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Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

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Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Jos hinta pysyy alle viidessä eurossa saattaisi mapit mennä ostoon, mutta mitään 10 euroa en maksa kahdesta mapista.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Samat löytyi Sonyn jenkkifoorumeilta Seb Downien postaamana. Lisänä viestin yläosassa:

Hi guys,

here's the patch notes being released now. Once this patch is live we will start on the next, even bigger patch. We've got some good stuff still coming for you guys. We'll talk a little more about these changes next week on www.killzone.com .

Have a nice weekend.

Eli vielä isompi päivitys on tulossa joskus tämän päivityksen jälkeen.

Omiin silmiin hiukan hämmenti tuo "Controls - Lean & Peek", joka ainakin minusta viittaisi kulmien taakse kurkkimiseen, mutta sitten kuvauksena jotain zoom in/out-hässäkkää joka viittaisi minusta siihen autoaim-rynkytykseen, joka korjattiin jo viime päiviyksessä.

Hyvä löytö! Tulevatko nämä uudet rankit kenraalitasoa korkeammalle? No ihan sama ne mulla kuitenki aukee heti ku on jo 12k pisteitä :) Mut toivottavasti ei aukeis :)
Yläpäästä tuo Seb ainakin puhui, mutta tiedä sitten tulevatko vain jo olemassa olevien rankkien väliin rakoja pienentämään. Toisaalta taas "Hardcore ranks" kuulostaisi siltä että ne vaatisivat suurempaa omistautumista pelille.

E: Luinkin tuota ketjua hiukan pidemmälle ja toisella sivulla Seb vastaa muutamiin kysymyksiin, joita oli esitetty. Noihin Hardcore rankeihin sanoi, etteivät ne tuo mitään uusia skillejä vaan ovat vain kosmeettinen lisä ja tällä hetkellä muutama pelaaja on jo saavuttanut niihin vaadittavan pistemäärän.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Joo siis käsittääkseni kaikki kolme uutta rankkia tulee yläpäähän. Eli on pientä toivoa, että tulisi itsellekin jotain availtavaa, eikä kaikki avautuisi samantien. Jostain "hardcorerankeistä" on ollut puhe noiden yhteydessä. Toivoisin, että ainakin yksi rank olisi sellainen, jota saa jahdata KAUAN.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Steel & Titanium -karttapaketin hinta on varmistunut: 5,99 dollaria. Suomessa tuo kääntynee 4,95 euroksi. Lähdelinkin takana myös uusi traileri kyseisestä paketista.

Lähde: PlayStation.Blog
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Patch 1.24 - Fewer Bugs, More Features! - PlayStation.Blog
Eric Boltjes sanoi:
Hey Killzone fans!

In a continuing effort to provide support for Killzone 2 Online, and to show you day-1 fans of Killzone that we mean business, we are very happy to announce the upcoming 1.24 patch. This patch is the biggest one yet, and addresses a large number of reported issues, exploits and bugs - but it also adds new functionality to the game for you to enjoy! I would like to highlight the fact that we are adding 3 new ranks to the game, reached at 5000, 10000 and 100000 points respectively. These ranks do not give any rewards but it allows the real hardcore players to show off their hard work to everyone in-game! Other highlights include a new 17-24 player search game filter, enlarged HUD radar distance and a much requested Join Clan Member tab in the join game screen. The patch also allows you to play against the next batch of contenders: Japan, who will be able to buy their copies of Killzone 2 on the 23rd of April and will be joining the community online.

Allow me to clarify on these new features a little: The new ranks weve added are basically a reward to all the players out there that have massive amounts of points, and we hope that it inspires other players to keep on playing. The 17-24 player filter was a direct request from the community because a lot of people think the sweet spot of the multiplayer levels is around 24 players instead of 32 and are creating custom games accordingly. The Join Clan Member tab was also a direct community request, allowing players to join clan members when they are playing regular non-clan related games.

There has been a lot of discussion on the forums about the lack of a party system in Killzone 2 and rest assured, we are working hard on creating features that will make it easier for you to play with your friends online. These features include being able to join the same faction of a friend already in-game directly from the join game menus, manually being able to switch faction during gameplay and making existing squads consistent over multiple rounds; no more need to create a new squad every single round. These features will be coming to a patch near you soon!

