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Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3]

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Tathalas
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Mitä mä panttasin, kysy vaan :)


Noh. Varsinainen PES arvostelu on itselläni aina Pelaajalehden vuoden kohokohta. Onhan varsinaisessa arvostelussa reilusti enemmän sisältöä niinkuin tietysti pitää ollakkin. Jonkun verran gameplay pätkiä katsoneena vaan kiinnostaisi kuvailu siitä miltä pelattavuus tuntuu. Ja miten pelikokemus muuttuu pelituntien lisäännyttyä. Jotkut pelithän eivät kestä pelaamista ja lässähtävät kun pelisysteemissä ei ole syvyyttä. Toivottavasti pelissä on edes ripaus sitä samaa mitä oli edellisen konsolisukupolven PES peleissä. Silloin kolusimme kavereiden kanssa Pessiä hurjia tuntimääriä aina lähelle uutta julkaisua ja silti siitä aina löysi jotain uutta.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

I have been pestering the kind folk at Konami in the hope to play some sort of build of the game, when I arrived this morning I was informed by Steve it was final build!
Now if you want to know anything you don’t already about the menu’s then feel free to ask but I didn’t spend much time with them, instead choosing to goto an exhibition match, picking my beloved (but at this time beloathed) Merseyside Blue against Fat Sam’s team Lancashire.
First thing was the camera panning back and you will be pleased to know I wasn’t having any of the tracking issues I found during fast exchanges, the reason, it was on Wide cam, fear not, it is there!
Another thing that struck me immediately was the true 360 movement, it may have just been me not used to the PS3 pad for this game fully as I spend most of my gaming time with the Xbox pad, it was very difficult to stay in a straight line, I pointed this out straight away to Steve.
Secondly after passing the ball about there does not seem to be that remote control ball to foot curl I noticed at times in the beta, an almost artificial assistance that ensured short passes would find their man, short passes appear just like old with the added control of the power and angle should you wish to play the ball in space, passing seems less powered than the beta, you can easily underhit the pass and also what some considered to be an exploit which was to free the striker with one full powered pass down the centre never happened once, you can hit him but it was far less powerful on full power and the defenders were positioned correctly anyway.
The worrying issue was I won my first game very easily, breezing past players, AI standing off and could easily shoot from outside the box, I even scored a soft goal from outside the box with Cahill as my first goal, but I wasn’t impressed, the good thing though was that the difficulty was on Regular, so changed that right away, was going to show off and go straight to Top Player but decided against it as Professional (4 stars of old) always eased me in without letting me exploit it, the change was immediate the following game as long shots were charged down easily when I was not making space and they have a new urgency when attacking your goal, but I was still doing well enough to scrape by one goal advantages.
Decided to start a new Master League with Merseyside Blue, had a look at the default tactics, said I was a “Long Ball” team, I agreed and set to play with the default formation, was held to a scrappy 0-0 draw by Middlebrook, second game was away to Man United, took the lead with a Saha header from a corner and held my own, but they always score and they did again, then in the final minute Cahill headed in a cross from close range to get me the win, I know it sounds a little far fetched but bear in mind my new found optimism that I was awesome was chopped down when I failed to win any of the 3 following games, ah just like old times!
Now let me talk a little of what I think is the best part of the game, the animations, I could not see one recycled movement from 2010, every replay up close helps you understand as well, the sense of weight to the players and the way every touch is context sensitive, whether reaching because they know the defender may get there first, ensuring the ball does not go out of play (which was a massive problem in the beta), even the shooting which I criticized earlier in the beta is so realistic in the way they will run onto a loose ball to hit with venom or planting a foot to gain more accuracy in a tight space, I cannot think of any time when I thought a real life player could have taken that differently, the replays just highlight how smooth this all moves, I was looking for faults but could not see any, it just moved so smooth, the unneccessary backheel when a simple side foot pass would have been more effective was toned down as well.
An issue that was in the beta was when a player was tackled he was stunned and could not move out of the stumbling animation, this has been totally fixed and I confirmed it in the replay where my player was tackled from behind but regained his composure before the ball ran out of to play to cross for a headed goal by Cahill, to add to this players are more aware too when the ball is close to going out of play and will make more of an effort to do keep in play.
