Verkosta ladattava Pain:
Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
Developer: Idol Minds, Inc.
Platform: PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3) computer entertainment system
Genre: Action / Comedy
Players: 1-2 players
Rating: RP for Rating Pending
The concept of PAIN was derived from an extensive teen market research report. The findings of the report indicated that comedy, random chaos, creativity, community and competition were the central figures driving entertainment choices for the teen audience.
PAIN is much more than a game, its actually a creative, user-driven comedic experience that presents players with the unique opportunity to control and capture the irreverent style of humor found in television shows such as Jackass or Viva La Bam. The game boldly tackles a rarely explored area of video-gaming comedy. Many games and products have allowed players to experience scripted, comedic scenes, but none have successfully allowed the end-user to actually be the architect of these situations until now.
One thing is certain; gamers have never seen anything quite like PAIN
The core, unique mechanic of the game allows the player to load a character into an extreme launching device, such as a human-sized, ultra-powerful slingshot, and fire the character into an active, physics-controlled environment, filled with precarious and humorous situations. The player receives points by stringing together painful collisions and inducing chaos in the environment. The player must achieve a wide variety of goals and / or reach various scoring milestones in each of the different modes of play.
Available exclusively via download on the PLAYSTATION®Network for the
PLAYSTATION ®3 (PS3) computer entertainment system, PAIN will feature a robust online community where players will be able to upload and share their comedic experiences; while other users can rank and comment on the content shared within the community.
Based on a teen research report indicating that chaos, comedy, creativity, and community are central themes to their entertainment choices, PAIN is the first game of its kind that allows the gamer to be the architect of theses comedic episodes.
Multiple playable characters each with a very unique personality and attributes as well as character specific in-flight poses.
Dozens of ways to play over 9 different ways to play single player alone, including modes like Spank the Monkey and Mime Toss. With multiplayer modes like HORSE and online competition, PAIN provides both the challenges and the replayability gamers are searching for.
Completely Interactive Gameplay Environment regardless of what the player does within the PAIN thematic, the overall environment remains completely dynamic and fully destructible, waiting for the player to find new ways to create chaos, comedy or simply wait to see what happens next.
Each time a player launches into the PAINful environment, the physics and animation data is stored on PS3s HDD allowing the player to view a replay instantly. With control over various camera angles and the replay speed slow motion and fast forward users can edit and re-record each bruising launch.
Unique physics model created on Havok powered events, allow for amazing ragdoll animations, while insuring that duplicating incidents is almost impossible. Keeping gameplay fresh over and over no matter how many times a player is launched into the same environment.
Available exclusively via the PLAYSTATION®Network, PAIN will have a robust online community feature set that will include: head-to- head and cooperative gameplay, leaderboards, the ability to upload and download user generated replays, and contests.
With PAINs modular backbone, the game is made to expand. More characters, more themes, more gameplay modes and most importantly more PAINful fun!
Ja sitä se olikin DigiExpossa.Muntu sanoi:kun näyttää niin perhanan hauskalta
Meinaat varmaan jenkkistorea? Hitto, vois koklata jos sais sinne siirrettyä vähän massia, notta sais tämänkin hankittuaMura sanoi:Pari päivää kerkiää vielä hypettämään, kun torstainahan tämän pitäisi ilmestyä. Ainakin itse pistän heti lataukseen, onhan tätä jo odoteltukin
Keilailua ala Pain ja Official sitekin on näemmä pystyssä. Globaalit rankingit ja rumble -tukikin löytyy tuon mukaan jo valmiiksi. Ja meininki näyttää hyvältä edelleen
Menet sen kokonaan läpi sen yhden jutun mikä on suki, tuo kestäää jonkin aikaa ja aika haastava on. Mutta kyllä ne aukeaa, kun vedät sen yhen kokonaan läpi ja muista et jos meet "guit game" nini joudut alottaan ton moden alusta.ColdFire sanoi:Miten ihmeessä tässä saa availtua noita lukkoja? Olen täs heitelly ukkoa pitkin pitäjää kauan, mut mitään ei avaudu minnekkään?
Mura sanoi:Bonushahmoina oli joulupukki ja joulutypy, näistä tosin heitti jotain download erroria vaikka lukkoa niissä ei ollut päällä eli enpä päässyt testaamaan. Tiedä sitten pitääkö ne lunastaa tai ladata erikseen vai bugasiko jenkkiversio muuten vaan.
Huhuh, pelästyin jo kun tuota hahmoa ei voinut käyttää.hartzu sanoi:Taisi olla bugeista kysymys, peli on vedetty pois storesta ja korjattu versio ilmestyy piakkoin. Ongelmana mm. noiden kahden hahmon toimimattomuus.
IGN kertoo enemmän.
opa95 sanoi:Huhuh, pelästyin jo kun tuota hahmoa ei voinut käyttää.
Kun tosta tulee se korjattu versio saammeko me jotka ovat sen ladanneet niin sen uudemman version ilmaiseksi?
Äitini Visa Electron ainakin käy jenkkistoressa.Nikki sanoi:voiko tuolta jenkkistorestakin ladata maksullista tavaraa ihan visa electronin tai tavis visan kanssa? tuo pain näyttää melko hauskalta tekeleeltä kyllä.
opa95 sanoi:Äitini Visa Electron ainakin käy jenkkistoressa.