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Nimi: Fantasian: Neo Dimension
Kehittäjä: Mistwalker
Julkaisija: Square Enix
Alustat: PS4/5, Xbox Series, PC, Switch
Lajityyppi: Vuoropohjainen RPG
Julkaisu: 5.12.2024
Kotisivut: https://fantasianneodimension.square-enix-games.com/en-us
KonsoliFIN Pelisivu: https://www.konsolifin.net/peli/fantasian-neo-dimension
The Father of FINAL FANTASY, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and renowned composer Nobuo Uematsu return to deliver an original RPG story.
Mechteria—a deathly mechanical infection that robs humans of their emotions and lives—is slowly engulfing the world.
The protagonist Leo awakens with only one memory left to him in a strange land abundant with machines.
The human world, threatened by mechteria... a machine world, filled with mysteries... and the unseen dimensions that lie beyond both.
Using the Warp Device that was left behind, Leo must now embark on an interdimensional journey to reclaim his lost memories and save the world from the mechteria infection.
Final Fantasyn isä ja Nobuo Uematsu kun lyöttäytyy yhteen on lupa odottaa jotain maagista, ei varmaan ihan julkaisussa lähde ostoon mutta jossain vaiheessa tulee kyllä katsastettua vieläkö sieltä saadaan ulos laadukasta fantasiaa.

FANTASIAN Neo Dimension Reviews
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 72 critics, with an overall average score of 81. It's ranked in the top 17% of games and recommended by 81% of critics.