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NHL 2K6 nettipelillä myös Eurooppaan? 15.08.2005

Kehitystiimistä tihkuneiden tietojen mukaan NHL 2K6 ilmestyy Euroopassakin verkkopelillä varustettuna. Aikaisemminhan verkkopeli on jätetty pois pelisarjan PAL-versioista.

Alkuvuodesta Segan urheilupelit kehitystiimeineen ostanut Take-Two julkaisee NHL 2K6:n syksyllä 2K Sports -merkkinsä kautta PlayStation 2:lle, Xboxille ja Xbox 360:lle.
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

Elikkä aloitusta PS2 puolellekin. Vaikka grafiikka ei ole yhtä hyvää kuin Xboxilla ja yleisö cutscenejä ei ole (jostain kummalisesta syystä, jos katsoo NHL 2005:sta PS2:lle ja vertaa sen pelaajamalleja ENH 2k5:seen niin EA:n peli vie voiton kirkkaasti, ei ainakaan ole muistikysymys.), niin luvassa on varmaan ihan ok paketti. Kunhan ei kaatuilis tai jäätyis tänä vuonna ja sais goal hornit tallenettua niin alkais lyyti kirjoittamaan. Itse pelasin 2k5:sta 46 peliä franchise-tilassa ja peli jääty, eli legendaarinen "franchise-freeze :mad: " Se siitä franchisesta sitte. Tuli vaihdettua NHL 2005:seen, mutta tänä vuonna palikat toivottavasti kohdallaan.

Kysyin 2k-foorumeilla Bish-nimerkin takana olevalta (Ben Bishop) yhdeltä pelin tekijätiimiin kuuluvalta tyypiltä muutamia kysymyksiä PAL-versiosta ja tässä vastaukset: (tekstit lainattu suoraan privaviestistä jonka lähetin Bishille, ja johon hän vastasi)

K: Is PAL PS2 version Online? Is the release of PAL version only few months behind NTSC?Does the game support voice chat or USB keyboard for writing messages?

V: Hey Tuomas. We don't have an exact release date for the PAL version yet, but it will be following MUCH closer to the NTSC release this year. We are planning for it to be online though, for both Xbox and PS2. We do support the USB keyboard, and there are voice chats available on Xbox, but I believe on PS2, you can only chat with the headset when you're actually in a game.

Tsekatkaa videoita uusista Icon Pass, On The Fly Coaching, Enforcer, ja Team Chemistry ominaisuuksista, kuin myös ruutukuvista ynnä muusta täältä: http://www.2ksports.com/games/nhl2k6/

Keskustella pelistä voit vaikkapa: http://www.2khockey.net/forums/

Itse olen paikassa rekistöröityneenä nimellä Tuomas :D

NHL 2K6 saa Euroopassa kanteensa Toronto Maple Leafsin kapteenin Mats Sundinin. 2K Sports vahvisti myös, että peli tulee viime vuoden tapaan kauppoihin 19,99 dollarin hintalapulla varustettuna, joten hinta jäänee Suomessakin 30 euron tienoille.
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

Joutuuko sitä apinaa(Sundin) nyt täälä Suomessakin kansissa katselemaan! petskele :mad:
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

käkikotka sanoi:
Eikös tossa 2K5:sessa oo joku kikka millä franchise-jäätymisen voi estää?

Ottaa loukkaantumiset pois päältä vai olikohan se viime vuotinen kikka :rolleyes:
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

Itsellänihän se jäätyy silti aina draftin kohdalla, oli loukkaantumiset pois päältä tai ei. Tänä vuonna tuenkin sitten taas vaihteeksi EA:ta :(
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

www.2khockey.net/forums WAZ nimisen kaverin (yksi sivun moderaattoreista, ja omaa myös nimensä pelin lopputeksteissä 2k4-2k5 ainakin) tekemä lista pelin asetuksista, miten toimivat ja mitä slidereita on uudistettu/tuotu lisää:

HUOM! Mielestäni tärkeimmät kohdat olen mustannut Toki kaikki muukin on asiaa, mutta epäileville tuomaille :D

1) The ice friction slider is not new, but it's as important as ever. Those of you concerned about the players' turn radius, as you've seen in many preview videos, will be happy to know that the default setting for that slider is 75% (12 clicks on a 16-click slider). On this standard setting, the ice friction is higher and the turn radius is much smaller. Hence the "turning on a dime" that you see a lot of. I will post a video to show the difference turning this slider down makes. It's not a HUGE difference or an overhaul of the skating engine, but that down, combined with the new skating animations, definitely makes it feel better.

2) One-timer difficulty. In case this has not been covered, this setting lets you choose between Normal and Hard. Normal is the way you're used to, while Hard reduces the likelihood of a player getting off an "unrealistic" one-timer. These are the cross-body ones streaking forward down the wing, the backhand one-timers, between the legs, etc. You might still see these on occasion, but with the Hard setting enabled, a player in this position will have to receive the pass and THEN shoot a regular shot. To pull off a one-timer, he must be in a more realistic position to do so.

