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Kovasti haluaisin tietää mikä versio "James Bond Everything or Nothing" kannattaisi pelata läpi. Peliin en ole vielä koskenut ja kun kaikki konsolit löytyvät, haluaisin luonnollisesti pelata sen parhaimman version.


Tuolla olisi varmaan info, mutta kun se on vain insideriläisille... :(
Vastaus: IGN insider

Minä olen ymmärtänyt, että Xbox ja Cube versiot olisivat hieman parempia kuin PS2-versio.
Vastaus: IGN insider

Kuuden sivun artikkeli, johon en viitsi kokonaan syventyä, mutta toivottavasti tämä auttaa?

Winner Ranking:
1. PlayStation 2 (online cooperative play; minor advantage)
2. GameCube/Xbox (negligible differences; tie)

1. PlayStation 2/Xbox (negligible differences; tie)
2. GameCube (a few quick-access functions gone; minor disadvantage)

Winner Ranking:
1. Xbox (in-game Dolby Digital, clarity: medium advantage))
2. GameCube/PlayStation 2 (Dolby Pro Logic II, decent overall; tie)

Winner Ranking:
1. Xbox (more vivid, sharper, better lighting; medium advantage)
2. GameCube/PlayStation 2 (solid in their own right, but more framerate issues and texture inconsistencies; tie)

Winner Ranking:
1. GameCube/Xbox (GCN has the load speed, but Xbox has decent loads and quality FMV; tie)
2. PlayStation 2 (slower load times; minor disadvantage)

Final Verdict
You won't have to worry about getting "Everything" in one version and "Nothing" in another. All three builds of the new 007 title are solid, but when you pick apart the details compared to each other they have their benefits. Lucky for us, we think the decision is much easier this time around.

Online vs. Home Theater: PlayStation 2's online cooperative mode is a genuine extra gameplay mode, but with a title like Everything or Nothing that is so heavily focused on the sight-and-sound experience, we don't think it has enough weight to make the PS2 version of the new Bond a clearly better choice. In fact, we think it's pretty clear that you should get the Xbox version. You can still have a friend over to enjoy cooperative mode, and it will look and sound great while you do it.

Meanwhile, PlayStation 2 is a really good second choice. The online is valuable for replay and the visuals are excellent, especially when compared to other PS2 titles out there.

GameCube, unfortunately, even with it's novelty GBA support that some may enjoy, just doesn't have the benefits the other version do; it even has minor control problems and FMV compression. Now, if it's the only version you have the option of buying, you're still going to love it, but if you own PS2 or Xbox, give them a serious look.

Overall Winner: Xbox

Winner Ranking:
1. Xbox (all the trimmings, better visuals and sound; minor advantage over PlayStation 2)
2. PlayStation 2 (some framerate issues, but still pretty and supports online cooperation; minor advantage over GameCube)
3. GameCube (load times and GBA link support, but compressed FMV, controls, and no online; minor disadvantages)

For Your Consideration

* Best version for single player: GameCube/PlayStation 2/Xbox (tie)
* Best version for videophiles: Xbox (better textures, sharper; medium advantage)
* Best version for audiophiles: Xbox (in-game Dolby Digital; medium advantage)
* Best version for multiplayer: PlayStation 2 (online cooperative; minor advantage)
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