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Hunt: Showdown 1896

Oottekos räplännyt pelin sisäistä gamma? Kokeilin tänään, nostin vähän ja peli näytti vähän huonolta ja pilaa vain tunnelmaa ja alkaa "harmaantumaan" Ehkä tietyllä tapaa epäselvempikin. Tosin voi olla, että säkkipimeässä saa vähän eteen? Mene ja tiedä. Mikä asetus teillä on tulilla? Tai muita kokemuksia. Sen ainakin totesin, että omalla TV on turha ainakaan laskea. Tulee liian pimiä. Jollain OLED ehkä voisinkin ja näyttäisi vieläkin ihanammalta yömapit ehkäpä.
Tietsikalle päivitys. Suottaapi olla, että nimenomaan tästä versiosta leivotaan konsoleiden build. Kuulemani mukaan toimii PC versio jo aikas hyvin päivityksen jälkeisen hässäköinnin jälkeen. Konsolipäivitys häämöttää parin viikon päässä.

Update 1.3.1
Client version: v1.3.1.108; SteamBuildID: 4940936; Download Size: ~315 MB

(Please note: We currently only have US East and Oceania regions available for testing.)



  • Decoy Fuses now play a tiny explosion sound when they explode.
Death Screen:

  • Improved and added text transition to the Death Screen for an overall smoother transition.
  • The Detail button is now a toggle, similarly to the Damage history button.

  • The Louisiana Legacy DLC is now available in the store, containing two illustrious firearms: Mountain Air and Antebellum Wit. Check it out NOW!



  • Fixed some client crashes.
  • Fixed cases when player could get nothing from item boxes.
  • Fixed edge case where the Packmule trait would not work as expected.
  • Fixed a number of cases where weapons on the ground could not be looted.
  • Fixed a number of cases where weapon would not be equipped after switching it (no arms/hands and weapon rendered).
  • Fixed the too quick disconnection at the end of the quickplay round so that Quickplay end of rounds animations are played before returning to the menu.
  • Fixed the missing explosive icon for the Bomb Lance in the store and equipment screens.
  • Fixed a number of minor animation issues.
  • Fixed a number of minor localization issues.

  • Fixed a bug where the crosshair on LeMat shotgun would change with changing stance.

  • Death screen: Fixed a bug where selected hunter for Bounty Hunt got displayed instead of selected hunter for Quickplay.
  • Death screen: Extracted players will no longer break the death screen.
  • Death screen: In Damage History the health bars should be representative like in the game.
  • Death screen: Fixed a bug where kills / Death value on death screen player profile would show too many decimal digits.
  • Death screen: Fixed a bug where being killed while having the options menu open, resulted in no death screen shown.
  • Fixed a bug where users couldn't switch contracts twice in a row on the contract screen because the button doesn't update to ACCEPT.
  • General: Fixed a bug where players banned for cheating did not receive a proper error message when being kicked from loading into a game.
  • Kill View: Fixed a bug where leaving mission while being in the kill view would break the screen for the next times the player dies.
  • Spectator: Fixed a bug where the 'You're being revived' message when being revived while spectating was missing.
  • Weapon Preview: Fixed a bug where pressing 'esc' in the 3D view exited the view but displayed the weapon still in the background.



  • Client can occasionally crash during gameplay.
  • Clients can crash on resolution change.
  • The players can experience desync between client and server (walking on edges / slopes).
Visuals & Audio

  • Minor animation issues can occur when switching between weapons/items or during exhausted attacks.
  • In certain small areas reverb is missing or applied where it shouldn't.
  • Detail texture terrain blending is not working correct.
  • Fog partially not rendered if observed through gaps.
  • No poison audio played when player is bleeding/burning and poisoned at the same time.
  • Strong shadow flickering on hunters and objects in menu and in-game.
  • Player caused audio instantly stops when the player extracts.
  • The decoys and ammo box shadows are floating around the player in 1p after using them once.
  • Some assets are not rendered as far as they should, making them not visible over larger distances.
  • Lantern Oil puddle does not have burning audio.
  • Spectating the winner of a QP Match results in a random Hunter Death Scream when being returned to own Death Screen.
  • Sometimes the underground audio is not muffle depending on the position of the player above the ground.
  • Player is unable to fire when fast switching from an iron sight shot to fanning.
Gameplay & AI

  • Player can get stuck while picking up clue and climbing ladder at the same time.
  • Player leaves crouch unintentionally on certain key combinations.
  • Sometimes after picking up a gun with a hunter that has a ironsight related trait he can't aim down sight.
  • Sometimes a downed hunter doesn't get set on fire even tho he is complete in the flames.
  • Quickplay: when trading kills with the wellspring carrier, players might keep their hunter despite dying.
  • Ammo replenishment of quad derringer doesn't work correctly in Quickplay.
  • Gunslinger has different sensitivities for melee weapons and normal guns.
  • Weapon is wrongfully re-selected when using a consumable and switching to another consumable.
  • Consumable replenishment after re-spawn can give the wrong amount of items.
  • Picking up items from a specific lootbox at a supply point near Blanchet Graves doesn't work.
  • Bells don't always ring when triggered indirectly (explosions, etc ...).
  • Trip mines can visually look active when they got already deactivated.
  • It can happen that player model is stuck on spawn but the player can still move.
  • Standing close in front of a window and light meleeing doesn't break the window.
  • One of the 3 caged dogs might survive shot lantern for a while.
  • Hand crossbow poison doesn't kill crows and ducks.
  • Razor wire can damage a player through walls.
  • Despite having weapons on the hunter, empty hands might shown after dropping a world item.
  • If a hunter joins without his primary weapon slot equipped, he cant pick up looted weapons from dead hunters.
  • Weapons can be client side on the wrong position and therefore not be looted.
  • Sometimes weapon can drop on top of each other and it is hard to loot the correct one.
  • Damage to assassin with explosives ( sticky bomb ) is inconsistent,
  • Meathead is sometimes missing leeches and may not react to the player.
  • Meathead attack can deal too much damage.
  • Meathead can sometimes get stuck at corners.
  • Looting a Hunter in QP can sometimes give no loot at all.
  • Quad derringer ammunition goes directly into the chamber when interacting with an item box.
  • Ammo replenishment of quad derringer doesn't work correctly in Quickplay.