3) Instead of pinning on/off, there is now a pinning slider. With this maxed, there is quite a bit more pinning than in 2k5. Not overwhelming, and it would be nice to see even more at the max setting, but it's a nice increase that feels pretty good. It's much more likely that a loose puck in the corner will result in some board pinning and fighting for the puck. And thanks to separate Freeze Puck Time and Goalie Freeze Puck Time sliders, you can give yourself lots of time to grind along the boards before a whistle.

4) You can turn enforcers on or off. When off, players labeled as enforcers just play like normal players. When on, they have that ability to "intimidate" other players, hit harder, etc. You can also keep them on but turn off the big red "E" and blue "I" indicators under the players -- this makes it good to know who your enforcers are (and you can still select them with the white button) and retain the gameplay feature without the flashy icons.

5) Enforcer Yes/No is an editable player attribute. You can make any player an enforcer, but the game alerts you of a key element to being an enforcer: the player must have limits on some attributes -- max speed 70, max acceleration 70, puck handling 65, endurance 65. So enforcers truly do have a role of their own when you call them onto the ice.

6) Similarly, Will Fight? Yes/No is also an editable player attribute. A new setting called "Players Who Fight" lets you choose just that: all human controlled, or fighters only. If set to fighters only, then ONLY players with Will Fight? set to yes will drop the gloves. This is on top of the regular fighting frequency slider, so once you lock that in where you like it, you'll see a realistic amount of fights between only guys who actually fight. Definitely an improvement.

7) This, of course, doesn't mean that you're going to see 12 fights a game. Once a fight is ready to break out, you'll be "called out" -- basically prompted whether or not to fight. You can take the high road and not interrupt the play (and given how many plays were broken up in 2k5 -- while you had the puck -- due to an arbitrary fight behind the play, this is very nice), or you can hit the Back button to go at it. Once fighting, the engine is basically the same, only you now 1) have a couple extra buttons to fake a big punch and duck/avoid, and 2) can knock helmets off. Also, if using the "Fighters Only" fight option above, by default you are now facing off with two guys with high toughness ratings. This means no more knocking a non-fighter out in 4 punches, but rather, by default, getting longer, more drawn-out fights. This has at least been my experience so far.

8) Arena music is now perfectly randomized. I haven't had any end-of-game freezes, there's no "song of the day" that keeps repeating, nor a set playlist that it follows in sequence. It nicely shuffles all of your imported music with the default, so if you set it up right, you can vary a few dozen of your MP3's with organ music.

9) Presentation settings officially save. All audio sliders and camera settings stay set, and auto-load when the game starts.

10) I'm not sure how 2k5's Create-a-Team worked or how it compares to this, but for those of you looking at this specifically, here is what 2k6 has: TEAM = team name, abbrev, location, state, and logo (140 logos to pick from). ARENA = Arena name, arena type, jumbotron style, ice style, small logos, center logo, board ads. UNIFORM = color preset, neck style, and 20 stripe styles. COACH = head, suit, and height. MUSIC = custom music for your custom arena.

11) Some people have been asking about this, so... Create-a-Player has 78 faces to pick from. It otherwise looks mostly the same, though I noticed visor tint color, and of course enforcer on/off and will fight on/off. And I'm not sure if you could do this before, but you can click black and white to increase/decrease ratings by 10, rather than 1 point at a time.

I'll have more specific impressions to accompany gameplay and franchise mode when I get my new capture card (I should be able to get one by tomorrow night and have tangible media for you soon after that). Sorry again for the lack of media today, but take what you can from these new features. They've definitely added a nice new coat to the game.
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

Jees, kysyin Bishiltä, että miksi ei löydy 95 vuoden Suomea ja tässä vastaus :
"That was one of the teams we considered, but unfortunately they didn't make the cut. Maybe we will add them next year."
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

Mikäköhän siinä oikein on, kun tulee taas niin myöhään? Ameriikan julkaisuhan tapahtuu muistaakseni näihin aikoihin. Itse en jaksa odottaa kyllä marraskuulle, asti kun ihan kelpo lätkää tulee kauppoihin vajaan parin viikon päästä.

Toisaalta melko varmasti EA:n tuotos alkaa vituttamaan viimeistään joulukuussa, eli kyllähän 2k6 tulee kuitenkin ostettua.
Vastaus: NHL 2k6

Maahantuoja on tosiaan Toptronics ja se PDF-lista on perinteisesti ollut paremmin ajantasalla.
Playn ilmoittamiin aikoihin ei ole mitään luottamista. Esim. Godfather ja Scarface ilmestyvät Playn mukaan marraskuussa, vaikka pelijulkaisijat ovat ilmoittaneet jo aikoja sitten pelien siirtymisestä ensi vuoteen.
Vastaus: NHL 2K6

No niimpä tietysti, just ajattelin että tilaan jenkeistä 2k6:n, mutta jos siinä nyt oikeesti on toi franchise pahasti buginen on kait pakko sitten EA 06:n pistää tilaukseen, on muuten EA:n peli vaan 10$ kalliimpi 2k sarjalaista.
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