Vastaus: New Xbox Experience (uusi X360-käyttöliittymä)
Tuo uusi päivitys on aiheuttanut ongelmia joillekin lisäohjaimille, mm. Microsoftin omalle tupladi... langattomalle ilmaratille.
Lähde: C&VG
Tuo uusi päivitys on aiheuttanut ongelmia joillekin lisäohjaimille, mm. Microsoftin omalle tupladi... langattomalle ilmaratille.
Toissapäivänä julkaistiinkin uusi versio päivityksestä, joka korjasi jotain, mutta ei vieläkään kaikkea."We are aware a limited number of Xbox Live members are experiencing issues with the Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel controller following the recent Xbox Live update," Microsoft said in a statement issued to CVG.
"We are actively working to resolve this as soon as possible and appreciate your patience."
It is said that the June update has affected the official racing wheel, as well as alternatives by Fanatec and MadCatz.
Meanwhile, a June 20th dashboard update appears to have resolved issues with some controllers - such as with Fanatec's - but has triggered new problems with peripherals made by Datel.
Datel claims that the latest update has disrupted more than its steering wheel products, and in fact has affected its range of wireless controllers. The company requests that users experiencing issues apply a software update, found here
Fanatec, meanwhile, said the most recent dashboard update has fixed problems with most - if not all - of its steering wheels.
However, some customers who are using the official Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel are still complaining of disruptions and lost connections.
Lähde: C&VG