  • Player can get stuck when accepting an invite while in the tutorial summary screen.
  • Crosshair size changes on different resolutions.
  • Shadow for weapons and hunter missing on the death screen.
  • Player can't open weapon wheel while waiting for other players.
  • New host in a team of three doesn't have an invite button after specific steps.
  • Token lightning symbols visible on map on first time map is opened after game start.
  • Statistic tab only updates on tab change.
  • After assigning the "F" key to another function, it can't be reassigned to its two original functions.
  • No discard prompt when unequipping a contraband legendary while already having one of the kind.
  • Equipped weapon isn't always displayed on top of the list in the equipment screen.
  • Weapon wheel shows charges for empty consumable slots after revive.
  • Hunter with empty background gets displayed between concluded matchmaking and loading screen.
  • Sell/Sell all causes that selected item in inventory list and different item in selected slot get sold.
  • Buy button triggers buy+equip after equipping an item with double click.
  • Interact and Dark Sight can be assigned to the same button.
  • After unloading from a mission previous search text is invisible but still active.
  • Cleaning a weapon will cause the focus of the selection to select a different item .
  • Chat box overlaps drop down for the 'scope' on the leaderboard.
  • Players are able to quit group by spamming the ready/unready button.
  • Doing resolution changes and window mode changes at the same time does not work correctly and leads to cursor/button misalignment.
  • Challenge progress only gets displayed after the challenge count got updated.
  • Replacing a consumable with another one won't jump to next free slot.
  • Equipment bar numbers don't always get updated for the quad derringer after interacting with an item box.
  • Two hud indicators for bullets from quad derringer get displayed when replenishing it.
  • Boss token icon is flickering and doesn't stay in position when moving camera.
  • Inspect icon in lobby screen picture switches everytime the inspect window gets opened.
  • HUD instantly disappears when switching from/to the LeMat in shotgun mode.
  • Missing the "+" icon when unlocking a new weapon in book of weapons.
  • Quickplay screen doesn't update on region switch.
  • Bounty indicator lines may be wrong after some bounty extracted .
  • Health regen is calculated ( subtracted ) from damage values in damage history.
  • Wrong hunter will be shown when killer is back in lobby ( with his hunter been dead ) .
  • Death screen: Glass from bottles isn't visible.
  • Damage history shows any damage that you made to yourself as "killed yourself".
  • Health regen is calculated ( subtracted ) from damage values in damage history.

~The Hunt Team
Viimeksi muokattu:
Puhekeskustelut tässä kuulee vihollisetkin jos lähellä, ovat kuten kaveritkin, mutta miten on tekstichatin laita? Jossain muistelisin että myös tekstit näkyisi kaikille, mutta epäilyttää kun ei ole näiden tuntien saatossa ikinä vihollispelaajien viestejä näkynyt ruudussa.

Lisäksi onko tietoa onko nuissa viesteissä joku etäisyys raja, että pitää kaverinkin olla tarpeeksi lähellä että menevät perille?
Puhekeskustelut tässä kuulee vihollisetkin jos lähellä, ovat kuten kaveritkin, mutta miten on tekstichatin laita? Jossain muistelisin että myös tekstit näkyisi kaikille, mutta epäilyttää kun ei ole näiden tuntien saatossa ikinä vihollispelaajien viestejä näkynyt ruudussa.

Lisäksi onko tietoa onko nuissa viesteissä joku etäisyys raja, että pitää kaverinkin olla tarpeeksi lähellä että menevät perille?

En osaa varmaksi sanoa, koska en ole pelannut tietsikalla sekuntiakaan. Mutta se on yksi perus juttu Huntissa, että koskaan et voi tietää 100% varmuudella oletko mapissa yksin vaiko onko siellä muitakin Huntereita vielä lymyilemässä ja ehkä tähtää sinua juuri nyt. Peli onnistuu luomaan loistavasti sellainen vainoharhaisen ja piinaavan tunnelman tuon ansiosta. Jos olisi Global chat se pilaisi koko jutun, eli olen aika varma että muille kuin omalle tiimilli ei voi chatata. (siis ainakin siinä tapauksessa, että se ei olisi proximity-pohjainen chat)

En osaa sanoa varmuudella tuosta etäisyysasiasta tekstichatissa, mutta pikagoogletus osoitti että ainakin joskus se on ollut samaan tapaan kuin puheäänet eli toimii vain lähellä....eli ehkä chat vihulaisellekin voisi ehkä toimia. Pelissä vaan tuppaa olemaan yleensä vähän tiukka paikka silloin kun on lähellä, että siinä voi jäädä terveiset kirjoittamatta. :D
Huomenna mennään sitten konsolillakin 1.3 merkeissäYEY!

Maquannas | Community ManagerToday at 4:08 PM
@here Hunters, Tomorrow we'll deploy the 1.3 update at 9:00 AM CEST! Estimated downtime will be 3 hours. Extract before that time to avoid losing your hunter.

Heh. Juuri kun asiasta täällä kysyin niin eilen tuli vastaan tilanne, jossa ensimmäistä kertaa pääsin lukemaan vihollisen tekstiä chatistä (125 pelituntia sekin vaati). Näkyi nimi punaisella ja jotain saksaa latelivat. Olin varmaan noin 5m etäisyydellä vastustajasta tuossa tilanteessa (samassa talossa alemmassa kerroksessa stillwater bendissä). Hauska tilanne siinäkin syntyi kun olin enää yksin elossa omasta tiimistä ja vastustajia nämä kolme. Olivat ampuneet molemmat kaverini kauas pellolle ja kyttäsivät sinnikkäästi minuakin sinne. Talossa ollessani yksi vihollinen oli pihalla tähtäimessäni pitkän ajan kunnes lopulta kääntyi kohti ja selvästi näki minut. Jouduin läsäyttää revolverillä pollaan ja olin varma, että paljastuin samalla muillekin. Kaverinsa olivat tosiaan saman talon yläkerrassa ja ainoa mitä puheistaan ymmärsin oli Sniper tjsp. Luulivat varmaan että tuoreelta kuollut kaverinsa ampui siinä vieressä, kun olinkin minä joka hänet niittasi. Aikansa kyttäämällä sain nämä kuolleen kaverinsakin yllätettyä samaan läjään, kun menivät kaatunutta veljeä nostamaan peräkkäin hiipien. Ei nyt sinällään kehuttava uroteko tuolla lailla kyttäämällä, mutta kyllä tässä pelissä vain ylipäätään tuntuu tulevan poikkeuksellisen paljon muistoihin jääviä hetkiä.