Goalkeepers are terrific now, commanding their area and not allowing soft near post goals, I only scored one long range goal and one moment when I thought the goalie was at error I checked the replay and he was wrong footed and could not adjust in time, just like real life, and they also come off their line when the situation demands it, due to the feedback from the beta I wonder if they may have been made too good, but time will tell.
I was critical of the new defending system but more time with this and I found it useful, gave away quite a few fouls by sticking a leg in too early but did manage to block and intercept a few times, it will be something to master over four weeks not four hours though.
Trick wise I did not have the rainbow flick in my preset tricks so honestly could not try this to see if it has been remedied in time, hopefully if it has not then it will be something that can be patched up in time for release, the demo next week you will be able to see this anyway so I am not holding any information back about this.
There are two actual types of tricks too, one set where you are running with the ball and another where you have the ball standing still, the running kind is quite effective if timed correctly, using Cahill I was able to flick the ball with my trailing leg into space to move past two defenders, with the tricks being simple to pull off time will tell if it is too effective, I must say though you can’t just hold L2 and lightly flick the right stick, it needs to be pushed in that direction quite purposefully to register, me being old fashioned does miss the double tap bumper to do feints, square and x pressed in conjunction still does the shot feint but is it used in conjunction with the stick and is less exaggerated too but still does the job when timed right.
One thing I should also point out I never actually messed with any tactics apart from changing formations for a game when I was going through a slump but when I was 1-0 down in a match in the last 10 minutes of the match and my team made a very visible move up the pitch to squeeze the play and push for the equalizer, this was done on its own so I am not sure if it assigned to that team tactically by default or this genuinely happens no matter what but I thought it was an excellent touch and really increased the urgency.
Sound wise the commentary was in there and it is pretty much the same as it has always been but Jim Beglin was more understated than Mark Lawresnson, it was hard to grasp the sound as I was playing this in Steve’s office where he was busy on the phone but one moment which made me laugh out loud was when I had Leighton Baines out wide ready to cross the ball and Jon Champion shouted “ITS HIM!” like he was pointing out a murder suspect to the police!
For my last two games before leaving I tried the Copa Libertadores mode, whereas the main menu’s in the normal game modes are dark backgrounds with pictures of Messi and your team in ML mode the Copa Libertadores is bright and warm, a white background with an orange/red swirl through the middle of the screen and of course some south american music to accompany this.
I had to try my idol’s team from PES’ past Roberto Carlos and Corinthians and you are greeted with a nice cut scene before going into the draw.
Before kick off the change in atmosphere is apparent, it is bright with confetti streaming down, flares in the stands, different advertisement boards and the crows chanting natively.
Once you kick off I felt as if I was in a carnival so proceeded to play it that way using tricks, one-two passing and generally just treating it like an exhibition, my loving moment came however when I was awarded a free kick, I said to Steve I hope it defaults to Carlos…and it did, standing in his own familiar pose took his massive run up and I hit in the corner but the keeper managed to palm it away, whether it was the lower stats of the players it just felt a joy to play and a nice light hearted alternative to the scrap of the Master League where I went 5 games without a win!
I never tried online because there wouldn’t have been anyone to play against so I never ventured onto any menu’s on that side, I did look at the PES shop and looked at some serious and also rather amusing additions to the stadiums from Konami days of old.
There was a couple of small niggles I pointed out, which happened twice was when crossing the ball the cursor selected my man at the back post, but the man that was AI controlled at the front post headed the ball on its own accord, also another slight niggle which happened twice in 17 or so games was an underpowered slightly floaty shot which felt as if the keeper would have had more than enough time to reach actually travelled in the goal, these were not in any way game breaking but I thought I should mention amid all the positivity as you may be thinking I have taken a bung!
Oh and a quick edit, penalties are the same as last year, so it looks like no change for those that hated them, I pointed them to Steve and he quickly sighed “I know”.

