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Nimi: Saints Row
Kehittäjä: Volition
Julkaisija: Deep Silver
Alustat: PC/Playstation/Xbox
Lajityyppi: open world toiminta
Julkaisu: 25.2.2022
Check out the full feature list:
Witness the Birth of The Saints – Play through an action blockbuster original story full of criminality, extraordinary scenes and signature surprises laced with humor.
Discover the Weird, Wild, West – Dive in to Santo Ileso, the biggest and best Saints Row playground ever, spread across nine unique districts surrounded by the vast, majestic beauty of the Southwest Desert.
Build Your Criminal Empire – Take over the city block by block, wage war against enemy factions and tighten your grip on the streets with ingenious criminal ventures.
Fire Guns. LOTS of Guns – Shoot revolvers from the hip, fire and forget with a rocket launcher, or obliterate up close using melee heavyweights, complete with brutal takedowns. A vast variety of familiar and exotic weapons, all customizable, and all deadly fun.
Take to the Streets and the Skies – Blast through urban and desert environments in any one of the cars, bikes, planes, helicopters, VTOLs, hoverbikes, hoverboards, go-karts or equip your wingsuit to swoop around.
Unprecedented Customization – Create the Boss of your dreams, with the most extensive character customization suite ever seen in the series, then complete the look with incredible options for weapons and vehicles.
Seamless Co-Op – Experience everything on offer with a friend at any time, via fully untethered drop-in / drop-out co-op, skipping the need to take either of you out of the outlandish action; play nice together, or play all new pranks on your team mate. After all, who’s the Boss now?
Witness the Birth of The Saints – Play through an action blockbuster original story full of criminality, extraordinary scenes and signature surprises laced with humor.
Discover the Weird, Wild, West – Dive in to Santo Ileso, the biggest and best Saints Row playground ever, spread across nine unique districts surrounded by the vast, majestic beauty of the Southwest Desert.
Build Your Criminal Empire – Take over the city block by block, wage war against enemy factions and tighten your grip on the streets with ingenious criminal ventures.
Fire Guns. LOTS of Guns – Shoot revolvers from the hip, fire and forget with a rocket launcher, or obliterate up close using melee heavyweights, complete with brutal takedowns. A vast variety of familiar and exotic weapons, all customizable, and all deadly fun.
Take to the Streets and the Skies – Blast through urban and desert environments in any one of the cars, bikes, planes, helicopters, VTOLs, hoverbikes, hoverboards, go-karts or equip your wingsuit to swoop around.
Unprecedented Customization – Create the Boss of your dreams, with the most extensive character customization suite ever seen in the series, then complete the look with incredible options for weapons and vehicles.
Seamless Co-Op – Experience everything on offer with a friend at any time, via fully untethered drop-in / drop-out co-op, skipping the need to take either of you out of the outlandish action; play nice together, or play all new pranks on your team mate. After all, who’s the Boss now?
KFIN(FleeingNevada): Saints Row kertoo tarinan rikosimperiumin perustamisesta nykyhetken amerikassa. Vaikka toiminta sijoittuu fiktiiviseen kaupunkiin jossain etelävaltioiden rajamailla, Volition painottaa tarinan ammentavan tämän päivän aiheista.
Uudet tuulet tuovat mukanaan myös pävitetyt päähenkilöt, mutta pelaajan hahmona on edelleen nimetön Pomo, josta voi muokata mieleisensä.
Volition lupaa hahmoista vähintään yhtä värikkäitä kuin vanhempien Saints Row -pelien antisankareista. Pomon ohella porukkaa värittävät Eli, entinen moguli, josta piti tulla seuraava Bill Gates. Automekaanikkojen kuningatar Neenah, joka kaipaa omaa vapautta oravanpyörästä. Kolmantena porukkaan liittyy jengejä idolisoiva Kevin, joka pelin aikana tulee löytämään paikkansa suuremmista kuvioista kuin olisi voinut kuvitella. Kaiken tämän keskellä on pelaaja, jolle luvataan entistä vapaammat kädet loihtia hahmostaan itsensä näköinen.

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