Noniin nyt on sitten EA CHAT myös tuttu:
Catalogista ostetut tavarat eivät näy FUT:issa
Hi there! Seems that you have a concern within the game itself so let me connect you to our gaming advisors who will further investigate this issue for you. Your chat got accidentally routed to our hardware console support group so please stay connected, one of our gaming advisors will be with you shortly.
- ensin ohjattiin väärään paikkaan, ei haittaa
Thanks for holding, my name's Amaresh, with Electronic Arts. I'll be just one more moment as I go over your case notes, then we can get started.
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Oh ,I understand that you did not receive your Purchased items in Catalog.
Let me address that issue for you. Before we proceed, may I have your real name and email address to locate your account please?
- annoin omat tietoni
May I know how many FC coins,you had used to purchase items?
- tämä oli vaikeampi kysymys mutta 5,000-10,000 FCC
We have received reports that many players are experiencing the same issue that they are unable to receive their items in Catalog after purchasing.
I would request you to please post it on forum:
- eli nähtävästi tämä ongelma on muillakin, mutta tuo linkki johti jonnekkin ihan ihme mestaan
Though I know that you are eager to get more information and I know its upsetting to not get more out of me, but what I can do for you though is to attempt to make you smile at-least. I know its frustrating and I hope that returning your 5000 FC coins in your account could help you cheer up a little.It is my limit what I can add in your account.
- 5,000 nähtävästi maksimi
being FIFA fan, I can understand your issue. However it has been considered as known issue.
Our team is actively investigating this problem and working on a resolution.
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