125h tosiaan mittarissa ja 3 prestige lähenee ja peli koukuttaa yhä samalla lailla kuin alkutunteinakin. Jatkuvasti oppii myös yhä uusia juttuja.

Ja hienoa että saa konsolitkin 1.3 päivityksen. Erinomainen sisältö. Toivottavasti menee ongelmitta ja pääsee nauttimaan pelistä. Viikonloppuna tuntui serverit olevan pc:llä poikkeuksellisen lagiset ja bugiakin tuli vastaan (joihinka olen itse todella harvoin törmännyt). Yksi peli oli sellainenkin, jossa ei chatti eikä mikrofonikeskustelu toiminut ollenkaan ja toisessa luultiin että peli on "tyhjä", kun kaikki zombitkin ilmaantui mukaan vasta noin 5min ihmettelyn jälkeen.
Nyt tuli päivitys ainakin pleikalle ja patch noteissa luki, että nyt on konsoleiden välinen crossplay päällä. :)
The Eagle has landed! Illalla testiin ja tosiaan nyt saattaa tömäillä myös toisen konsolialustan pelaajiin. En ole vielä kerennyt perehtymään voinko myös tiimiytyä eri alustan pelaajan kanssa, ilmeisesti ainakaan kutsua ei pysty laittaa mutta random partner kautta saattaa tulla. Pitää testailla!

1.3 Patch notesit:

Update 1.3 - Xbox One & PlayStation 4

Post image
Update 1.3
The long-awaited Crossplay function between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is here! You can now find partners using both consoles when looking for Random partner(s). Currently invites only work for players using their own platforms.
(Teaming up with a player using the same console shows the corresponding platform's icon, while grouping with a player using the other platform shows a controller icon.)

New AI Variations
We have added two new AI variations to the game. You will now find the Grunt Doctor, who deals poison damage and drops a medical kit after being killed, and the Concertina Armored, covered in concertina wires causing bleeding damage, wandering in the swamps.

New Time of Day: Sunset
The Sun has set in the Bayou, a new time of day is here! You can now explore the swamps in brand new lighting. Depending on how you move through the Bayou, you can use the sun to gain an advantage over your enemies in a fight.

New Equipment
This update features two new weapon variants, the "Martini-Henry IC1 Marksman" and the "Mosin-Nagant M1891 Obrez Drum", a new tool, the "Decoy Fuses", as well as a new trait, ’’Levering”, allowing lever-action rifles to rapid-fire from the shoulder, giving the Winfield rifles a previously unseen new layer of tactical flexibility at close quarters.

Weapon Changes
The powerful Avtomat rocks a new look and gameplay rework this update, making it harder to control at range with a slightly increased rate of fire and more ammo drain. The update also adds a slight ear ringing effect when you unload your weapons too fast. Additionally, our current damage and projectile system sees a major balancing pass in 1.3 that helps some of the weaker ammo types to keep their damage better up to medium distance. More details can be found further below!

Improved Death Screen and Lobby
Update 1.3 brings a reworked partner inspection screen to the lobby where you are able to look at your fellow Hunters in more detail, as well as a new Death Screen, that additionally displays the enemy player’s hunter and their gear.

New Legendary Content
The Anniversary skin contest winner skin is finally here. We have also added a new Legendary Hunter as well as several additional Legendary Weapons. You can unlock those with Blood Bonds from the in-game menu. In addition, you can find brand new DLC packs in the store – Zhong Kui, Fire Fight, The Arcane Archaeologist, The Seeker Bundle, The Uncanny Bundle and The Gunslinger Bundle. Make sure to check them out!

Update on previously reported issues
  • We are aware that crashes have affected many player's overall experience, and we are looking into these with the highest priority. Until now, we were not able to track the errors properly, but included with this update, we have added markers to help us identify the cause of the reported crashes mainly on PlayStation. Unfortunately, this update does not include fixes for these issues yet, but will help us tackle them much quicker and fix them as soon as possible with a Hotfix.
  • Implemented various Bug fixes to reported problems.

1.3 Issues
  • The DLC Bundle images appear incorrectly in the store, make sure to read the description before buying them.
  • We have noticed some rendering issues on the PS4, we will keep you updated regarding this.

Doctor Grunt

  • New Grunt AI variation
  • Carries a medical kit (similar to the ones players can find at resupply stations or randomly in the world) on his back that he drops when killed.
  • Wields a rusty bone saw that causes poison damage.

Concertina Armored
  • New Armored AI variation.
  • Fully entangled in concertina wire, this Armored causes bleeding damage when a Hunter gets too close.
  • More resistant to melee attacks in general.
  • Less resistant to all types of bullets.

  • Hunter Footsteps
  • Adjusted the pitch of footsteps to sound slightly higher for teammates and slightly lower for enemies compared to Player footsteps.
  • Slightly increased the audible distance of breaking branches that can be found in forest areas.

Mosin-Nagant M1891 Obrez Drum
  • An Obrez variant that features the 15 round drum magazine known from the Avtomat variant on this classic bolt-action.
  • With a 15/0 ammo pool, total ammunition remains the same however, the Obrez Drum does not need to be reloaded during a fight.
  • Available in the Mosin-Nagant M1891 unlock tree within the Book of Weapons, found between the Mosin-Nagant Sniper and Mosin-Nagant Avtomat variants.

Henry-Martini IC1 Marksman
  • A Martini-Henry variant with an attached medium-sized marksman scope for increased ranged capabilities.
  • Available at the end of the Martini-Henry unlock tree in the Book of Weapons.

