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Pocket Fami


KonsoliFIN Alumni
Hot from Japan and exclusively available on Xploder.net, we bring you the latest in retro gaming; the Pocket Fami!

Pocket Fami is the latest in handheld gaming, and plays all your favourite NES and Famicom games; an adaptor is included so playing both PAL and NTSC games is no problem!

Classic NES titles include Super Mario Bros 1, 2 & 3, Double Dragon, Legend of Zelda and there are hundreds more available. Cartridges can be bought from the internet off websites such as ebay or even from your local car boot sale, and they sell for peanuts!

The Pocket Fami will also play on your TV with the included cable, just like the original NES, and you can even plug in 2 compatible NES joypads for the full experience!

The Pocket Fami requires 3 x AA batteries or a 6v AC Adaptor to be used (not supplied).
Eli Nintendon vanhoja pelikasetteja käyttävä "käsikonsoli", joka voidaan liittää myös televisioon.
55 puntaa + 6 puntaa toimituskuluja Suomeen (88).
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