Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
Kyllä miekan uupuminen vähän harmittaa, onhan se kuitenkin omanlaisensa Zelda-pelien symboli.
Mielenkiintoista lukea kuinka kaikki zelda veteraanit täälä jo analysoi ja pitää tätä varmana tapauksena Itselle ei ole vielä master swordista symbolia tullut pelkkää twilight princessiä pelanneena, eli aivan sama vaikka puuttuis, kunhan pelin laatu pysyis (ja pysyykin!) samana
Nintendo Official Magazine sanoi:Although you may be under the impression that we are still only in the early stages of development, in fact we are well into the making of the game.
What I just told you about MotionPlus is interesting. The fact of the matter is that Wii MotionPlus was actually not conceived at the beginning of the development of this new Wii version of the game. We thought about the possibility of integrating the Wii MotionPlus technology into the Legend of Zelda idea so we then had to start experimenting. Now we have come to the stage where a very convenient result has been realised. In the end, Wii MotionPlus will be something really great for improving the playability of the game.
Simultaneously, our team has been working on making the building blocks regarding the action - the scenarios, dungeon-making, and so on. We are well under way and we are not in the early stages of development. As soon as I go back to Japan I am really keen on brushing up the existing elements of the game and bringing our plan to fruition. I hope that we can show you something at the E3 show and it is something that we are hopeful will be surprising.
1UP / Haastattelu Famitsussa sanoi:"We've been working on Zelda since last year," Aonuma told the magazine. "Right now we're just at the point where we've got the core of it down, the way we'll be having players play the game. By E3 in June we'll likely have the core gameplay out in playable form; we want that so people can get an idea of what the game's like to experience."
Aonuma also revealed that the new Zelda will work exclusively with the Wii Motion Plus attachment. "I wasn't sure about this at first, but once we put that compatibility in, it felt so natural," he noted. "Link's sword and your remote function completely as one, and I really couldn't imagine going back to how it was."
Tällainen ketju löytyy myös: Twilight Princess vai Ocarina of Time?
Twilight Princess on kuitenkin tässä vaiheessa paras pelattava. Sen jälkeen voi edetä vanhoihin peleihin, jos jää hinku pelata lisää Zeldaa. Master Questia ei välttämättä kannata ensimmäisenä kokeilla, se on luolastopuzzlejen osalta vaikeutettu versio Ocarinasta.
Kannattaa harkita myös Majora's Maskin lataamista Virtuaalikonsolista, ennen esim. Wind Wakerin pelaamista.
Kiitos linkistä. Luin läpi ja eikön tuo TP ole se mistä kannattaa aloittaa, ja katsoa sitten kiinnostaako kokeilla vanhempia Zeldoja.
Mutta miksi Majora's Mask ennen Wind Wakeria?
Wind Waker näyttää mielenkiintoiselta sarjakuvamaisella grafiikallaan..
Mutta miksi Majora's Mask ennen Wind Wakeria?
And from some of the things that [Nintendo president Satoru] Iwata has talked about, and that we will talk about at E3, like Zelda, you know that we're going to have a good back half of the year, as well.