Jäsen / [FL]
Niille, jotka jotain Linuxista ymmärtävät:
Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
Terra Soft's chief executive officer, Kai Staats, said that Linux will be available immediately from the company's online store and from selected resellers and that the company would like to see its Linux distribution bundled with the PlayStation 3 at some point in the future.
Staats has clearly indicated that he sees the combination of Linux and the PlayStation 3 as the development of a significant post-PC computing platform: "From our standpoint, what better way to enjoy games, movies, music, and Linux than on a single, low cost, highly integrated, small system. It is in essence, from our point of view, a 'Linux appliance' with an incredible feature list," he said.
Terra Soft will demonstrate its Yellow Dog Linux for PlayStation 3 at the SC2006 tradeshow in Florida in November.
Nisupulla sanoi:Under basic agreement with SCEI, Terra Soft was granted a unique opportunity to develop and bring to market a complete Linux OS for the Sony PLAYSTATION 3. In development of Yellow Dog Linux v5.0, Terra Soft integrated and enhanced code from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Sony Group, and Fedora in order to offer the following:
- kernel 2.6.16
- gcc 3.4.4 and glibc 2.4
- Cell SDK 1.1
- 2.0.2
- FireFox 1.5.0 and Thunderbird 1.5.0
- Nautilus 2.1.4
... and a suite of Personal Accessories, Development Tools; Sound & Video, Internet, and Networking applications. -
Taisi tulla samassa paketissa sitten ihan oikea Linux-tietokone. Lisälaitevalikoimaan on kai sitten syytä lisätä myös hiiri
Nisupulla sanoi:"This is not an application-limited appliance," Staats said. "This is a full-blown computer. There is no issue of 'can it do this or that?' It can do everything."[/I] - Lähde
Pibe sanoi:En ole innostunut Linuxjutuista ollenkaan, aivan turhaa imo.
Pibe sanoi:"Can I play Crysis with it?"
"Umm.... I gotta go eat!"
Juu, no voisikohan tuon Linux-jutun myötä tulla ongelmia? Meinaan esim. virusturva, ja jos sellainen tulee, sen tehojen vienti ja vaikutus muihin peleihin?
En ole innostunut Linuxjutuista ollenkaan, aivan turhaa imo.
Lynx sanoi:Ainakaan viruksista ei tarvitse välittää linuxin puolella, kun ne tunnetut virukset on yhden käden sormilla laskettavissa