To read more details about the 1.24 patch specifics, please visit the Killzone 2 FAQ section.

We hope this patch shows how dedicated we are to the game, and that it will allow you to enjoy Killzone 2 Online just that little bit more! Of course, we will continuously keep looking for more bug and exploit fixes, as well as keep an eye out for other additions we can add to the game. So please keep reporting on the forums! And last but definitely not least, a big thank you from the entire Killzone 2 team to all the Killzone players out there for their continuing support!

Keep on fraggin!

P.S.: I almost forgot to mention: The patch also adds DLC support! So you know what that means ;)
Mitenkohän ne meinaa tuon kesken pelin puolenvaihdon toteuttaa. Toivottavasti ovat miettineet hyvän systeemin, ettei tule epätasaisia joukkueita heti kun toinen puoli häviää yhden pelimuodon.

Steel & Titanium -karttapaketin hinta on varmistunut: 5,99 dollaria. Suomessa tuo kääntynee 4,95 euroksi.
Eipä noista koskaan tiedä, kun PJ Edenin Encore maksoi 6 taalaa, mutta Euro-storessa hinta onkin vain 3 euroa.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

...Mitenkohän ne meinaa tuon kesken pelin puolenvaihdon toteuttaa. Toivottavasti ovat miettineet hyvän systeemin, ettei tule epätasaisia joukkueita heti kun toinen puoli häviää yhden pelimuodon...
Ei kuullosta kovinkaan tuo hyvältä manuaalinen puolenvaihto, heti kun alkaa vaikuttamaan oman puolen tappiolta -> kaikki heliumit yrittää loppupelin vain vaihtaa puolta voittavalle :(
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Päivitys versioon 1.24 on ladattavissa, kokoa 50+ megatavua.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

1.25 ladattavana kokoa vaatimattomat 16MB. Katsotaas mitä hyvää tästä löytyy...
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

1.25 ladattavana kokoa vaatimattomat 16MB. Katsotaas mitä hyvää tästä löytyy...
Tällaisia muutoksia/parannuksia:
# Fixes minor bugs.
# Adds Steel & Titanium message.
# Speeds up loading screen.
# If you notice once the game is over they decrease the time where you could get youre last kills within 10-15 seconds. Now its within 3-5 seconds.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Uutta päivitystä (v1.27) ja uutta DLC:tä tulossa...
Hi folks,

just a quick update. Today is my last day before I have a few weeks of rest planned. haven't really stopped all that much since we hit gold master and am owed a bunch of time off, which I am going to try and use now that its warm outside. So I wont be here much in the coming weeks, but I'll pop by a couple of times to see how its going.

Patch 1.27 is well under way and will be released a little later this month. It is a pretty sizable patch with some excing features. More on that later on when we get closer to releasing it. There is also a lot of server related maintenance coming with that and a lot of other things still in the works. (DLC 2 anyone?) But more on that later.

So, behave yourselves and a press-release with the changes in patch 1.27 will be released when a date and time for release has been agreed upon with all regions.


PS: Patch 1.26 has been released in Japan which will help with some of the 3505 errors as well as the resulting hangs they have been experiencing. Was to do with some crazy unicode character in their PSN names that was causing an out-of memory issue, but you don't need to know that.

Lähde: PlayStation.com
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

DLC2: Flash & Thunder

mapit näyttää isoilta. Me like it.
Julkaisu 11.6.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

1.27-päivitys julkaistaan huomenaamuna VG247:n mukaan.
Sony will update Killzone 2 to v1.27 tomorrow morning, SCEE just said via email.

A lot of tweaking has gone on, from the look of it, in response to user feedback.

Theres a Q&A detailing the release after the break.

Killzone®2 Update from Guerrilla Games

Since its launch in February 2009, Guerrilla has remained committed to keeping Killzone®2 one of the strongest multiplayer experiences for PLAYSTATION®3. This week sees the release of Patch 1.27, which introduces a number of tweaks based on direct feedback from the Killzone community. We sat down with Eric Boltjes, Guerrillas Lead Multiplayer Designer, to walk us through the most important changes and the reasons for their implementation.