Decoy Fuses
  • New tool with three charges.
  • Mimics a lit explosive when thrown, but does not explode or deal damage after its fuse time.
  • Can be used to deceive opponents and flush them out of cover.
  • Can be used to break stalemates by pushing into seemingly hazardous positions.
  • New unlock option for the Deception tree in the Book of Weapons.
  • Decoy Fuses play a tiny explosion sound when they explode.

Levering Trait
  • A new trait that allows lever-action rifles like the Winfield series to rapid-fire when aiming from the shoulder.
  • Hard to control, but allows shots to be fired at a staggering rate of fire. Levering gives additional flexibility in close range to stand your ground against Shotguns and other rapid-fire weapons.
  • Like "Fanning" for single-action revolvers, Levering does not work when aiming down sights (ADS).

  • Reworked Chaos Bomb patterns and added more weapon sounds for it to be more likely interpreted as real gunfights.
  • Improved handling of successive heavy melee attacks for some bayonet and talon variants.
  • Improved handling of successive heavy melee attacks for the crossbow.
  • Systemically - just like with Levering - Fanning now also causes slightly increased crosshair spread bloom compared to when firing it normally.
  • Consistency pass made on the time it takes to get 100% accuracy when entering scope view across all aperture, deadeye, marksman and sniper weapon variants.
  • Derringer, Throwing Knives, Decoys and Blankfire Decoys are now 100% refilled when their tool slot is randomly chosen for resupply upon looting a dead Hunter or using an Item Box. All other items still only receive one extra use per interaction.
  • Reduced the stamina cost for Heavy Attacks with the Knuckle Knife to allow 6 instead of 4 heavy attacks

Damage-Drop Rework
  • Balancing pass for weapon projectiles that increases damage-retention over distance based on bullet type:
  • In general damage drop curves have been smoothened out, resulting in most projectiles losing less damage as they travel.
  • Compact Bullets have seen the biggest boost, most notably the Winfield rifles, retaining their damage much better at medium to long-distance also resulting in overall increased effective range for headshot kills.
  • New Compact Pistol Bullet and Medium Pistol Bullet sub-classes have been introduced to better help balance rifles vs. handguns using the same Compact or Medium ammo class.

  1. So far this was only the case for Long ammo with the Uppercut, which has a stronger damage drop over distance than Long ammo rifles in comparison.
  2. The new pistol variants help ensure that the headshot range boost does not go through the roof for handguns for those cases where we want to boost rifles.
  3. Powerful handguns like the Uppercut and Dolch now receive a stronger competition at short to medium distances as they remain largely unchanged when it comes to damage per shot or headshot range compared to their smaller cousins.

Developer Note:
The rework of how projectiles lose damage over distance is a pretty big change, touching most of the weapons in the arsenal in one way or another. However, the actual gameplay changes should be pretty minimal for the majority of these weapons, and only affect those we actually want to boost. The weapons we wanted to benefit the most from this balancing pass are the Winfield rifles and the Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine to boost Compact bullets, as well as the Vetterli Karabiner 71 and Springfield 1866 rifles for Medium bullets. All of these weapons will most noticeably have an increase in their two-tap chest shot capability, which in the case of the Winfield goes from around 25m up to 40m+ meters, making that weapon overall a lot stronger short to mid-range. Headshot range is also buffed quite a bit, placing the Winfield where the Vetterli was before, and the Vetterli going up to long distances of 150m+.

As a secondary goal, most Compact ammo handguns see a slight boost, but that is most noticeable with increased chest shot damage and extra headshot range as well, moving them to where the Winfield was positioned prior. Due to the systemic nature of these balancing changes, most Compact, Medium and Long bullet weapons see a change in some way, except for shotguns, which remain untouched! The detailed list of headshot range changes can be found below.

The Winfield has been struggling to find its place in the meta, being at an awkward spot and getting a lot of pressure from shotguns, semi-automatics, and fanning pistols at short-range as well as being outclassed - damage-wise - by long rifles at longer distances. It was very easy to either push away from a Winfield and fight at range or to close the gap and push in with rapid-fire weapons or shotguns at short-range. By combining the projectile changes with the new Levering trait, we hope that Winfield rifles start living up to their reputation as flexible weapons again. The Winfield rifles can arguably be considered as the first "assault rifles" in history, excelling in a number of different combat scenarios and being a true jack of all trades that complements the other more specialized weapons of the era in the Hunters' arsenal nicely.

  • Bornheim No.3 and all its variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 55m to 60m
  • Bornheim No.3 and all its variants have their damage increased from 65 to 74
  • Caldwell Conversion Pistol and its Chain Pistol variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 65m to 84m
  • Caldwell Conversion Pistol and its Chain Pistol variant have their damage increased from 80 to 104
  • Caldwell Conversion Uppercut has its effective headshot range decreased from 99m to 96m
  • Caldwell Pax and its Claw variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 74m to 86m
  • Dolch 96 and its Precision variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 75m to 86m
  • LeMat Mark II has its effective headshot range increased from 63m to 79m
  • LeMat Mark II has its damage increased from 75 to 97
  • Nagant M1895 and its Precision and Deadeye variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 58m to 73m
  • Nagant M1895 and all its variants have their damage increased from 70 to 91
  • Nagant M1895 Silencer has its effective headshot range increased from 37m to 56m
  • Nagant M1895 Officer and its Brawler variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 58m to 73m
  • Nagant M1895 Officer and its Brawler variant have their damage increased from 70 to 91
  • Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine has its effective headshot range increased from 65m to 92m
  • Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine has its damage increased from 80 to 104
  • Sparks LRR Silencer has its effective headshot range increased from 94m to 144m
  • Sparks LRR Silencer has its damage increased from 136 to 149
  • Vetterli 71 Karabiner and all its variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 95m to 167m
  • Springfield 1866 and all its variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 150m to 175m
  • Winfield M1873C Silencer has its effective headshot range increased from 39m to 81m
  • Winfield M1873C and all its variants have their damage increased from 85 to 110
  • All other Winfield M1873 variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 67m to 95m
  • Winfield M1873 and all its variants have their damage increased from 85 to 110
  • Nitro Express Rifle has its effective headshot range increased from 95m to 250m (one hit kill capability from an upper torso hit is now around 43m instead of 48m)
  • Derringer has its damage increased from 65 to 74

Weapon Ear-Ringing
  • Firing your weapons excessively can cause temporary hearing impairment. The loud gunfire stresses your ears and thus produces a ringing effect that will last for a few seconds.
  • This is intended as a soft-counter mechanic to spamming Avtomat, Dolch, fanning pistols, levering repeaters, or using other rapid-fire weapons, making you possibly miss some sounds around you or making it harder to keep track of enemy movements while suffering from ear-ringing.
  • The intention is to encourage players to fire their weapons with careful aim and consider their shots instead of spamming.

