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Poets of the fall- Illusion and Dream

Look in my eyes I'll make you see
We're drifting aimlessly
Blind in a world of make believe

Hear them sing their songs off key n' nod like they agree
Buying the needs to be discreet

I've got no hand in matters worldly
I hardly care at all
What's going on fails to concern me
'Cause I'm locked behind my wall
But you know what drives me out
Out of my mind oh

It's whatever makes you see
Makes you believe
And forget about the premonition you need to conceive
The images they sell are Illusion and Dream
In other words dishonesty

If I speak ill please, humour me
Won't rant on endlessly
Just thought I'd try to make you see

It doesn't solve a thing to dress it, in a pretty gown
A stone will not need you to guess if, you're still going to drown
So you know what drives me out
Out of my mind, oh

It's whatever makes you see, makes you believe
And forget about the premonition you need to conceive
The images they sell are Illusion & Dream
In other words dishonesty

So can you name your demon?
Understand it's scheming
I raise my glass and say "Here's to you"

Can you chase your demon?
Or will it take your freedom?
I raise my glass and say "Here's to you"

I've got no hand in matters worldly
I hardly care at all
What's going on fails to concern me
'Cause I'm locked behind my wall
But you know what drives me out
Out of my mind oh

It's whatever makes you see
Makes you believe
And forget about the premonition you need to conceive
That the images they sell are Illusion and Dream
In other words dishonesty

So whatever makes you see
Makes you believe
And forget about the premonition you need to conceive
The images they sell are Illusion and Dream
In other words dishonesty
With silence comes peace
With peace comes freedom
With freedom comes silence
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Randy Ortonin theme, kappaleen nimeä enkä esittäjää tiedä´, mutta biisi paranee jokaisen kuuntelu kerran jälkeen :cool:
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Muumendaalen sanoi:
Kyllä. AmeriKKKa's Nightmare on mahtava. Jossain vaiheessa pitäis saada ostettua se 187 He Wrote-levykin.

np. Spice 1 - Jealous Got Me Strapped featuring 2pac

Se on myös todella hyvä, samoin eka eli nimikkolevy. Oikeastaan Black Bossalini ja kaikki siitä vanhemmat on meikäläisen mieleen.

np. Daz Dillinger - Fucc Dreamin' Tha Same Dream
(tämän vuoden kohokohta mulle uuden Outlawzin kanssa koko Dogg Pound Gangsta LP, on äärimmäisen letkeä levy)
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ShereKhan sanoi:
Muumendaalen sanoi:
Spice 1 - Strap on The Side
Siinä on muuten niin kova biisi, että oksat pois. Ei tuollaisia enää tehdä, kyllä maustemies oli aikanaan jotain.
Todellakin! Jotain niin hienoa ettei järkeä. :)

ja ettei ihan offtopic-viestiä tule:
np. Kanye West - Diamonds from Sierra Leone (remix) ft. Jay-Z :cool:
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1234-kokoelma levy-yhtiö Woimasoinnulta. Ramopunk-musiikkia on tuo.
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Ei mikään, mutta kun klo.16 pääsen töistä (tai sivarista actually) niin käyn tuon Bodomin "Are you dead yet" lätyn ostamassa ja kuuntelen loistavaa melodeathia (?).
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Common - Be
Common - Resurrection
Canibus - Rip The Jacker

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