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Baltic Sea Hockey League (BSHL) [NHL 11 - EASHL]

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja pulverapa
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä


New Member
This is the working name for a new planned league in EASHL in NHL 11.

The league will be divided in two conferences: Eastern Conference and Western Conference.

Eastern Conference will consist of Finnish teams and the Western Conference will consist of Swedish teams. German/Continental teams can take part in this league and depending on which conference has the fewer teams those teams will be put into that league.

There will be four league administrators, two Swedish and two Finnish.

The league will be an INVITATIONAL LEAGUE. The four administrators of the league decides which teams will be allowed to participate.

League is set to start early october. Depending on how many teams each conference has there will be a number of games played against every team in their conference and a smaller number of games against teams from the other conference.

The difference between this league and EHL would be that EHL is not an invitational league, every team is allowed to take part in that league. That means there will be teams quitting the league and screw up the team statistics. With an invitational league we are less likely to have to deal with that situation.

There's also another difference. BSHL will continue season after season. If one season takes two months to finish, there will be a small off-season and then new regular season starts again.

The site is already set, we only need an site administrator familiar with PHP programming. Are you familiar with PHP? Please send me a PM on skype (pulverapan) if you are interested. Everything is already on the website except a few small things. If you remember the old EHL site, thats the site we will use... With some smaller modifications.

We also need two Finns to step up and take the role as League administrator. If you are interested, please send me a PM on skype (pulverapan).

pulverapa, GM of WAL. Have a nice day Finnish brothers!
Vastaus: Baltic Sea Hockey League (BSHL) [NHL 11 - EASHL]

I talked to the administators of Russian based EHL and they were very positive to merge EHL with my idea.

Basically BSHL would turn into EHL and become and Invitational League with conferences and even lower divisions if there would be many teams. EHL would also be running throughout the year with regular seasons, playoffs and off-seasons. There would be around 40-50 games played in 6 weeks and around 20 games for EHL winner in the 2 weeks of playoffs.

Website would be Consolehockey.net (2.0).

I hope the Finnish community are interested in participating in such league.
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