Pesevolves sanoi:
To be honest I wasn’t as excited going into the playtest as I could have been, partly due to the MLO beta which I thought provided me with a sufficient overview of what this years game was about and I could have easily waited for the demo which I knew wouldn’t be far away.
What did literally shock me though was how far advanced the final code was compared to the beta, I did not expect them to have the time to achieve what they did, fixing literally every issue I had, I was even happy with the responsiveness of the player dribbling once I mastered this in the beta so I thought that was the way it was going to be but they totally improved that too, now if you press to turn you don’t need to plan it one step ahead, it is instant.
I can honestly say if PES was the game you loved four years ago and walked away (understandably) then this is the game to bring you back, it will demand your patience as always, you will know the amount of dedication to be become good at the game.
The acid test will be in two months time on the forums, are we all still enjoying it, is it too easy once mastered, is there any obvious exploits etc.
If you left the game after losing faith in the series this is the one to bring you back in, give it a chance.

Kuulostaa kyllä niin loistavalta, että melkein tältä istumalta tilaan PSN+:an. Mutta en kuitenkaan tilaa. Kestän kyllä puoltoista viikkoa.. ;)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Kuulostaa kyllä niin loistavalta, että melkein tältä istumalta tilaan PSN+:an. Mutta en kuitenkaan tilaa. Kestän kyllä puoltoista viikkoa.. ;)

Kuullostaa aivan erinomaiselta! Kyllä tänä vuonna jää FIFA hyllyyn ja PES lähtee ostoon. Kolmen liki samanlaisen FIFAn(08,09,10) jälkeen kyllä "uusi" ja "erilainen" PES maistuu enemmän kuin hyvin, jaksaa taas takoa konsolifutista!
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Voisko olla mahdollista että tänä vuonna saataisiin kaksi niin loistavaa futispeliä, että olisi vaikeuksia päättää kumpaa pyörittää pleikkarissa? Toivotaan parasta...
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Voisko olla mahdollista että tänä vuonna saataisiin kaksi niin loistavaa futispeliä, että olisi vaikeuksia päättää kumpaa pyörittää pleikkarissa? Toivotaan parasta...
Itse olen harkinnut siten, että tuossa tapauksessa pleikkarissa pyörii Pro Evolution Soccer 2011.

Ja FIFA 11 Xbox 360:ssä. :D

Tämä skenaario kuitenkin edellyttää sitä, että molemmat ovat oikeasti hankinnan arvoisia. FIFA 11 kuitenkin omalla hankintalistalla jo on. PES:n kohtalo vielä avoin. Syy sille, miksi PES löytyisi PS3:lta, on se, että Option File ovat ainakin minun käsitykseni mukaan helpompia siirtää tietokoneelta PS3:lle kuin Xbox 360:lle. Ilman Option File -päivitystä PESiä tuskin tulee pelattua tärkeiden lisenssien puuttumisesta.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

"Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has listed the full range of newly licensed clubs that will grace its forthcoming PES 2011 title.

PES 2011 will be released in Europe for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360, and PC-DVD on September 30th with versions to follow for Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable), and Smart Phone formats in October – and KONAMI has added a number of key new officially licensed club teams to the new game.

KONAMI has already detailed the inclusion of the Copa Libertadores competition in PES 2011, with fully recreated versions of its 40 competing clubs added to the team rosters from the tournament’s 2010 entrants, with additional details about the licenses to follow later this month. The publisher has also added a wealth of key European sides, which will be included in the game’s bolstered UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League modes. The winners of these competitions will also be able to play in the UEFA Super Cup Final, now fully integrated into the Master League and Become A Legend modes.

The new Italian sides are Lecce, Cesena, and the newly promoted Brescia, while the Spanish league is bolstered with the addition of Real Zaragoza, Sporting Gijon, Almeria and Getafe. Similarly, Tottenham Hotspur join Manchester United in the English section, while the recently-announced Bayern Munich are joined by fellow German club Werder Bremen. These additions swell PES 2011’s roster of official European club sides to over 100: its largest number to date.

PES 2011 represents the greatest leap forward for the long-running series to date. The new game ignites the series with a wealth of gameplay additions, control options and graphical enhancements. Every aspect of the game has been honed and polished, with total freedom of play the core ideal in the new game. Amongst its new innovations, PES 2011 introduces a power gauge for each player that allows the user to exactly place every pass, cross and shot. Balls can be placed anywhere with utter precision, while all new AI routines hand complete control over to the player.

PES 2011 also boasts over a 1000 new animations, with subtle movements both on and off the ball that reflect the pace and power of a top-level match. The new game also boasts a stream of new surprises and additions, ranging from smaller touches such as a new throw-in system that utilises the power gauge system, and simplified tactical selection, through to huge advances such as Master League Online, a radically overhauled Become A Legend mode."

Lähde: Pesfan.com
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

"Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has listed the full range of newly licensed clubs that will grace its forthcoming PES 2011 title.

PES 2011 will be released in Europe for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360, and PC-DVD on September 30th with versions to follow for Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable), and Smart Phone formats in October – and KONAMI has added a number of key new officially licensed club teams to the new game.

KONAMI has already detailed the inclusion of the Copa Libertadores competition in PES 2011, with fully recreated versions of its 40 competing clubs added to the team rosters from the tournament’s 2010 entrants, with additional details about the licenses to follow later this month. The publisher has also added a wealth of key European sides, which will be included in the game’s bolstered UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League modes. The winners of these competitions will also be able to play in the UEFA Super Cup Final, now fully integrated into the Master League and Become A Legend modes.

