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Street Racing Syndicate

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja himpuliboxi
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Moni varmasti aiemminkin kuullut pelistä, mutta tässä ois hieman lisätietoa mitä peli sisältää.

The game's Street Mode will serve as the career mode where you're thrown into the role of an up-and-coming driver (aren't we all) trying to earn his street cred. Credibility is earned through winning races obviously, but having the tightest rides and tightest stable of girlfriends is also factored into the mix. In Street Mode, your PDA is the non-racing interface and its here that you'll access your in-game email, calendar and web-browser. Email messages from girlfriends and competitors will be huge because the game's producers claim you'll have instances where you'll have to choose between entering a street race and taking your complaining girlfriend out for a night on the town. There are consequences to each decision. If you take your girl out, she'll stay happy and in your corner, but the fellas will write you off as a punk bitch who's afraid to race. Your credibility takes a hit, but not as much as it would if you lose your girlfriend by choosing to race instead of spend time with her. Showing up to a street race with no honeys on your arm limits the quality of races you can enter since you're obviously not good enough to have any groupies, so who wants to race against you anyway. If you want to go even higher stakes than betting your girlfriend (and who in the hell wouldn't?), you can bet pink slips on your races. It's a good idea to have a backup ride in the garage otherwise your Street Mode career could end suddenly.

The calendar tells you when and where the upcoming illegal and sanctioned races are taking place. The sanctioned races are few and far between over the course of a month, but it's here that you'll be able to wager your girl against a competitor's girl. If you win, you'll get to watch a filmed video segment of your girl in a naughty outfit shaking her ass to contemporary tunes. It's all very similar to what we saw in Acclaim's BMX XXX. Should you lose the race, you'll get to see a short abbreviated clip of your rival's girlfriend doing her thing. But the majority of the races will be illegal street races for dozens or hundreds of dollars that you'll need to buy everything from upgrades, to new cars, to entry fees and travel expenses as you shuttle to Miami, LA and Philadelphia.

The web-browser is where you'll buy and install licensed aftermarket products for your car. Exhaust and body kits are among the parts from companies like Flowmaster and C West that you'll be able to order --at real world prices-- and have delivered to your garage. The interesting twist here is that some parts, like body kits, can take a few days to arrive and a couple more to install, so you'll have to take this into account when you're looking at the calendar scheduling races. Some parts like tires can arrive in a day and be installed in the same day, just in time for a big race the next night. Other more cumbersome parts will keep that specific car out of commission while your mechanics hook it up. Again you'd better have a backup.

The plan is to have more than 20 licensed import vehicles from manufacturers like Toyota and Honda, but with intention to include real time damage physics, there's a chance we'll just have to make do with look-alikes. The cost of the vehicles, like the auto parts, will reflect real world pricing, so you'd better pile up those $200 races mighty quickly if you want to purchase the better cars. The girls in SRS are licensed as well and represent a cross section of the import car magazine cover model industry. That is, the 18 total girlfriends you'll be betting and winning and ogling in video clips in Street Racing Syndicate really are illegal street racing groupies (the racing's illegal, not the girls...we hope) from the Southern California area. Hell, we've even been showcasing them one at a time over on cars.ign.com. As a matter of fact, you can check out Tila right now and look forward to winning, betting and losing her in SRS in a few months. Once you get to know these ladies on IGN, you'll see just how valuable a piece of two-legged bikini-wearing currency every one of them can be in a videogame. Continuing with the theme of realism, the tracks in SRS are all specific segments of the cities mentioned above that have been cordoned off, but unlike Project Gotham Racing you can leave the tracks and go exploring from the get go. When you're racing east through the Hollywood section of LA, you'll notice House of Blues and comedy clubs along the Sunset Strip, but when the race course makes a right turn on Crescent Heights, you can choose to continue down Sunset and see some more sights. You'll lose the race, but you'll get to explore another few miles of Los Angeles on your own.

The physics of the cars in SRS are super heavy so bending a corner will require some pre-planning. Drift racing will be a valuable skill to develop in SRS since many of the racing circuits will be surprisingly tight laps with few straightaways. One element of danger thrown into the illegal street races will be the law-enforcement presence. At any point during an illegal race the cops can show up to bust up the party and you'll have to make an onscreen selection to stay or run away from the cops. Staying means continuing on the race course until you're inevitably caught. Penalties for getting caught may include your car getting impounded and losing any illegal aftermarket parts you may have purchased. The severity of the penalty will vary, but your credibility amongst the racing crowd goes up if you show you're not afraid of one-time. Running away, will open up a new shortcut in front of you --this is why they model the whole city-- and it'll be up to you to lose the cops yourself on the city streets. Since all of your competitors will run away when the cops show up, you don't gain any credibility points when you split, but you do keep your car and all of it sparts.

- xbox.ign.com

ja sshottei
muuten vaikuttas hyvälle, mut ei...ihan oikeesti...sais ny olla vähän muitakin autoja ku riisikupposia...kaikki kun ei niistä hirveesti diggaile...ei mulla oo mitään sitä vastaan, että niitä on, mut pitäs olla muitakin.
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