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PlayStation 5

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Kumman PlayStation 5 -version aiot hankkia?

  • Perinteisen, tarvitsen sen levyn

    Äänet: 305 74,8%
  • Digital Edition, pelit ykkösinä ja nollina

    Äänet: 103 25,2%

  • Äänestäjiä yhteensä
Hyvä lista. Tosin GTA V lienee väärin vai löytyykö tuosta ilmaisesta päivityksestä jotain tietoa? Itse ymmärsin, että GTA Online päivittyy ilmaiseksi PS Plus jäsenille, mutta GTA V PS5-versio on uusi peli ja maksullinen.
Voi olla, että on tullut virhe, kun tekivät listaa.

On kyllä perseestä jos joutuu taas maksamaan GTA V:stä :D
Hmm, eikös tuossa tule ihan sama tahnan vaihto kuten nykyisissäkin, tuo nestemetalli ei ole siilin ja kuoren välissä vaan sirun ja kuoren välissä.

Edit: äh, esitysjärjestys videolla hämäsi vaikka monta kertaa kelasin o_O
Viimeksi muokattu:
Hmm, eikös tuossa tule ihan sama tahnan vaihto kuten nykyisissäkin, tuo nestemetalli ei ole siilin ja kuoren välissä vaan sirun ja kuoren välissä.
Tällaisen tekstin löysin: "PlayStation 5 is going to ship to consumers with liquid metal between its AMD system-on-a-chip and its heatsink"
Sen mukaan on siilin kuoren välissä. Toki jos löytyy muita lähteitä, olisi kiva lukea.

Tällaisen tekstin löysin: "PlayStation 5 is going to ship to consumers with liquid metal between its AMD system-on-a-chip and its heatsink"
Sen mukaan on siilin kuoren välissä. Toki jos löytyy muita lähteitä, olisi kiva lukea.

Hmm, joo nyt taisin erehtyä... Taisi hämätä se järjestys missä tuota näytettiin, ajattelin että ne on piirin näyttämisen jälkeen riisuneet sen päällisosan ja siellä olisi sitten ollut nestemetalli..hieman mietitytti katsellessa että mites se noin... :-D
Toivottavasti on Ps5:n kanssa parempi tuuri kuin Ps4:n kanssa. Julkaisupäivänä saamani laite oli valmiiksi rikki, ei käynnistynyt. Olikohan kuukauden verran odottelua että tuli toinen laite tilalle ja se oli melkoinen suihkumoottori, todennäköisesti jonkun muun palauttama. Kolmas kone sitten kesti kesähelteille, kunnes sanoi sopimuksensa irti. Neljäs kone oli sitten viimein toimiva yksilö.
Juu no rikkinäisiä on aina liikkeellä, se on day one -ostajien riski. Toivottavasti ei tule samanlaista fiaskoa mitä RRoD oli sillo x360 aikaan.

Jos jotain hyvää voi nähdä tässä ettei julkasuks saa niin ehkä sieltä tulee lopulta sitte hiotumpi laite kotiin.
Tässä kattava ja nimekäs lista PS4-peleistä jotka eivät toimi PS5:llä:

Afro Samurai 2 Revenge of Kuma Volume One
TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge 2
Just Deal With It!
Shadow Complex Remastered
Robinson: The Journey
We Sing
Hitman Go: Definitive Edition
Joe's Diner

Eli voitaneen todeta, että PS5:lläkin tuo nykyisen genin BC-tuki on hyvä.

Tuki sivulla on vastattu myös tyhmään kysymykseen että voiko Dualsensellä pelata PS4 pelejä PS5:llä. Kyllä voi.
Vastauksia kysymyksiin koskien taaksepäin yhteensopivuutta. Itseä kiinnostaa tasan kaksi peliä Bloodborne ja Monster Hunter World.

What console generation games are supported with PS5’s backward compatibility feature?

We are focused on the huge catalog of games on PlayStation 4, and we’re pleased that more than 99% of PS4 games will be playable on PS5 on day one. This includes games that have defined the PS4 generation – from critically acclaimed PlayStation exclusives like The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima, to blockbuster hits from our third-party partners.

What is the difference between playing PS4 games on the PS5 Digital Edition console, versus the PS5 console with the Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive?

The gaming experience on both models will be the same. However, how you access the content to play will differ:

PS5 Digital Edition

  • You will be able to play digital versions of your compatible PS4 games on the PS5 Digital Edition console. These will be compatible PS4 digital games you have already purchased, or plan to purchase, via PlayStation Store on PS4, PS5, web or PlayStation mobile app.
  • Since there is no disc drive, you won’t be able to play your PS4 disc-based games on the PS5 Digital Edition.

PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive

  • You can play digital versions of your compatible PS4 games you downloaded from PlayStation Store on PS4, PS5, web or PlayStation mobile app.
  • You can also use physical PS4 game discs.

When you sign in to PS5 with your account for PlayStation Network, you will automatically see your library of played PS4 content through the menu.

Be sure to keep the PS5 console updated to the latest system software update available, and apply all available game patches to the game.

What is the PS4 game experience like on PS5?

PS4 titles get even better on PS5. Select PS4 titles will see increased loading speeds on the PS5 console, and will also leverage Game Boost, offering improved or more stable frame rates. Some titles with unlocked frame rates or dynamic resolution up to 4K may see higher fidelity. Additionally, PS4 games will also take advantage of some of PS5’s new UX features, but more to come on that later.

Are games from PlayStation VR backward compatible?

Yes, PlayStation VR games are included among the thousands of PS4 games that are playable on PS5. Please note that playing PS VR games on a PS5 console requires a PS VR headset, DualShock 4 wireless controller or PlayStation Move controller(s), and PS Camera (for PS4), which are sold separately from the PS5 console. Also, the PS5 HD Camera is not compatible with PS VR on PS5. You’ll need to use the PS Camera (for PS4), and the PS Camera adaptor (no purchase required), to use PS VR on PS5.

What about PS4 games on PS Now and PS Plus?

Backward compatible PS4 games included in PS Plus or PS Now will run on PS5.

Can I stream PS4 games on PS5?

Yes, Remote Play from PS4 to PS5 and PS Now streaming are supported. The benefit of streaming is that you can save your storage space on PS5. Please note that PS4 games will not leverage PS5’s Game Boost through streaming.

How do PS4 game transfers and game saves work between the two consoles?

You can transfer digital games, game data, and game saves from a PS4 console to a PS5 console using LAN cables, or by connecting wirelessly (WiFi). If you’ve already stored PS4 games and game data in the external USB storage device connected to your PS4, you can bring them over to PS5 with that external USB storage device. And if you are a PS Plus member, you can also sync PS4 game saves on PS5 through cloud storage.

Please note that the ability to transfer game saves between a PS4 version and a PS5 version of the same game is a developer decision, and will vary title by title for cross-generational games.

For Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, when players decide to upgrade from PS4 to PS5 their game saves will transfer.* Sackboy: A Big Adventure also will support game save transfers from PS4 to PS5 in an update that will be delivered shortly after the release of the game.* We’ll share additional details on both games closer to launch.

How will I know which PS4 games aren’t playable?

Games that are only playable on PS4 will be noted on PlayStation Store as playable on “PS4 only.” We have a list of games that are only playable on PS4, along with additional information on backward compatibility here: playstation.com/ps5-backwards-compatibility

*If players originally purchase a PS4 game disc, the PlayStation 5 with an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive is required to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version of the game and transfer their saves over.

Playstation Blog
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämä tulee epävirallisesta lähteestä. Uutta kameraa ei voi käyttää nykyisen PSVR kaluston tukena. Koska erillistä kamera-liitäntää ei ole, täytyy Sonylta pyytää ilmainen adapteri vanhalle kameralle.

Edit: tuoltahan se löytyi myös virallisena:

Are games from PlayStation VR backward compatible?

Yes, PlayStation VR games are included among the thousands of PS4 games that are playable on PS5. Please note that playing PS VR games on a PS5 console requires a PS VR headset, DualShock 4 wireless controller or PlayStation Move controller(s), and PS Camera (for PS4), which are sold separately from the PS5 console. Also, the PS5 HD Camera is not compatible with PS VR on PS5. You’ll need to use the PS Camera (for PS4), and the PS Camera adaptor (no purchase required), to use PS VR on PS5.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämä olikin hyvin oleellinen tieto. Eli voin huoletta jättää tämän pois hankintalistalta ainakin toistaiseksi. Saas nähdä tuleeko tämä sitten ajankohtaiseksi PSVR2:n kanssa.
Jollain tasollahan tuo oli takaraivossa kun ps5 ohjaimessa ei ole valopalikkaa mutta nyt se realisoitui..ps4 vr pelejä varten pitää siis ostaa ps4 ohjain...puuh, 60€ lisäkulua. on tää ihme soppa.
Vastauksia kysymyksiin koskien taaksepäin yhteensopivuutta. Itseä kiinnostaa tasan kaksi peliä Bloodborne ja Monster Hunter World.

What console generation games are supported with PS5’s backward compatibility feature?

We are focused on the huge catalog of games on PlayStation 4, and we’re pleased that more than 99% of PS4 games will be playable on PS5 on day one. This includes games that have defined the PS4 generation – from critically acclaimed PlayStation exclusives like The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima, to blockbuster hits from our third-party partners.