Avtomat Rework
  • The Mosin-Nagant M1891 Avtomat has been re-imagined with an updated look and has also been rebooted gameplay-wise.
  • Increased rate of fire from 400rpm to 545rpm.
  • Increased the minimum amount of bullets fired per burst from 2 to 3.
  • Reduced weapon handling by making recoil harder to control during rapid fire.
  • Reduced initial accuracy when fired from the shoulder.
  • When firing a 3-shot burst and force-swapping weapons to cancel firing, the remaining bullets from that burst are lost to avoid players trying to snipe with the weapon.
  • Reduced the cost slightly (see further below in the Store section).

Developer Note:
The Avtomat has always been a controversial weapon. Some love it, some hate it, or feel it has no place in the game. For us, it is an interesting weapon nonetheless, because it brings something to the table that no other weapons in Hunt's 1895 arsenal provide: Automatic fire. In reality, machineguns were not uncommon at that time, but in the context of Hunt's gameplay, it is quite challenging to balance as it is the only weapon of its kind and usually goes up against much slower firing designs.

With this update, we made a couple of changes to how the gameplay works using the rifle. We want to make the weapon harder to operate with a stronger ammunition drain and increased recoil, while still keeping it devastating in the right hands. The new Avtomat works best up to medium distances of 50 meters, where you have a good chance to place 2 hits on an enemy in a short tap burst. Firing over longer distances is possible of course, but players will have to fight the recoil much more aggressively and most of the time can be lucky to score a single hit per burst. Here is where the ammo drain will become noticeable the most, as the new three-round burst pattern will mean you can do that a meager five times before you run dry. At close range, the changes to the weapon are a bit more mixed: On one hand, the weapon shoots faster allowing you to pour rounds downrange at a faster speed, but on the other hand, it is less controllable overall as that recoil now hits you at a faster interval as well.

We hope that the Avtomat will be seen more as just another powerful choice in the end-game arsenal, just like the Auto-5, Dolch 96 and Nitro Express Rifle, they each come with some balancing drawbacks that allow other weapons to challenge them when exploiting their respective weaknesses. Where the Nitro's weakness is mostly its limited ammo, and the Auto-5's weakness is its limited range, the Avtomat has both of these weaknesses to a certain extent, but still allows for a more tactical deployment in the field overall.

Bornheim No.3
  • Increased price from $96 to $201
Bornheim No.3 Extended
  • Increased price from $131 to $306
Bornheim No.3 Match
  • Increased price from $119 to $224
Mosin-Nagant M1891 Avtomat
  • Reduced price from $1500 to $1250
New Weapon Added: Mosin-Nagant M1891 Obrez Drum
  • Added for $350
New Weapon Added: Henry-Martini IC1 Marksman
  • Added for $173
New Tool Added: Decoy Fuses
  • Added for $60

News Feed (Coming Soon!)

  • A new banner in the lobby has been added to highlight important news and announcements to the players.
  • The News Feed will inform players about the following items:
  • New Releases (content updates, DLC, etc.).
  • Community updates (blogposts, etc.).
  • Sales events and special promotions.
  • Maintenance Mode warning.

Legendary Ruleset Changes:
  • When first unlocking a legendary Hunter, players will automatically recruit a free version into their roster.

  1. In case the roster is full already, a temporary extra slot will be added which is removed once any Hunter dies and frees up a slot again.

  • Players can now recruit any legendary Hunters into their roster as often as they like.
  • Players can now buy any legendary equipment with the same limitations as for regular equipment.
  • Every Hunter can have any legendary gear, even if other Hunters already use the same items.

New Legendary Weapons:
  • Added Caldwell Conversion Chain Pistol "Hedera Mortiferum" - 0 Blood Bonds (free for all players!)
  • Added Cavalry Saber "Mot Juste" - 400 Blood Bonds
  • Added Martini-Henry IC1 "Long Hand" - 400 Blood Bonds

New Legendary Hunters:
  • Added "Redneck" - 500 Blood Bonds

  • Optimized the Banishment assets
  • Optimize character spawning (first character spawn stall)

  • Added controller shortcuts for buy, sell and sell all in Equipment screen
  • Added shortcut for “Skip” and “Play” in Training screen
  • Added the ability to change the cursor's speed, found in the HUD settings.
The Eagle has landed! Illalla testiin ja tosiaan nyt saattaa tömäillä myös toisen konsolialustan pelaajiin. En ole vielä kerennyt perehtymään voinko myös tiimiytyä eri alustan pelaajan kanssa, ilmeisesti ainakaan kutsua ei pysty laittaa mutta random partner kautta saattaa tulla. Pitää testailla!

1.3 Patch notesit:

Update 1.3 - Xbox One & PlayStation 4

Post image
Update 1.3
The long-awaited Crossplay function between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is here! You can now find partners using both consoles when looking for Random partner(s). Currently invites only work for players using their own platforms.
(Teaming up with a player using the same console shows the corresponding platform's icon, while grouping with a player using the other platform shows a controller icon.)

New AI Variations
We have added two new AI variations to the game. You will now find the Grunt Doctor, who deals poison damage and drops a medical kit after being killed, and the Concertina Armored, covered in concertina wires causing bleeding damage, wandering in the swamps.

New Time of Day: Sunset
The Sun has set in the Bayou, a new time of day is here! You can now explore the swamps in brand new lighting. Depending on how you move through the Bayou, you can use the sun to gain an advantage over your enemies in a fight.

