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Jack Thompson seikkailee

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Oliver
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Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

Näin E3-hypetyksen ja -pettymysten jälkimainingeissa on lohdullista tietää, että videopelialalla on ainakin yksi taho, johon voi edelleen luottaa: Jack Thompson ei edelleenkään tingi tuumaakaan periaatteistaan.

Täysin videopelaamiseen liittymättömän ampumistapauksen käsittelyn yhteydessä Jack-veijari päästi ilmoille lausunnon, joka epäilemättä tullaa muistamaan vielä pitkään:

Thompson said published reports that Neher told detectives he and Everette killed Gore because Gore would not let them borrow his car follows "the same scenario in (the video) 'Grand Theft Auto.' "

Sheriff J. Austin Daniel said an autopsy showed Gore was beaten to death but also shot in the face.

"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer," Thompson said


Eikö Jackiä voi haastaa oikeuteen herjauksesta, jos hän syyttää ihmisiä/pelifirmoja rikoksista, vaikka mitään lainvastaista ei ole tapahtunut? :S Ja jos se ei onnistu, niin voisiko hänet edes viedä hirvimetsälle Dick Cheneyn kanssa?
Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

teme_ sanoi:
Tuo Thompsonin eka lause Doomista.
:) Saamari, kun ehti käydä intin jo ennen Doomia. Muutenhan mä oisin varmaan saanut vapautuksen, kun perusasiat olisi ollut jo hanskassa. Tosin myöhemmät FPS:t ovat tuoneet "taitojen" rajat vastaan.

Mutta nuorempien kannattaa varmasti ottaa kutsuntoihin paperilla mukaan vaikka Liven statsit...
Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

Oliver sanoi:
:) Saamari, kun ehti käydä intin jo ennen Doomia. Muutenhan mä oisin varmaan saanut vapautuksen, kun perusasiat olisi ollut jo hanskassa. Tosin myöhemmät FPS:t ovat tuoneet "taitojen" rajat vastaan.

Mutta nuorempien kannattaa varmasti ottaa kutsuntoihin paperilla mukaan vaikka Liven statsit...

Jeps, ajattelin vähän leijua kutsunnoissa, kun Halo 2:n Team Slayer -levu on 32! (En tosin muista, mikä se oikeasti tällä hetkellä on, jotain sinnepäin). Viimeistään vakuuttunevat, kun näytän vähän ounausmontaasia.
Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

Jack does it again!

This is not an early April Fools day joke. Jack Thompson, the U.S. attorney and Christian conservative activist, is threatening Take-Two for Grand Theft Auto IV ahead of its October 17, 2007 release.

In an open letter to the CEO of Take-Two, Thompson warns the publisher that he will be filing shortly a lawsuit to prohibit, by injunction, the sale of Grand Theft Auto IV.

There is absolutely no chance that GTA IV will be rated anything other than "Mature," advises Thompson. So good luck in having your Blank Rome lawyers trying to persuade a court of law that it should be sold to minors, especially in light of the United States Federal Trade Commission's findings that 42% of the time underage kids can buy "Mature-rated" games.

Seriously Mr. Thompson, have you considered waiting for a preview of the game before starting your crusade against GTA IV? May be the game is about riding unicorns to find a treasure at the end of a

Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

Jack Thompson Saga: Take Twon vastaisku

In the wake of a recent legal threat by Miami attorney Jack Thompson (left), game publisher Take Two Interactive has launched a pre-emptive strike.

With Thompson threatening to file suit to block the release of Grand Theft Auto 4 and Manhunt 2, Take Two has petitioned the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida for relief.

The software publisher seeks to block Thompson from trying to have the games declared a public nuisance under Florida law. Thompson filed a similar action against Take Twos Bully last October, but a Florida judge rejected Thompsons contention, allowing Bully to be sold by retailers.

In its complaint, Take Two claims the action is necessary because:

Thompson has a history of making multiple threats of legal action, whether substantiated or not, both against (Take Two) as well as the retailers who purchase the video games and offer them for sale to the public. Thompson has made such threats again in connection with Manhunt 2 and GTAIV

The suit alleges that Thompsons public nuisance tactic violates Take Twos First Amendment rights. Lawyers for the game publisher argue that the Florida statute under which Thompson is seeking to have the games declared as nuisances essentially makes the controversial lawyer a private attorney general on behalf of the State of Florida.

Take Two is also seeking to recover from Thompson its attorney fees and other costs incurred related to the pending legal action.

For his part, Thompson criticizes the Take Two complaint in a writ filed with the Florida Supreme Court, and rather dubiously takes credit for a recent shareholder revolt which is expected to result in the firing of CEO Paul Eibeler as early as next week. The attorney writes:

So successful has Thompson been in exposing the fraud and criminal conduct of Take-Two on the national stage that a corporate coup by 46% of Take-Twos shareholders is set for March 23, which nearly all financial analysts are predicting will be successful and which will result in the firing of all Take-Two management and the entire board
Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

So successful has Thompson been in exposing the fraud and criminal conduct of Take-Two on the national stage that a corporate coup by 46% of Take-Twos shareholders is set for March 23, which nearly all financial analysts are predicting will be successful and which will result in the firing of all Take-Two management and the entire board
Jätkähän kaappaa kunniaa tekemättömyyksistään lähes ex-kansanedustaja Halmeen tavoin.
Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

Uskomaton kaveri tuo Jack. Ratsastetaan ikävän tapahtuman varjolla omia tarkoitusperiä ajaen. Pahinta tässä kait on se, että kovin moni nielee Jackin lausunnot juuri sellaisenaan.
Vastaus: Jack Thompson seikkailee

Poistelin viestin jo, kun se näemmä tuossa toisessa triidissä oli mainittukin.
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