Vastaus: PS3-päivitykset
Kaikki uuden firmiksen (3.00) muutokset, myös sellaiset joita ei ole dokumentoitu:
* The new PS3 logo is shown when the console is switched on
* The orchestra sound that once played on startup has been replaced with a shorter version, with only the string section audible.
* The ‘What’s New’ icon is the default first icon. Staring up the PS3 will bring you to this icon first.
* Specks of light in the ‘Original’ background fizzle out and fly at screen when starting an application or game.
* There is no ‘PLAYSTATION 3′ title or three-note jingle before a game begins. To save time apparently. Four seconds? Shame.
* There is now a new mini analogue clock which appears on the XMB.
* This hands on this clock start spinning to signify loading. This loading icon appears in places such as the PlayStation Store and when using the Internet Browser. The previous loading/activity moving swirly icon is still used in some instances, such as on the background downloads list, meaning there are two styles of loading icons in use.
* The battery indicator no longer overlaps the clock. Thank goodness for that.
XMB features
* BBC iPlayer icon Will appear under the TV header of the XMB. If this hasn’t happened, check your passport to make sure it says you’re in the UK. If this didn’t work, either turn off your PS3 and turn it back on again, or as others have suggested play a game, and quit back to the XMB. If this doesn’t help, then check this link. If your PS3 is refurbished and model number ends with ‘04′, you may not get the icon. The icon is a link using the Internet Browser to this page.
* Friends List. The name and other info of each friend on your friends list is now inside a silver/grey box. Nasty. Faster loading though.
* ‘What’s New’ icon Shows Sony’s three PlayStation Store picks, last three games played and six latest official news stories or Store downloads. Setting it to ‘Off’ in System Settings does nothing. The ‘What’s New’ icon still appears. It’s just not the default icon on startup.
* PlayStation Store icon has been added under ‘Game’. It Opens six links. One to the Store, four to staff picks, and on to the full ‘We Recommend’ page. Can take a few seconds to load.
Other features
* Some text has increased in size to make the XMB easier to read for those using smaller screens. A bit too big though for the rest of us. No option to change the text size.
* Pushing triangle for more options, or opening some menus on the XMB now blurs the background.
* When scrolling up or down a list of files or friends, a translucent scrolling bar temporarily fades in and fades out when you stop scrolling.
* After scrolling horizontally on the XMB, the list of item titles appear vertically. These fade out after two seconds if no action is taken. This doesn’t apply to the ‘Users’ or ‘Settings’ sections. Although once one setting is selected, the sub-menu fades. A little bit odd for navigation.
* The ‘Information Board’ has been removed.
* Sub-headings have been added to the Settings list. Read them and facepalm.
* New thin status bar holds date, time, number of friends online and a tiny (smaller than your [insert small-sized anatomy joke here]) version of your avatar. Number of friends online doesn’t include those who have set their status to ‘Not Available’.
* When you create folders on your media, the folders can be of the photo, music and video type.
* Scrolling horizontally and vertically on the XMB interacts with the particles in the ‘Original’ background. Neat.
* Leaning and shaking the sixaxis controller in certain directions pushes more sparkles on to the page in the ‘Original’ background. Even neater! Give it a try, as it’s a bit difficult to explain the motions when I was swinging the sixaxis around the room. You can throw the particles all over the background if you do it right.
* The sound settings area let you select simultaneous audio output, which makes the system output sound simultaneously through HDMI, optical, and AV Multi. However, everything except for the connection specified in the main audio output setting outputs in 2 channels only.
* Video settings adds HDD audio language and HDD subtitle language options. Using these, you view videos using language tracks and subtitles from your hard disk. Some content does not allow for these settings to be used.
* System settings adds the the ability to activate DTCP-IP. This lets you undergo internet based authorisation that’s required for viewing copy protected videos on a media server.
* Support for animated backgrounds.
* ‘Original’ background has added sparkles. ‘Classic’ background is the same background without sparkles. ‘Original’ is the default.
* Ability to copy and paste text from a PSN message, much like the copy and paste feature from the internet browser.
* Ability to view the upload and download connection speed. Go to Network Settings > Internet Connection Test.
* When playing back video content, you can use the right stick on your wireless controller for forward and reverse.
* “Print this page” added to the internet browser menu.
* “Save screenshot” added to the internet browser menu.
* The Platinum trophy is no longer counted when calculating percentages.
Firmware 3.0: The New Features - TheSixthAxis - PS3 and Xbox 360 News, Trophies And Opinion
Edit: päivitetty Trophy-tietoja