New Equipment
This update features two new weapon variants, the "Martini-Henry IC1 Marksman" and the "Mosin-Nagant M1891 Obrez Drum", a new tool, the "Decoy Fuses", as well as a new trait, ’’Levering”, allowing lever-action rifles to rapid-fire from the shoulder, giving the Winfield rifles a previously unseen new layer of tactical flexibility at close quarters.

Weapon Changes
The powerful Avtomat rocks a new look and gameplay rework this update, making it harder to control at range with a slightly increased rate of fire and more ammo drain. The update also adds a slight ear ringing effect when you unload your weapons too fast. Additionally, our current damage and projectile system sees a major balancing pass in 1.3 that helps some of the weaker ammo types to keep their damage better up to medium distance. More details can be found further below!

Improved Death Screen and Lobby
Update 1.3 brings a reworked partner inspection screen to the lobby where you are able to look at your fellow Hunters in more detail, as well as a new Death Screen, that additionally displays the enemy player’s hunter and their gear.

New Legendary Content
The Anniversary skin contest winner skin is finally here. We have also added a new Legendary Hunter as well as several additional Legendary Weapons. You can unlock those with Blood Bonds from the in-game menu. In addition, you can find brand new DLC packs in the store – Zhong Kui, Fire Fight, The Arcane Archaeologist, The Seeker Bundle, The Uncanny Bundle and The Gunslinger Bundle. Make sure to check them out!

Update on previously reported issues
  • We are aware that crashes have affected many player's overall experience, and we are looking into these with the highest priority. Until now, we were not able to track the errors properly, but included with this update, we have added markers to help us identify the cause of the reported crashes mainly on PlayStation. Unfortunately, this update does not include fixes for these issues yet, but will help us tackle them much quicker and fix them as soon as possible with a Hotfix.
  • Implemented various Bug fixes to reported problems.

1.3 Issues
  • The DLC Bundle images appear incorrectly in the store, make sure to read the description before buying them.
  • We have noticed some rendering issues on the PS4, we will keep you updated regarding this.

Doctor Grunt

  • New Grunt AI variation
  • Carries a medical kit (similar to the ones players can find at resupply stations or randomly in the world) on his back that he drops when killed.
  • Wields a rusty bone saw that causes poison damage.

Concertina Armored
  • New Armored AI variation.
  • Fully entangled in concertina wire, this Armored causes bleeding damage when a Hunter gets too close.
  • More resistant to melee attacks in general.
  • Less resistant to all types of bullets.

  • Hunter Footsteps
  • Adjusted the pitch of footsteps to sound slightly higher for teammates and slightly lower for enemies compared to Player footsteps.
  • Slightly increased the audible distance of breaking branches that can be found in forest areas.

Mosin-Nagant M1891 Obrez Drum
  • An Obrez variant that features the 15 round drum magazine known from the Avtomat variant on this classic bolt-action.
  • With a 15/0 ammo pool, total ammunition remains the same however, the Obrez Drum does not need to be reloaded during a fight.
  • Available in the Mosin-Nagant M1891 unlock tree within the Book of Weapons, found between the Mosin-Nagant Sniper and Mosin-Nagant Avtomat variants.

Henry-Martini IC1 Marksman
  • A Martini-Henry variant with an attached medium-sized marksman scope for increased ranged capabilities.
  • Available at the end of the Martini-Henry unlock tree in the Book of Weapons.

Decoy Fuses
  • New tool with three charges.
  • Mimics a lit explosive when thrown, but does not explode or deal damage after its fuse time.
  • Can be used to deceive opponents and flush them out of cover.
  • Can be used to break stalemates by pushing into seemingly hazardous positions.
  • New unlock option for the Deception tree in the Book of Weapons.
  • Decoy Fuses play a tiny explosion sound when they explode.

Levering Trait
  • A new trait that allows lever-action rifles like the Winfield series to rapid-fire when aiming from the shoulder.
  • Hard to control, but allows shots to be fired at a staggering rate of fire. Levering gives additional flexibility in close range to stand your ground against Shotguns and other rapid-fire weapons.
  • Like "Fanning" for single-action revolvers, Levering does not work when aiming down sights (ADS).

  • Reworked Chaos Bomb patterns and added more weapon sounds for it to be more likely interpreted as real gunfights.
  • Improved handling of successive heavy melee attacks for some bayonet and talon variants.
  • Improved handling of successive heavy melee attacks for the crossbow.
  • Systemically - just like with Levering - Fanning now also causes slightly increased crosshair spread bloom compared to when firing it normally.
  • Consistency pass made on the time it takes to get 100% accuracy when entering scope view across all aperture, deadeye, marksman and sniper weapon variants.
  • Derringer, Throwing Knives, Decoys and Blankfire Decoys are now 100% refilled when their tool slot is randomly chosen for resupply upon looting a dead Hunter or using an Item Box. All other items still only receive one extra use per interaction.
  • Reduced the stamina cost for Heavy Attacks with the Knuckle Knife to allow 6 instead of 4 heavy attacks

Damage-Drop Rework
  • Balancing pass for weapon projectiles that increases damage-retention over distance based on bullet type:
  • In general damage drop curves have been smoothened out, resulting in most projectiles losing less damage as they travel.
  • Compact Bullets have seen the biggest boost, most notably the Winfield rifles, retaining their damage much better at medium to long-distance also resulting in overall increased effective range for headshot kills.
  • New Compact Pistol Bullet and Medium Pistol Bullet sub-classes have been introduced to better help balance rifles vs. handguns using the same Compact or Medium ammo class.

  1. So far this was only the case for Long ammo with the Uppercut, which has a stronger damage drop over distance than Long ammo rifles in comparison.
  2. The new pistol variants help ensure that the headshot range boost does not go through the roof for handguns for those cases where we want to boost rifles.
  3. Powerful handguns like the Uppercut and Dolch now receive a stronger competition at short to medium distances as they remain largely unchanged when it comes to damage per shot or headshot range compared to their smaller cousins.

