacts were generated during his adventure:
the si
the golden gladius "Death's Sting"
He had the following talents: Affinity with Axes, Affinity with Clubs &
Hammers, Learned, Porter, Quick.
He had a final speed score of 119 (final base speed: 112).
He was religious.
He asked for 1 divine intervention.
He was chaotically aligned.
He was slightly tainted by Chaos.

The following monsters were vanquished:
1 ankheg
3 bandits
7 barbarians
2 barbarian leaders
3 beggars
1 berserker
1 black hurthling
1 bugbear
1 cave bear
1 chaos brother
1 cloaked ratling
1 crime lord
3 cutpurses
1 dark elven warrior
1 dark sage
4 dire wolves
1 displacer beast
2 dopplegangers
1 dwarf
1 fire lizard
1 gelatinous cube
3 ghuls
2 giant bats
5 giant centipedes
6 giant frogs
2 giant lizards
23 giant rats
1 gnoll
11 goblins
5 goblin rockthrowers
2 goblin slavemasters
2 gray oozes
2 half-orc bouncers
1 harpy
1 hell hound
5 hippogriffs
3 hobgoblins
1 hobgoblin leader
2 homunculi
2 huge bats
1 hyena
10 jackals
7 kobolds
1 kobold shaman
4 large bats
1 large gnoll
1 large kobold
1 large orc
2 large spiders
4 lizard men
1 master thief
4 ogres
4 orcs
1 orc chieftain
2 orc scorchers
1 outlaw
1 outlaw leader
2 rabid dogs
12 raiders
1 raider lord
50 rats
2 ratling archers
1 ratling thief
2 ratling warriors
9 skeletons
2 swordsmen
1 tarantula
1 troll
1 viper
2 wererats
1 werewolf
2 white worms
1 wight
2 wild cats
5 wolves
1 yellow ooze
5 zombies
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