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Squaren selitys huonoista PAL-käännöksistä

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Tämä teksti löytyy ruotsalaisesta Super Playsta:

First, there's an interview with a guy at Square who's responsible for the PAL conversions of Square games: Shinji Hashimoto. They ask him about the bad PAL versions of Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts.

Hashimoto says that they're doing research about how to improve the PAL conversions and keep the smoothness from the NTSC versions. He also thinks that they've succeeded with this, especially when you consider how fast they've been able to release the games.

He then gets the question about why other developers can do good conversions, while Square can't. Hashimoto goes on about how there's "not enough memory" on PS2, so in order to get a full screen mode they would be forced to remove certain parts in their games. He also says that "they'll never give up", but that people have to understand that they need to release their games within reasonable a reasonable time period, and that they can't work on the PAL versions forever.

Ei ole siis tarpeeksi muistia? Mitä ihmettä. Eikö tuo olekin iso kasa paskaa? Joitain muitakin selityksiä olen kuullut, kuten esimirkiksi sen, että 60Hz-optio ei mahtuisi DVD:lle suuresta CG-määrästä johtuen, koska silloinhan ne jouduttaisiin sisällyttämään kahteen kertaan. Mutta eikö tuokin voisi hoitua vain sillä, että itse peli olisi 60Hz, kun CG olisi pelkästään 50Hz:ssä.

edit: siis ComputerGraphics eikä GC
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Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan Shaban
"Shinji Hashimoto (Square) also thinks that they've succeeded with this, especially when you consider how fast they've been able to release the (PAL-version) games. "

Hehe :D
Saattaapa olla kyseinen haastattelu feikki, tuskin edes Shinji Hashimoto voisi sanella moista paskaa. Tosin eihän sitä koskaan tiedä... :)
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