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"Nintendo will likely fail to achieve its shipment target of the GameCube by more than ten percent. The company in May 2002 anticipated to ship 12 million units through March 2003, but in October last year downgraded this number to 10 million. Strong sales of Sony's PlayStation 2 are the most significant cause. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata also recognized a change in consumer trends, "Consumers today apparently don't want to sit in front of the television to play games for hours and hours." A new console is already in development, Iwata told Reuters. The Japanese developer is looking into the possibility of launching it in 2005 or 2006. Sales of the Game Boy Advance held up during the holiday season, augmented by the new Pokémon titles. (Reuters)".

Ei syytä huolestua, joutuihan MS laskemaan xboxin myyntiennustetta, ja hyvin tuntuu kummallakin konsolilla menevän.
Reutersin alkuperäinen juttu:

Nintendo stock sags on bearish outlook
Fri January 24, 2003 01:42 AM ET
TOKYO, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Shares in Nintendo Co Ltd fell on Friday after the Japanese video game maker said it would not meet its sales target for its flagship GameCube home consoles in 2002/03.
Shares in Nintendo, the creator of "Pokemon" games, ended down 1.38 percent at 10,700 yen, compared with a 0.67 percent drop in the benchmark Nikkei average.

They have hovered between 10,000 and 12,000 this month as investors have grown concerned about the Gamecube's outlook, along with slowing overall demand in the U.S. video game market.

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told Reuters on Thursday the GameCube console, which is in a three-way battle with Sony Corp's PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Corp's Xbox, was likely to miss its target of 10 million units by over 10 percent this business year and that GameCube software sales would fall short of a 55-million-unit goal. The bearish outlook for the year to end-March contrasts with that of arch rival Sony, whose PlayStation 2 game system sold 8.5 million during the key shopping season in November and December, up 24 percent from a year earlier.

"GameCube is indeed suffering, but I think expectations were set too high. This new target seems about right to me," a senior fund manager at a domestic asset management firm said, referring to Iwata's comment, which implied sales of below nine million.

Iwata said the cash-rich company would buy back its own shares when the stock fell excessively and aimed to raise profits in its core business to shore up the price over the long term.

Nintendo, which had cash and cash equivalent worth nearly 780 billion yen ($6.61 billion) at the end of September, had bought back 4.65 million shares for 54 billion yen by the end of December.

Nintendo's shareholders gave approval in June for it to buy back up to 14 million shares -- nearly 10 percent of its total outstanding shares -- or up to 250 billion yen worth.

"Nintendo has held too much of its assets in cash and that has been a focus of the market. From that standpoint, the comment about stock buy-backs is positive," the fund manager said.

Analysts and investors agree the stock is undervalued but they do not feel motivated to buy it.

"Valuation-wise, Nintendo shares look reasonably attractive and I expect them to continue trading in a range between 10,000 yen and 12,000," said Takehiko Takachio, senior portfolio manager at Kokusai Asset Management.

"Game Boy Advance gives them steady revenue but investors want to see some new ideas before pushing the stock any higher."

Eiji Maeda, senior analyst at Daiwa Institute of Research, said foreign investors, especially Europeans, were increasingly focusing on value rather than growth, and they saw Nintendo's stock as undervalued given its high cash position.

"If Nintendo is to use its cash, it should probably consider raising its dividend to appeal to investors rather than buy back shares," he said.

Asked on Thursday whether the company planned a dividend increase, Iwata said: "No...We believe Nintendo provides an appropriate dividend yield compared with the current super-low interest rate." ($1=118.06 Yen)
No ei minua hetkauta ainakaan suuntaan eikä toiseen. Sama se minulle tajuavatko muut ihmiset kuinka orgasmi Cube on. Minä nautin siitä sitten yksin ;)
Olisi mukava saada jostain vielä X-Boxin myyntiluvut. Eikös Box ole myynyt ainakin Briteissä hitusen enemmän. Melko tasan luvut ilmeisesti kuitenkin ovat, vai?
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan Peelo
Olisi mukava saada jostain vielä X-Boxin myyntiluvut. Eikös Box ole myynyt ainakin Briteissä hitusen enemmän. Melko tasan luvut ilmeisesti kuitenkin ovat, vai?

Muualla aika tasaista, mutta Japanissa on sellainen ero, että ihmettelen, mikäli Boxi on Cubea edellä maailmanlaajuisessa myynnissä.
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