What is the difference between playing PS4 games on the PS5 Digital Edition console, versus the PS5 console with the Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive?

The gaming experience on both models will be the same. However, how you access the content to play will differ:

PS5 Digital Edition

  • You will be able to play digital versions of your compatible PS4 games on the PS5 Digital Edition console. These will be compatible PS4 digital games you have already purchased, or plan to purchase, via PlayStation Store on PS4, PS5, web or PlayStation mobile app.
  • Since there is no disc drive, you won’t be able to play your PS4 disc-based games on the PS5 Digital Edition.

PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive

  • You can play digital versions of your compatible PS4 games you downloaded from PlayStation Store on PS4, PS5, web or PlayStation mobile app.
  • You can also use physical PS4 game discs.

When you sign in to PS5 with your account for PlayStation Network, you will automatically see your library of played PS4 content through the menu.

Be sure to keep the PS5 console updated to the latest system software update available, and apply all available game patches to the game.

What is the PS4 game experience like on PS5?

PS4 titles get even better on PS5. Select PS4 titles will see increased loading speeds on the PS5 console, and will also leverage Game Boost, offering improved or more stable frame rates. Some titles with unlocked frame rates or dynamic resolution up to 4K may see higher fidelity. Additionally, PS4 games will also take advantage of some of PS5’s new UX features, but more to come on that later.

Are games from PlayStation VR backward compatible?

Yes, PlayStation VR games are included among the thousands of PS4 games that are playable on PS5. Please note that playing PS VR games on a PS5 console requires a PS VR headset, DualShock 4 wireless controller or PlayStation Move controller(s), and PS Camera (for PS4), which are sold separately from the PS5 console. Also, the PS5 HD Camera is not compatible with PS VR on PS5. You’ll need to use the PS Camera (for PS4), and the PS Camera adaptor (no purchase required), to use PS VR on PS5.

What about PS4 games on PS Now and PS Plus?

Backward compatible PS4 games included in PS Plus or PS Now will run on PS5.

Can I stream PS4 games on PS5?

Yes, Remote Play from PS4 to PS5 and PS Now streaming are supported. The benefit of streaming is that you can save your storage space on PS5. Please note that PS4 games will not leverage PS5’s Game Boost through streaming.

How do PS4 game transfers and game saves work between the two consoles?

You can transfer digital games, game data, and game saves from a PS4 console to a PS5 console using LAN cables, or by connecting wirelessly (WiFi). If you’ve already stored PS4 games and game data in the external USB storage device connected to your PS4, you can bring them over to PS5 with that external USB storage device. And if you are a PS Plus member, you can also sync PS4 game saves on PS5 through cloud storage.

Please note that the ability to transfer game saves between a PS4 version and a PS5 version of the same game is a developer decision, and will vary title by title for cross-generational games.

For Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, when players decide to upgrade from PS4 to PS5 their game saves will transfer.* Sackboy: A Big Adventure also will support game save transfers from PS4 to PS5 in an update that will be delivered shortly after the release of the game.* We’ll share additional details on both games closer to launch.

How will I know which PS4 games aren’t playable?

Games that are only playable on PS4 will be noted on PlayStation Store as playable on “PS4 only.” We have a list of games that are only playable on PS4, along with additional information on backward compatibility here: playstation.com/ps5-backwards-compatibility

*If players originally purchase a PS4 game disc, the PlayStation 5 with an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive is required to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version of the game and transfer their saves over.

Playstation Blog

Eiköhän ne toimi vitosella kerta molemmat saa ilmaiseksi Plus-jäsenyydellä.
Kertokaapa kannattaako ostaa PS5 Digital Edition vanhalle LG:n 28" televisiolle vai onko järkevämpää ostaa Playstation 4 ja mennä sillä, kyseessä ei siis ole mikään 4K tv
Kertokaapa kannattaako ostaa PS5 Digital Edition vanhalle LG:n 28" televisiolle vai onko järkevämpää ostaa Playstation 4 ja mennä sillä, kyseessä ei siis ole mikään 4K tv

Muutama satku lisää ja saat pelata samoja pelejä, kun nelosella, monessa tapauksessa paremmalla ruudunpäivityksellä ja siihen päälle vielä PS5 tulevat uudet pelit. Missään nimessä en tässä vaiheessa enää ostaisi PS4:sta vaikka olisi millanen töllö.
Muutama satku lisää ja saat pelata samoja pelejä, kun nelosella, monessa tapauksessa paremmalla ruudunpäivityksellä ja siihen päälle vielä PS5 tulevat uudet pelit. Missään nimessä en tässä vaiheessa enää ostaisi PS4:sta vaikka olisi millainen töllö.
Kuitenkin hinta melkein sama ellei käytettynä löydy tosi halvalla :D
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