First of all, Eric, can you run us through the highlights of Patch 1.27?
Sure! Most importantly, weve added functionality to make the process of finding and playing with friends much easier, tweaked the Skirmish Mode to keep it interesting for players with lower-bandwidth network connections, introduced a new High Precision option to the controller configuration menu, and improved the overall balance of the game. Theres also a host of smaller changes as well, but Ill save that for the change log.

Lets start with the first one: finding and playing with friends. How has that been changed?
Weve examined how party systems work and added similar functionality to our game where possible. The Join Friend option has been changed so that the player can automatically join a friends faction and squad even if faction balancing is on. In addition, squads and their factions are now persistent over multiple games, so friends can keep playing together continuously.

You said the Skirmish Mode been tweaked can you explain?
Well, weve decided to unlock all the badges in Skirmish Mode. Considering that the game has been out for a while, and that many players have already reached the rank of General, we believe this is a nice way for players with lower-bandwidth network connections to experience the full range of weapons and abilities available in the Warzone.

Control-wise, what exactly does the new High Precision option do?
When this option is switched on, it makes the analog sticks more responsive to small movements. Turned off, the controls behave exactly as they did before the patch. Its not a radical overhaul of the control system, so the layout and the weight of the controls remain the same.

Still, a lot of us here at Guerrilla really enjoy the new High Precision option, so weve decided to switch it on by default for new players. Existing Killzone 2 players will have the option turned off by default after patching we wouldnt want to force a sudden change to the controls on you!

How have you improved the overall balance of the game?
For starters, Patch 1.27 allows players to switch factions manually if the factions are unbalanced. If the factions consist of, say, 13 players versus 11 players, a player from the largest faction can manually switch over to make it an even 12 versus 12. Switching in the other direction is not allowed, so players from the smaller team cant defect to the larger team if the battle doesnt go their way. Players who switch over retain all their points, but squad affiliations will of course be lost.

Furthermore, weve removed the temporary invulnerability awarded to players who spawn at a spawn point other than the base camp. The players will still be safe at their own base camp, but custom-placed or mission-based spawn points do not yield temporary invulnerability anymore. This will hopefully give opposing players already at this location a fair chance.

Finally, weve made a couple of changes to the Badge abilities. The Assault Badge, for instance, was deemed too powerful by many players so we tweaked down its Armor ability from 100 hit points to 50 hit points. The Tactician Badges secondary ability (to request air support from a Sentry Bot) has also been tweaked to make the Sentry Bot more useful. It can aim more accurately now, and its health is a little higher as well. To make it even more useful, weve reduced the way automated turrets target them, so theyre not shot down as fast. It should certainly make the Air Support Specialist ribbon easier to obtain!

Edit: Nyt löytyy jo näköjään PSBlogista samat tiedot kuvien kanssa. Parissa kuvassa näytti valikoissa neliötä painamalla aukeavan joku ihmeen Test-menu, mikähän lie.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Hyviä muutoksia nuo ohjauksen herkkyys sekä air supportin parannus.
Tuota spawnisavun muutaman sekunnin kuolemattomuutta ei olisi tarvinnut poistaa.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Control-wise, what exactly does the new High Precision option do?
When this option is switched on, it makes the analog sticks more responsive to small movements. Turned off, the controls behave exactly as they did before the patch.

Aika jännä juttu. Kesti 5min todeta että KZ2 ohjauksessa on jotain mätää, moni muukin oli samoilla fiiliksillä mutta virallinen lausunto pelintekijältä oli "emme koe ohjauksessa olevan mitän vikaa, eli siihen ei tule muutoksia". Niinpä niin, no nyt se on liian myöhäistä.
Vastaus: Killzone 2: Viralliset tiedotteet ja uutiset

Aika jännä juttu. Kesti 5min todeta että KZ2 ohjauksessa on jotain mätää, moni muukin oli samoilla fiiliksillä mutta virallinen lausunto pelintekijältä oli "emme koe ohjauksessa olevan mitän vikaa, eli siihen ei tule muutoksia". Niinpä niin, no nyt se on liian myöhäistä.

Jaahas, ehkäpä pitää kaivaa killzone esille sitten ja testata jospa tätä pystyis/jaksais pelaamaan nyt tämän päivityksen jälkeen..
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