Dark Master
New Member
Lainaus ign news:
In case you haven't downloaded it already, there is plenty of new content available for our Game of the Year, Knights of the Old Republic. So what all is available? Well, for starters there is a new race called the Trandoshans. There is also a new area, the Yavin Station, that sells high-level armor and additional lightsaber crystals.
Some of the new items available for purchase include the Baragwin heavy repeating blaster and flame thrower (!), and an Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask. This nifty gadget will provide immunity to poison. Sounds good to us.
So what are you waiting for? Stop reading and start downloading!
Eli tuollainen uutinen on ollut ign sivulla jo pitemmän aikaan mutta kun pelin pistää sisään ei minkäänlaista uutta tavaraa löydä joten onko tuo nyt jokin jenkkilän etuoikeus vai mistä kenkäpuristaa?
Ps:uutista ei oltu julkaistu aprillipäivänä
In case you haven't downloaded it already, there is plenty of new content available for our Game of the Year, Knights of the Old Republic. So what all is available? Well, for starters there is a new race called the Trandoshans. There is also a new area, the Yavin Station, that sells high-level armor and additional lightsaber crystals.
Some of the new items available for purchase include the Baragwin heavy repeating blaster and flame thrower (!), and an Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask. This nifty gadget will provide immunity to poison. Sounds good to us.
So what are you waiting for? Stop reading and start downloading!
Eli tuollainen uutinen on ollut ign sivulla jo pitemmän aikaan mutta kun pelin pistää sisään ei minkäänlaista uutta tavaraa löydä joten onko tuo nyt jokin jenkkilän etuoikeus vai mistä kenkäpuristaa?
Ps:uutista ei oltu julkaistu aprillipäivänä