Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
Pitää siirtää usb-johdon kautta. Ja ne pelit pitää olla PS3:lla asentamatta eli jos PS3:lla on ne asennettuna niin joutuu lataamaan pelit uudelleen jotta voi siirtää vitalle.Pitääkö PS1 pelit siirtää piuhalla PS3:sta vai onnistuuko Storen kautta?
Pitää siirtää usb-johdon kautta. Ja ne pelit pitää olla PS3:lla asentamatta eli jos PS3:lla on ne asennettuna niin joutuu lataamaan pelit uudelleen jotta voi siirtää vitalle.
Ihan pakko nillittää nyt tästä PSone tuesta. Minkä ihmeen takia kuvakoko on noin pieniOlkoonkin et alkuperäinen on pienellä resolla ja 4:3 mut kyllä oli Tomb Raiderissa tihrustaminen et jotain näki eteensä. Ja mistään ei tuohon pysty vaikuttamaan venyttämällä kuvaa. Positiivista sentään on et pelit näyttää kerrassaan hyvältä.
As expected, the latest PS Vita firmware update is a “security release” which will prevent you from running VHBL through Monster Hunter. It still remains to be confirmed if all games of the series have been patched, but I’m pretty sure the answer will be yes.
The update improves security and provides fixes for the following
- 3G Functionality.
- Issues during the download of some PS1/PSP titles.
- The screen shot function on the PS Vita.
Vitan saa v2.00-käyttöjärjestelmäpäivityksen ensi viikolla. Alla olevassa videossa esitellään vähän uusia ominaisuuksia. Ensimmäisenä on tietysti PlayStation Plus -tuki. Lisäksi Vitalle tulee oma sähköpostisovellus. Myös selainta päivitetään, ja v2.00:n myötä Vitalla toistaa 1080p-videoitakin.
Main features in system software update version 2.00
PlayStation Network
PlayStation®Plus is now supported.
The "near" application has been redesigned to improve its usability.
The display speed of Web pages has been improved.
You can now use a pointer to open links.
Support for HTML5 and JavaScript has been enhanced.
You can now tweet the currently displayed page.
You can now open the browser without pausing playing a game.
Content Manager
Usability has been improved.
You can now trasfer data by connecting to a computer using Wi-Fi on the PS Vita system.
You can now copy an entire folder of photos and video to your PS Vita system from your PS3™ system or your computer.
You can now display weather information on the map for areas where it is available.
The Email application has been added. You can start the application from the home screen.
You can now set how you will be notified separately for each application and feature.
The number of applications you can control using the buttons on the PS Vita system has been increased.
[Disconnect Wi-Fi Connection Automatically] has been added as a feature under [Network] > [Wi-Fi Settings].
[Avatar], [Panel], [Online ID], [About Me] and [My Languages] under [PlayStation®Network] > [Account Information] have been moved to the newly added category [Profile].
[Twitter] has been added as a feature under [PlayStation®Network].
Turkish has been added as an option under [Language] > [System Language] and [Language] > [Input Languages] > [Keyboards / Add Terms].
[PlayStation®Mobile] has been added as a feature under [System].
Other new or revised features in version 2.00
[Assign Touchscreen] and [Assign Rear Touch Pad] have been added as features to [Controller Settings] in the PlayStation® (PS one Classic) format software menu.
[Custom] has been added as an option under [Other Settings] > [Screen Mode] in the PlayStation® (PS one Classic) format software menu.
You can now delete screenshots or songs created in PSP™Game software.
You can now display activities on the LiveArea™ screen for Friends. The LiveArea™ screen is displayed by flicking the screen up to let you communicate in real time with your friends.
You can now write a comment to send with a friend request.
You can now report an inappropriate message when you receive one with a friend request.
Tap Options > [Submit Grief Report] on the profile screen to report.
Group Messaging
More varieties of file formats (TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG and MPO) are now supported as attachments to messages.
When trophy information is automatically synchronized with PlayStation®Network servers, it is now synchronized in the background. You can perform other operations during the synchronization.
You can now play a video with 1080 resolution.
You can now play the video in slow motion.
You can now skip chapters.
Screenshots are now saved in the background. You can perform other operations while saving the screenshot.
In the lists under Music and Videos, you can now scroll and display truncated title names to view the whole text.
No niin, bugihan se tämä.PS. Tallennukset menivät kivasti Online Storageen, mutta kunkin tallennuksen Upload Automatically -valinta katosi aina vain. En sitten tiedä, onko tuo jokin outo bugi vai miten tuota on tarkoitus käyttää. PS3:llahan peliä ensimmäistä kertaa käynnistettäessä kysytään, halutaanko savet pistää automaattisesti pilveen. Vitalla tällaista kyselyä ei ole.
Voi olla, että tuo korjaantuu vain firmware-päivityksellä. Siihen asti olkaahan tarkkana, ettei jää tallennuksia laittamatta Online Storageen. Ainakaan viime yön automaattitonttu ei ollut laittanut mitään uusimpia saveja pilveen talteen.The relevant teams are tracking any issues and will be ironing out the kinks.