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PS2 online: Who wants some?

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PS2 online: Who wants some?

With the release of the PS2 Network Adaptor rapidly approaching, find out how you can be one of the first people in Europe to sample the joys of network gaming.

Playing Ratchet & Clank on your own is enjoyable, two-player Tekken 4 is a good laugh, playing Nightfire on a four-way split screen is fantastic fun and playing i-Linked 16-player TimeSplitters 2 is likely to make you faint with the wonder of it all. But come spring 2003 all this is set to pale into insignificance as the world's favourite console goes online, opening up limitless opportunities for mass multiplayer mayhem on an unprecedented scale. When the daffodils start sprouting next year, you won't be outside to notice because, as a self-respecting gamer, you'll most likely be in a darkened room playing SOCOM: US Navy SEALs against Europe's best players. That is of course if you can wait that long. You can't? Well read on...

PlayStation.com wants to give you the chance to get online months before the Network Adaptor goes on general release, and being a part of this early trial couldn't be easier. As of right now, we want you to register your interest in PS2 networked gaming (don't worry - no commitment at this stage), and the only place you can do this is right here on PlayStation.com. How can you register, I hear you cry? Easy.

Talking 'bout your registration

If you have already registered on PlayStation.com, just make sure you're logged in and click the 'My Profile' link at the very top of the page. Then click on the 'Register your interest in PlayStation 2 online gaming' tab, read the blurb carefully and give us your details. Simple eh?

If you're not yet registered on PlayStation.com, what on Earth are you waiting for? Registering also allows you rate games on the Games Info pages by giving them a mark out of 10, register your hardware, sign up for the e-mail newsletters, take part in competitions (like Game Squad) or to give us your pearls of wisdom on the forums. Click on the Register button at the top of the page follow the step-by-step instructions - name, address, inside leg measurement, etc. - then once you're all nice and registered, follow the simple instructions in the paragraph above to tell us about your passion for network gaming.

What happens next?

As soon as we come back to PlayStation Towers after Christmas, we'll check to see who's registered. Early next year we'll e-mail everyone who has said they are interested, so make sure your e-mail address is up-to-date. All you need to do is reply to this e-mail with the information requested and we'll choose people to take part in the trial and mail the participants. If you're one of those selected, you'll be offered the chance to get your hands on a PS2 Network Adaptor, USB headset (so you can communicate verbally with other gamers) and a copy of the killer SOCOM game.

So to re-cap -
-Register on PlayStation.com and log in
-Click My Profile and register your interest in online gaming
-Receive an e-mail in early 2003, read it and give us the extra info required
-If you're one of those selected for the trial, grab your exclusive Network Adaptor, headset and SOCOM game and start gaming online.

So what are you waiting for? Get registering.

Please note: In order to participate in the Network Adaptor trials, you must have a Broadband internet connection.

Käykääpä muutkin ilmoittautumassa.
Saapas nähdä tärppääkö Suomessa asti...

HUOM! Myös fi.playstation.comin tunnukset toimivat.

Pistetääs vielä suora linkki tuolle britti-sivuston login/rekisteröinti-sivulle.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Näemmä suomipuolella ei ollutkaan tuota rekisteröitymismahdollisuutta, mutta uk.playstatiohn.comissa oli. Kiitos tiedoista!
Plääh, "Please note"-teksti on muutettu:

Please note: In order to participate in the Network Adaptor trials, you must live in the UK and have a Broadband internet connection.

eli se siitä sitten :(
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan XRay
Plääh, "Please note"-teksti on muutettu:

Please note: In order to participate in the Network Adaptor trials, you must live in the UK and have a Broadband internet connection.

eli se siitä sitten :(

Saamari. Eihän Euroopan yhdentymisestä ole näköjään mitään hyötyä :mad:
Noh, toivottavasti suomalaisille Pleikkari-sivuille tulisi jotain vastaavaa vaikkapa keväällä...
Kyselin Vesa Artmanilta että pidetäänkö Suomessa aikanaan samanlainen betatestausperiodi vai ruvetaanko nettiä markkinoimaan suoraan. Vastaukseksi tuli:

Kiitokset kyselystä. Testi tehdään myös kaikissa pohjoismaissa, näillä näkymin huhti-toukokuussa. Kannattaa seurata fi.playstation.com sivustoa talven mittaan. Jos asia etenee aikataulun mukaan PS2:lla pitäisi päästä nettiin elo-syyskuussa -03.
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan XRay
Kyselin Vesa Artmanilta että pidetäänkö Suomessa aikanaan samanlainen betatestausperiodi vai ruvetaanko nettiä markkinoimaan suoraan. Vastaukseksi tuli:

Aah, XRay pelastaa jälleen kerran :)

Ei sattunut kertomaan monta tyyppiä tuonne testiin pääsee?
PS2-netti viivästyy?

Thursday 13th February 2003


Delays to online trials look set to push Sony's UK online launch into the second half of 2003

15:34 Despite assurances that Sony would launch its PS2 online service in the UK this spring, latest information suggests the launch will slip deep into 2003. SCEE originally revealed its plans back in October 2002, with industry watchers suggesting the "Spring" date was an attempt to steal Microsoft's thunder, whose Xbox Live service launches on March 14.
Consumer trials were set to begin in late 2002, but the latest update on the official PlayStation website - asking PS2 owners to sign up for trials - states that applicants won't find out if they've been selected until "late March at the earliest."

With trials suffering a likely delay until Q2, therefore, the full online launch seems set to be held back by several months, with a full "Spring" release now highly improbable.

Such a delay would of course give Microsoft a large and significant lead in online gaming in Europe. And any delay in the UK would have a further knock-on effect on the rest of Europe, which is due to follow the lead of this territory later this year.

A spokesperson for Sony Europe was unavailable for comment at the time of writing, but we'll keep you updated.

Eipä kovin hyvältä kuulosta...
Ei kai sitten viivästykkään...

Online delays hit Cube - but PS2 still on schedule

[14/02/2003: 11:55]
PS2 still scheduled to go online in the spring... Cube online launch delayed by three weeks... The Sims Online not till end of year

Sony have refuted claims that PS2's European online service will miss its scheduled spring launch date.

According to Sony's official PlayStation site, gamers who sign up to take part in online trials won't be informed if they've been selected or not until late March, which has led to speculation that the full launch has been pushed back into the second half of the year.

However, we spoke to Sony who say that PS2 will still go online in the spring and that a launch date will be confirmed "very soon." Microsoft's rival Xbox Live service kicks off on 14 March.
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