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Trophies: TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (12 kpl)



The Inflatable Reptilian Hero
Get flattened by any trap.

Seen My Bones?
Get zapped by any laser traps or attacks.

Complete a level without having to use a single Power-up.

Turtle Tantrum!
Destroy more than 5 enemies using a destructible object.

Slow as a Turtle
Complete a level in under 3 minutes.

Lean, Green and Mean
Achieve more than 8,000 points.

Staying Alive
Defeat the Final Boss without dying.


Toe Be or Not Toe Be?
Avoid all traps in Level 3.

Ice, Ice, Turtle
Avoid Ice Ray traps in Level 8.

Turtle Power
Complete the game in Story Mode. (Normal difficulty onwards).

I Will Survive
Complete a Survival Mode game. (Normal difficulty onwards)


Heroes in a Half Shell
Complete the game with all 4 Turtles.

Lähde: PS3trophies.org

Viime yön USA Storen päivityksen tärkein uutuus oli vanhan SNES-klassikon uusittu versio. Demon perusteella vaikuttaa hauskalta eikä trophylistakaan näytä pahalta (paitsi I Will Survive), joten eiköhän tämä hankintaan mene.
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