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Sabac - Positive (sabac) & Negative (necro)

My relationships are willing a dictatorship
impregnate a bitch, I'm not responsible, let some one else raise the kid
causing effect is bullshit nothing ever effects me
my Beretta protects me - Fuck god, he better respect me
you ain't blowing up rapper none of us are
unless you mean blowing up with a bomb under your car
only thing your promised is a daster deceise of bullet
a natural cause there's no debate - I'm actually sure
I ain't clicking with you, your looking at me ill, I'm flipping on you
no one stopping me when I stick a knife in you jux on your grill
there can never be a day of positive
without negative flesh and positive face with a razor to balance the opposite
Vastaus: Mikä soi juuri nyt?

Shadow Gallery - Room V

Miksiköhän teemalevyjen jatko-osista on tullut progemetallipumppujen tuorein muoti-ilmiö...
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