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Vastaus: http://www.mrskinner.com/

Satuin huomaamaan, että tuolla Gameconsoleskinin kauttahan voi saada koneeseensa kiinni omat designitkin. Eli menee tänne ja selaa alaspäin, lataa muotin ja alkaa taiteilemaan.

http://www.gameconsoleskins.com/skinforge.htm sanoi:

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are in the middle of updating the system. Due to the enormous popularity of this service we are adding an additional OC3 line as well as 6 more servers to handle to load. In the mean time you can take a look at our tips and directions here Level3 has promised to have the additional OC3 circuit operational no later than 1-15-2005. If you need something made right away please contact customer service and they will provide you with directions on getting your template to us for processing.

Since you are waiting you might as well start designing. Grab a template below! Attention PhotoShop CS power users, be sure your pixel aspect ration is set to Square. At the moment we can not process NTSC or PAL formatted images. If you don't know what this means, dont worry about it :)

Hmmh, voiskin ladata tuosta sivun alhaalta templatet PS2:lle ja viritellä oma kuva siihen...
Netti mukavasti pullollaan hyviä kuvia mistä sais hienoo arttia koneeseen.
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