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A TALE OF TWO GUARDIANS / Uudet Destinyn pelaajat ja Refer-A-Friend ominaisuus

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja XShava
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä


KonsoliFIN Alumni

Destinyssä on tätä nykyä Refer-A-Friend ominaisuus, eli vanhat pelaajat voivat avustaa uusia pelaajia. Se mikä tässä kiinnostaa, on tästä saatavat palkinnot. Veteraniksi hyväksytään kaikki The Taken King omistajat, jotka pelanneet yli 7 -vuorokautta. Referees vaatii sen, ettei ole Destinyä pelannut (Mikäli oikein ymmärtänyt, ettei omista The Taken Kingiä).

Tänään perjantaina 27.11.2015 (Näyttää olevan tarjouksessa 1.12.2015 asti) The Taken King + Destiny on tarjouksessa Storessa noin 45 Eur hintaan.


Lisätietoja täältä:

Referees are new players looking to play Destiny: The Taken King with a Veteran.
Players may qualify for referral for 7 days when playing Destiny: The Taken King for the first time after purchase.
Only players who qualify for Referee status may accept a referral.
Referees may only accept a single referral.
Veteran status is automatically granted once a player logs into Destiny: The Taken King.

Please note:
If a Pending, Accepted, or Active Link is cancelled after accepting a referral, you may only accept another referral from the same Veteran.
If you qualify for both Veteran and Referee status, accepting a referral will have no impact on pending referrals you've sent to other players.

In order to form a Link to a Veteran, you must have played Destiny: The Taken King and created a profile on Bungie.net. To form a Link to a Veteran, follow the steps below:

Follow the referral link that a Veteran has provided you.
If you have not created a Bungie.net profile, you will asked to create one.
Follow the steps to Link to a Veteran. Ensure that you are linking to your Veteran on the correct console platform (e.g. PlayStation 4 or Xbox One)
If you see an incorrect platform, you will need a new referral for the correct platform.
It may take up to an hour for your completed Link to appear in-game.
Once Linked, the Quest "A Tale of Two Guardians" will be available from the Speaker in the Tower.

*Please note: If your referral link is not working, please check with the Veteran to ensure that the referral is still available.
If none of these steps solved your problem, you may return to the help page to seek other answers.

Players have the ability to view the Quest progress for their own characters and those of their Linked friends under the Refer-a-Friend tab.
Both Veteran and Referee must acquire the Quest "A Tale of Two Guardians" for progress to appear on Bungie.net

Players may also track their Quest progress in Destiny, under the Quests tab in Character Inventory.

* Please note: It may take up to an hour for your Link to appear in-game. You will be unable to complete Quest steps until this has completed.

Q: What is Refer-a-Friend?
A: Refer-a-Friend allows existing players to refer new players to Destiny: The Taken King so that both players can earn exclusive in-game rewards by completing the Quest "A Tale of Two Guardians" with each other.

Q: Who can send referrals?
A: Veterans: Existing players who have played Destiny: The Taken King and have installed the most recent Destiny update.

Q: Who can be referred?
A: Referees: Players who don’t own Destiny: The Taken King.

Q: What console platforms is Refer-a-Friend available on?
A: Refer-a-Friend is only available on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.

Q: What if I have been playing Destiny: The Taken King on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360?
A: Players may qualify for Referee status when upgrading if they have played for less than 7 days, between consoles of the same family. After this period, Veteran status is granted.

Q: How do I form a Link with other players?
A: In order to initiate an in-game Link, players must link to each other through Bungie.net. Refer-a-Friend features are not currently available in the Destiny Companion App.

If you are a Referee, follow these steps.
If you are a Veteran, follow these steps.

Q: How do I know if I've formed a Link?
A: Players may verify that they have formed a Link on Bungie.net through the Refer-a-Friend tab.
In-game, Linked players will display a "Linked" icon to the right of their PlayStation Network ID or Xbox Live Gamertag in the Roster tab of Character Inventory.

Q: How do I earn rewards?
A: Players may earn rewards when completing steps of the Quest "A Tale of Two Guardians" with Linked friends.
The Quest "A Tale of Two Guardians" will become available from the Speaker in the Tower after forming a Link.
Quest steps will only be marked as complete if they are active on a character while in a Fireteam with a Linked friend.

Q: Why does my friend show "This user is ineligible for this referral" under Pending referrals?
A: Both players have played Destiny: The Taken King for more than 7 days. Neither qualify for Referee status.

Q: Why am I being asked to purchase the game if I’ve already played Destiny: The Taken King?
A: Bungie does not support console sharing features. Players must own Destiny: The Taken King under their personal PlayStation Network/Xbox Live account in order to qualify for Referee status in the Refer-a-Friend program.

Q: I accidentally cancelled my Link with another player. What should I do?
A: If you are a Referee, you may only accept a new referral from your original Veteran. You may not accept new referrals from other Veterans.
If you are a Veteran, you may create and send a new referral to your Referee.

Q: Where do I view my Linked friends and Quest progress?
A: Players have the ability to view the Quest progress for their own characters and those of their Linked friends under the Refer-a-Friend tab.

All qualifying players may view their personal progress within Destiny, under the Quests tab in Character Inventory.

Q: Where do I recover my rewards?
A: Rewards can be recovered through their respective Collections in the Tower. More information can be found at this Help Article.
If an Infinite Edge sword is Dismantled or Infused, another can be purchased from Lord Shaxx in the Tower.
Vastaus: A TALE OF TWO GUARDIANS / Uudet Destinyn pelaajat ja Refer-A-Friend ominaisuus

Mikäli löytyy uusia Destinyn pelaajia, alustana PlayStation4, jotka ovat pelanneet alle 7 -vuorokautta. Niin tässä oma Veteran linkkini, laita myös PSN kaverikutsu tunnukselle XShava.

https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-H7T-TJA-K9R (Käytetty)
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: A TALE OF TWO GUARDIANS / Uudet Destinyn pelaajat ja Refer-A-Friend ominaisuus

Destinyn pari päivää sitten aloittaneena jos joku viitsisi pistää referin tulemaan PSN ID Jonssii, kiitos. Myös muukin peliseura pelin tiimoilta kiinnostaisi.
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