Developer Note:
The rework of how projectiles lose damage over distance is a pretty big change, touching most of the weapons in the arsenal in one way or another. However, the actual gameplay changes should be pretty minimal for the majority of these weapons, and only affect those we actually want to boost. The weapons we wanted to benefit the most from this balancing pass are the Winfield rifles and the Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine to boost Compact bullets, as well as the Vetterli Karabiner 71 and Springfield 1866 rifles for Medium bullets. All of these weapons will most noticeably have an increase in their two-tap chest shot capability, which in the case of the Winfield goes from around 25m up to 40m+ meters, making that weapon overall a lot stronger short to mid-range. Headshot range is also buffed quite a bit, placing the Winfield where the Vetterli was before, and the Vetterli going up to long distances of 150m+.

As a secondary goal, most Compact ammo handguns see a slight boost, but that is most noticeable with increased chest shot damage and extra headshot range as well, moving them to where the Winfield was positioned prior. Due to the systemic nature of these balancing changes, most Compact, Medium and Long bullet weapons see a change in some way, except for shotguns, which remain untouched! The detailed list of headshot range changes can be found below.

The Winfield has been struggling to find its place in the meta, being at an awkward spot and getting a lot of pressure from shotguns, semi-automatics, and fanning pistols at short-range as well as being outclassed - damage-wise - by long rifles at longer distances. It was very easy to either push away from a Winfield and fight at range or to close the gap and push in with rapid-fire weapons or shotguns at short-range. By combining the projectile changes with the new Levering trait, we hope that Winfield rifles start living up to their reputation as flexible weapons again. The Winfield rifles can arguably be considered as the first "assault rifles" in history, excelling in a number of different combat scenarios and being a true jack of all trades that complements the other more specialized weapons of the era in the Hunters' arsenal nicely.

  • Bornheim No.3 and all its variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 55m to 60m
  • Bornheim No.3 and all its variants have their damage increased from 65 to 74
  • Caldwell Conversion Pistol and its Chain Pistol variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 65m to 84m
  • Caldwell Conversion Pistol and its Chain Pistol variant have their damage increased from 80 to 104
  • Caldwell Conversion Uppercut has its effective headshot range decreased from 99m to 96m
  • Caldwell Pax and its Claw variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 74m to 86m
  • Dolch 96 and its Precision variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 75m to 86m
  • LeMat Mark II has its effective headshot range increased from 63m to 79m
  • LeMat Mark II has its damage increased from 75 to 97
  • Nagant M1895 and its Precision and Deadeye variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 58m to 73m
  • Nagant M1895 and all its variants have their damage increased from 70 to 91
  • Nagant M1895 Silencer has its effective headshot range increased from 37m to 56m
  • Nagant M1895 Officer and its Brawler variant have their effective headshot ranges increased from 58m to 73m
  • Nagant M1895 Officer and its Brawler variant have their damage increased from 70 to 91
  • Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine has its effective headshot range increased from 65m to 92m
  • Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine has its damage increased from 80 to 104
  • Sparks LRR Silencer has its effective headshot range increased from 94m to 144m
  • Sparks LRR Silencer has its damage increased from 136 to 149
  • Vetterli 71 Karabiner and all its variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 95m to 167m
  • Springfield 1866 and all its variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 150m to 175m
  • Winfield M1873C Silencer has its effective headshot range increased from 39m to 81m
  • Winfield M1873C and all its variants have their damage increased from 85 to 110
  • All other Winfield M1873 variants have their effective headshot ranges increased from 67m to 95m
  • Winfield M1873 and all its variants have their damage increased from 85 to 110
  • Nitro Express Rifle has its effective headshot range increased from 95m to 250m (one hit kill capability from an upper torso hit is now around 43m instead of 48m)
  • Derringer has its damage increased from 65 to 74

Weapon Ear-Ringing
  • Firing your weapons excessively can cause temporary hearing impairment. The loud gunfire stresses your ears and thus produces a ringing effect that will last for a few seconds.
  • This is intended as a soft-counter mechanic to spamming Avtomat, Dolch, fanning pistols, levering repeaters, or using other rapid-fire weapons, making you possibly miss some sounds around you or making it harder to keep track of enemy movements while suffering from ear-ringing.
  • The intention is to encourage players to fire their weapons with careful aim and consider their shots instead of spamming.

Avtomat Rework
  • The Mosin-Nagant M1891 Avtomat has been re-imagined with an updated look and has also been rebooted gameplay-wise.
  • Increased rate of fire from 400rpm to 545rpm.
  • Increased the minimum amount of bullets fired per burst from 2 to 3.
  • Reduced weapon handling by making recoil harder to control during rapid fire.
  • Reduced initial accuracy when fired from the shoulder.
  • When firing a 3-shot burst and force-swapping weapons to cancel firing, the remaining bullets from that burst are lost to avoid players trying to snipe with the weapon.
  • Reduced the cost slightly (see further below in the Store section).

Developer Note:
The Avtomat has always been a controversial weapon. Some love it, some hate it, or feel it has no place in the game. For us, it is an interesting weapon nonetheless, because it brings something to the table that no other weapons in Hunt's 1895 arsenal provide: Automatic fire. In reality, machineguns were not uncommon at that time, but in the context of Hunt's gameplay, it is quite challenging to balance as it is the only weapon of its kind and usually goes up against much slower firing designs.

With this update, we made a couple of changes to how the gameplay works using the rifle. We want to make the weapon harder to operate with a stronger ammunition drain and increased recoil, while still keeping it devastating in the right hands. The new Avtomat works best up to medium distances of 50 meters, where you have a good chance to place 2 hits on an enemy in a short tap burst. Firing over longer distances is possible of course, but players will have to fight the recoil much more aggressively and most of the time can be lucky to score a single hit per burst. Here is where the ammo drain will become noticeable the most, as the new three-round burst pattern will mean you can do that a meager five times before you run dry. At close range, the changes to the weapon are a bit more mixed: On one hand, the weapon shoots faster allowing you to pour rounds downrange at a faster speed, but on the other hand, it is less controllable overall as that recoil now hits you at a faster interval as well.

