Samalta sivulta hieman alempaa:Tuolta ne löytyy ylempää ^
"De minimis value is the minimum amount that an item must cost before VAT charges need to be paid. De minimis is a flat rate across all EU countries and is 22 EUR. This means that for any order shipped from the UK to the EU that’s valued at over 22 EUR, the VAT of the destination country is added." Jep kallista on.
"When a package is valued between 22 EUR and 135 EUR it will only be subject to the VAT of the destination country. Once it goes over the 135 GBP / 150 EUR threshold however, it will be subject to both VAT and duties, which means your package may drastically jump up in price."
Voiko tosiaan olla noin, että 150 € ylittävistä tilauksista menee kummatkin alvit, niin brittien kuin kohdemaan? Tuonhan perusteella PS5 maksaisi 640€ + toimituskulut? Ei paljon kannata briteistä tilata.