The new Italian sides are Lecce, Cesena, and the newly promoted Brescia, while the Spanish league is bolstered with the addition of Real Zaragoza, Sporting Gijon, Almeria and Getafe. Similarly, Tottenham Hotspur join Manchester United in the English section, while the recently-announced Bayern Munich are joined by fellow German club Werder Bremen. These additions swell PES 2011’s roster of official European club sides to over 100: its largest number to date.

PES 2011 represents the greatest leap forward for the long-running series to date. The new game ignites the series with a wealth of gameplay additions, control options and graphical enhancements. Every aspect of the game has been honed and polished, with total freedom of play the core ideal in the new game. Amongst its new innovations, PES 2011 introduces a power gauge for each player that allows the user to exactly place every pass, cross and shot. Balls can be placed anywhere with utter precision, while all new AI routines hand complete control over to the player.

PES 2011 also boasts over a 1000 new animations, with subtle movements both on and off the ball that reflect the pace and power of a top-level match. The new game also boasts a stream of new surprises and additions, ranging from smaller touches such as a new throw-in system that utilises the power gauge system, and simplified tactical selection, through to huge advances such as Master League Online, a radically overhauled Become A Legend mode."

Lähde: Pesfan.com

Aikamoista mainos löpinää. Onpa huomista odotettu paljon. Playstation Plus palvelu tuli hommattua vain PES demon takia. Huomenna pääsee ottamaan ensipurasun peliin. Tietääkö kukaan monen aikaan Store päivittyy niin voi lähtee duunista olevinaan hammaslääkäriin? :)
Aikamoista mainos löpinää. Onpa huomista odotettu paljon. Playstation Plus palvelu tuli hommattua vain PES demon takia. Huomenna pääsee ottamaan ensipurasun peliin. Tietääkö kukaan monen aikaan Store päivittyy niin voi lähtee duunista olevinaan hammaslääkäriin? :)

Iltasella toi tuppaa päivittyy
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

"Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has listed the full range of newly licensed clubs that will grace its forthcoming PES 2011 title.

PES 2011 will be released in Europe for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360, and PC-DVD on September 30th with versions to follow for Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP™

Tämä on kyllä kiva kuulla. Toivotaan tosiaan, että Suomessakin peliä saataisiin jo 30.9., koska kyseisenä ajankohtana olisi näillä tiedoilla alkamassa LOMA! Muutenkin peli vaikuttaa aivan erinomaiselta, kun maalivahditkin on nyt saatu kunnollisiksi. Ei malttaisi millään odottaa 3 viikkoa :D
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Onko? Tästä jossain jotain juttua? Noh toki itse demoa pelaamalla voi todeta tuotakin.

Jostain noista MikeThaFifan linkittämistä ennakkojutuista olin lukevinani, että maalivahdit olisivat nyt kunnossa(taisi ennakossa olla mainintaa, että ennakon tekijän mukaan maalivahdit olisivat saattaneet olla "liiankin hyviä"). Näin muistelisin, mutta en muista enää, että mikä artikkeli se oli. Muistaakseni joku tällä sivulla olevista linkkauksista se oli.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Onko? Tästä jossain jotain juttua? Noh toki itse demoa pelaamalla voi todeta tuotakin.

"Goalkeepers are terrific now, commanding their area and not allowing soft near post goals, I only scored one long range goal and one moment when I thought the goalie was at error I checked the replay and he was wrong footed and could not adjust in time, just like real life, and they also come off their line when the situation demands it, due to the feedback from the beta I wonder if they may have been made too good, but time will tell."

Viestistä 262. :)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

"Goalkeepers are terrific now, commanding their area and not allowing soft near post goals, I only scored one long range goal and one moment when I thought the goalie was at error I checked the replay and he was wrong footed and could not adjust in time, just like real life, and they also come off their line when the situation demands it, due to the feedback from the beta I wonder if they may have been made too good, but time will tell."

Viestistä 262. :)

Hieno homma ja kiitos. Itse kyllä ennemmin tahdon maalivahtien olevan karvan turhan hyviä, kuin liian huonoja. Palkitsee se maalin tekeminen enemmän.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Ja storesta löytyy nyt plussa asiakkaille PES 2011 Demo! Tämä on tämän huikean konsoli syksyn isoimpia juttuja! Kirjoittelen asiantuntevia lausuntoja illemmalla jos kerkeen :D
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Onneksi on Betaa takana jo, nimittäin ku oon tääl vanhempieni luona viel tän ja ens viikon, ni ois kyl aika tuskaa kun menee 3-4h näilnäkymin ton lataamiseen tällä netillä :D

Mut ku tiedän jo mitä sieltä tulee niin hyvillä mielin täs voi ootella :)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

- what exactly is different comparing MLO beta and demo?