We hope that the Avtomat will be seen more as just another powerful choice in the end-game arsenal, just like the Auto-5, Dolch 96 and Nitro Express Rifle, they each come with some balancing drawbacks that allow other weapons to challenge them when exploiting their respective weaknesses. Where the Nitro's weakness is mostly its limited ammo, and the Auto-5's weakness is its limited range, the Avtomat has both of these weaknesses to a certain extent, but still allows for a more tactical deployment in the field overall.

Bornheim No.3
  • Increased price from $96 to $201
Bornheim No.3 Extended
  • Increased price from $131 to $306
Bornheim No.3 Match
  • Increased price from $119 to $224
Mosin-Nagant M1891 Avtomat
  • Reduced price from $1500 to $1250
New Weapon Added: Mosin-Nagant M1891 Obrez Drum
  • Added for $350
New Weapon Added: Henry-Martini IC1 Marksman
  • Added for $173
New Tool Added: Decoy Fuses
  • Added for $60

News Feed (Coming Soon!)

  • A new banner in the lobby has been added to highlight important news and announcements to the players.
  • The News Feed will inform players about the following items:
  • New Releases (content updates, DLC, etc.).
  • Community updates (blogposts, etc.).
  • Sales events and special promotions.
  • Maintenance Mode warning.

Legendary Ruleset Changes:
  • When first unlocking a legendary Hunter, players will automatically recruit a free version into their roster.

  1. In case the roster is full already, a temporary extra slot will be added which is removed once any Hunter dies and frees up a slot again.

  • Players can now recruit any legendary Hunters into their roster as often as they like.
  • Players can now buy any legendary equipment with the same limitations as for regular equipment.
  • Every Hunter can have any legendary gear, even if other Hunters already use the same items.

New Legendary Weapons:
  • Added Caldwell Conversion Chain Pistol "Hedera Mortiferum" - 0 Blood Bonds (free for all players!)
  • Added Cavalry Saber "Mot Juste" - 400 Blood Bonds
  • Added Martini-Henry IC1 "Long Hand" - 400 Blood Bonds

New Legendary Hunters:
  • Added "Redneck" - 500 Blood Bonds

  • Optimized the Banishment assets
  • Optimize character spawning (first character spawn stall)

  • Added controller shortcuts for buy, sell and sell all in Equipment screen
  • Added shortcut for “Skip” and “Play” in Training screen
  • Added the ability to change the cursor's speed, found in the HUD settings.
Vissiin tällä hetkellä menee niin että et voi kutsua koska ei ole "pelin sistä systeemiä tähän" mutta voit saada randomisti haettua.
Ja on muuten kiitos crossplayn Lousianan suomestoilla Hunttereita liikenteessä, se on tosi hyvä juttu!

Controllit on ryssitty sillä tavalla, että palautu siihen tilaan jossa oli viimeistä edellisessä päivityksessä = ei hyvä, pakko laittaa aim accellerationia josta tulee näppylöitä jos sitä on liikaa....

Noh kontrollien kanssa vielä pystyy elämään, mutta muutoin on vähän liian buginen nyt, tekstuureja puuttuu sieltä ja täältä!! Tosi kiva quickmatch end gamessakin koittaa pysyä hengissä kun pirtistä puuttuu seinät :D Onko sama homma Pleikkarilla?
Ja on muuten kiitos crossplayn Lousianan suomestoilla Hunttereita liikenteessä, se on tosi hyvä juttu!

Controllit on ryssitty sillä tavalla, että palautu siihen tilaan jossa oli viimeistä edellisessä päivityksessä = ei hyvä, pakko laittaa aim accellerationia josta tulee näppylöitä jos sitä on liikaa....

Noh kontrollien kanssa vielä pystyy elämään, mutta muutoin on vähän liian buginen nyt, tekstuureja puuttuu sieltä ja täältä!! Tosi kiva quickmatch end gamessakin koittaa pysyä hengissä kun pirtistä puuttuu seinät :D Onko sama homma Pleikkarilla?
Yhden matsin pelasin ja en huomannut mitään outoa, mutta eipä pleikkariversiossa ole noi tekstuurit ollutkaan mitenkään erikoisen hyviä koskaan.

Kun striimasit One X:llä, niin näytti jopa striimin kautta paremmalta, kuin PS4 Prolla pelatessa. :D
Ja on muuten kiitos crossplayn Lousianan suomestoilla Hunttereita liikenteessä, se on tosi hyvä juttu!

Controllit on ryssitty sillä tavalla, että palautu siihen tilaan jossa oli viimeistä edellisessä päivityksessä = ei hyvä, pakko laittaa aim accellerationia josta tulee näppylöitä jos sitä on liikaa....

Noh kontrollien kanssa vielä pystyy elämään, mutta muutoin on vähän liian buginen nyt, tekstuureja puuttuu sieltä ja täältä!! Tosi kiva quickmatch end gamessakin koittaa pysyä hengissä kun pirtistä puuttuu seinät :D Onko sama homma Pleikkarilla?
Kyllä huomasin eilen illalla saman pleikalla että ainakin yhdestä talosta puuttui seinä kokonaan.
Muuten toimi oikein hyvin kaikki :)
Mitenkäs aktiivisesti porukka nykyään tätä pelailee? 1.3 update tuli ulos ja itse vääntänyt kaverin kanssa nyt ps4-julkaisusta lähtien. Tuntuu vaan suomipelaajat olevan hyvin vähissä.
Ja on muuten kiitos crossplayn Lousianan suomestoilla Hunttereita liikenteessä, se on tosi hyvä juttu!

Controllit on ryssitty sillä tavalla, että palautu siihen tilaan jossa oli viimeistä edellisessä päivityksessä = ei hyvä, pakko laittaa aim accellerationia josta tulee näppylöitä jos sitä on liikaa....

Noh kontrollien kanssa vielä pystyy elämään, mutta muutoin on vähän liian buginen nyt, tekstuureja puuttuu sieltä ja täältä!! Tosi kiva quickmatch end gamessakin koittaa pysyä hengissä kun pirtistä puuttuu seinät :D Onko sama homma Pleikkarilla?
Tänään oli tullut ainakin pleikalle bugipäivitys, niin ehkä siellä on nyt seinät paikallaan ;)
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