Justin Bailey
New Member
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan Justin Bailey
eli tässä FAMITSU CUBEn uusimman numeron pisteytykset:
Mario Sunshine (GC, Nintendo): 10 / 8 / 8 / 10 (36/40)
yleisimmät moitteet SMS:n puitteista liittyivät pelin puolivälin jälkeiseen vaikeuteen. mitään tarkempaa ei ole vielä kantautunut korviini, mutta omaan makuun tuo on vain hyvä uutinen - Nintendon tavat tuntien, pelin vaikeus tulee jostain muualta kuin pelisuunnittelijan virheistä
ja tässä sitten vihdoinkin selkeät käännökset itse arvosteluista:
"1 Mizupin
A superlative example of a 3D action game. It's packed everywhere with puzzles that make you go 'Can I really reach there/do that/get that!?', which is very exciting. The game has a high difficulty level so the puzzles aren't easy to solve, but they give you an exceptional feeling when you do. If you set out to enjoy every bit of the game, it goes pretty deep.
Score: 10
2 Rolling Uchizawa
I think it's more difficult than Mario 64. But rather than a hopelessly impossible difficulty, it's a difficulty that gives you just the right level of vexation. The early levels can be enjoyed by absolute newcomers but the 2nd half is directed at 'action gamers'. The large degree of freedom you get from the great number and variety of activities feels really nice.
Score: 10
3 Honda Yayoi
You'll be totally hooked by the cute characters and the fun of cleaning up graffiti. The difficulty's quite high so you'll need to put in a lot of effort. But the ability to choose where you play from or to abandon yourself to things outside the core of the game give you a great deal of freedom so even women and children can enjoy it too.
Score: 8
4 Devil Fujiwara
It's fun to progress clearing the stages, but simply jumping around the island trying different actions with the pump somehow feels fun. However, the other side of the coin to the large degree of freedom is the seriously tough 2nd half. But it's a challenge worth taking.
Score: 8"
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