Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
Mmm... Alkuaikojen PS2-pelitkin näyttivät paremmilta. Fysiikat saattavat toimiakin ihan hienosti, mutta tuo graafinen puoli vaikuttaa ala-arvoiselta.
Tsekatkaa se HD-versioiden video.
Jos se valomiekkailu ei ole pääroolissa Wii-versiossa niin melko rupuiselta vaikuttaa.
The reason Tucker is talking about ragdolls is that you spend a huge amount of time in this game throwing inferior organisms around.
By the later levels, in fact, you'll be casually crushing all resistance (as well as the environment) in front of you - and Krome are particularly proud of the smashy-smashy nature of the levels.
"We've got the essence of it: the physics are great, from something heavy being harder to pick up and throw to putting as many breakables in as possible," says Tucker.
"There are times when you blow through a door, it blows apart and then there's glass behind it and the power of the blast shatters it. It's definitely one of the best physics engines on this technology."
There are five lightsaber movements with the remote: right to left, left to right, downswing, uppercut and stab. They respond extremely well, not to mention accurately, and getting your timing right results in some spectacular saber combos.
Eli ei mikään tusinaporttaus välttämättä ole tulossa, mutta kuten sanoin on tämä pakko pelata jollain konsolilla. Ihan juonen takia... uuh pääsee darthin veljenpojaks
Ei sentään veljen- vaan oppipojaksi. Tai sitten spoilasit juuri jotain jota en halunnut koskaan tietää!
Minulla tämä on kanssa ollut jo jonkin aikaa hankintalista piikkipaikalla, en vain vielä tiedä ostanko tämän Boxille vai Wiille. Nuo kontrollit tulevat vaikuttamaan paljon. Mielessä on myös käynyt, että tuleeko tästä ensimäinen peli, jonka ostan kahdelle alustalle, nimittäin ainakin tällä hetkellä en osaa sanoa sitten yhtään, kumpi olisi parempi hankinta.
Kohta sen sitten näkee.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Wii version is a port of the PS2 game, Wiimote/Nunchuk controls talk
A portion of an AustralianGamer interview with Krome Studios
AG: Now, with the Force Unleashed, its also developed on the 360 and the PS3. How do they compare to the versions you are working on. Do you use the assets from Lucas Arts for those games, or is it just a copied scaled down version that you guys have made.
Krome: Well, the lead development has been done in Brisbane on the PS2, and that is the first point of call with all workings between Lucas Arts and Krome. So what were doing here is taking the PS2 development, putting it on the Wii, and making all the Wii specific stuff here. So, lead point is PS2 in Brisbane, to make that clear.
Wiimote/Nunchuk controls
- Wiimote for lightsaber slashing. Horizontal, vertical, and forward thrusts detected. Block attacks by holding Wiimote horizontally.
- Swing Nunchuk to do Force Push
- C button for Force Lightning
- Z to pick up objects with the Force. Move objects around via joystick. Slam Nunchuk down to smash items into the ground, or release Z to send them flying.
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