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First Battlefield 3 End Game DLC details - Battlefield 3
DICE and EA have revealed the first details about the upcoming Battlefield 3 DLC called End Game. The DLC will be the final one for Battlefield 3, and will be released in March 2013.
In the upcoming issue of Game Informer, it’s revealed that End Game and its maps are “designed for high speed combat and action”. The new features include a drop ship which can deploy vehicles around the map, and a capture the flag game mode as well.
Battlefield 3 End Game will include 4 new maps, three new vehicles (including dirt bikes), capture the flag game mode, and more. As mentioned, End Game will be released in March 2013 and will be free to all Premium members, while others will likely pay the same amount as they did for the other DLC: $15.
Stay tuned for more info soon. Check out the full DLC details on the
official page.
Air Superiority mode coming to End Game DLC - Battlefield 3
The final Battlefield 3 DLC, End Game, will be out in a few months and DICE just revealed some major news: the Air Superiority mode will be back in Battlefield 3 with End Game. Air Superiority was last seen in Battlefield 1943, the downloadable Battlefield game that was released a few years ago.
The objective in Air Superiority is to eliminate enemy aircraft and have more jets in the air than the enemy. In Battlefield 1943, the mode basically worked as Conquest with one huge capture point where players had to be within, in order to capture it.
Besides Air Superiority, End Game will also include Capture the Flag, another game mode from older Battlefield games.