- Its like night and day, the MLO beta looks and feels poor in comparison. If you half liked the beta, you will adore this.


Juu kommenttia vaan demosta kaikki, jotka sen käsiinsä saavat. Ja videota näyttää youtubesta löytyvän jo melkoisesti. Hyvä niin.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Tervehdys! Noin 7 peliä takana. Ja olo on tyhjentynyt. Demossa muuten on 10 minuutin ottelut ja se on yllättävän pitkä. Aluksi ensimmäinen ajatukseni oli että mitä helvettiä. Oliko kaikki hype roskaa :D. No sitä ei kauvaa kestänyt. Vieläkin karuhkon ulkokuren alta paljastui loistava futispeli. PES näyttäisi olevan tänä vuonna edellä todella monessa asiassa Fifa pelisarjaan verrattuna. Mutta toisinkin päin löytyy muutamia juttuja. Aluksi peli oli todella vaikea. Mutta kun sisäisti pikkuhiljaa pelimekaniikkaa alkoi peli pikku hiljaa sujumaan. Ja kun syötöt alkoi napsumaan pikku hiljaa omilleen ja hienot eteenpäin syötöt onnistuivat. Sai se hymyn väkisinkin huulille :D Peli oli sitä vanhaa kunnon Pessiä siinä mielessä että töitä oli tehtävä ja peliä rakennettava että ylipäätään pääsisi laukaisu paikkaan. Muutamia laukauksia sain seitsemässä ottelussa tehtyä. Ja yhden maalin :).
Joka oli osittain tuuria mutta niin hieno että henkeä haukoin :D. Xavi roikotti ovelasti maalivahdin yli. Onko muuten pelissä jotain sijoitusveto nappeja? Taikka kova veto nappia niinkuin Fifasta löytyy. Mielestäni ei. Eikä se sitä tarvitsekkaan. Koska Pessin vetosysteemi on paljon parempi mitä fifassa. Ja aivan erinlainen. Tiedätte kun kokeilette. Sitten huomasin L1 ssä olevan jonkun sortin suojausnappi hyökkäyspäähän pelattaessa. Huomasin sen viimeisessä pelissä. Pitää testata kun olen käyttänyt koiran. Sitten eräs kysymys. Miten kikat toimii? Hyökkääminen oli silti erittäin miellyttävää vaikken käyttänyt oikeastaan mitään apunappeja analogin lisäksi. Messi oli muuten niin Messi kun olla ja voi. Oli todella ilo huomata että Messin huikeus oli saatu toteutettua pelissä niin hyvin. Ja kun se tässä pelissä kuitenkaan tarkoita sitä että jos Messi on huikea. Että se tekisi kokoajan liukuhihnalta maaleja. Vaan sitä että 1 on 1 tilanteissa haastot onnistuu Messimäisesti ja rytminvaihdokset saa pakin näyttämään hölmötä niinkuin oikeassa elämässä. Plääh. Pelaamaan taas.
Nämä kokemukseni tietenkin muutaman pelin perusteella. Ja varmasti moni tulee muuttumaan. Äkkituntumalta kuitenkin luulen hankkivani kummatkin fudispelit koska kummatkin ovat loistavia pelejä. Fifasta sen uskaltaa sanoa jo videonkin perusteella. Tästä ei uskaltanut. Mutta nyt se on todistettu, että PES on palannut tänä vuonna :)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Ero betaan on muuten valtava, tämä demo nyt vain vahvisti sen, et nyt tilaan fifa11:n ennakkotilauksen lisäksi pessin samaan syssyyn, molemmissa omat hyvät puolensa, et parempi olla molemmat hyllyssä :)

mahtava peli kyl tulossa taas

Edit: molarit ihan eri tasolla, lisäksi kun pelin laittaa nopeudeltaan miinus kakkoselle niin alkaa olemaan loistavaa rakentelu peliä, ja ei onnistu enää laidoilta nousu, täytyyköhän täs viel perua fifan tilaus kokonaan, niin nannaa tuo on
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [PS3 Hype]

Joo tossa nyt tullut pelattuu muutamia pelejä ja tosiaan alkuun tuntu todella vaikeelta. Sit kun alko sisästään pari jippoo rupesikin peli rullaamaan todella kivasti. Sulava ja sopivan haastavaa, etenkin vaikeimmalla tasolla. Peliä pääsi sopivasti koittaan demossa kun tosiaan kaksi 10min puoliaikaa pystyy pelaamaan. Demo vahvisti nyt sen että fifa jää kauppaan ja Pessi tulee kotiin.
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