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Hogwarts: A Dark Legacy huhuja redditin puolelta.

Tuon huhun mukaan traileri tulisi ennen elokuuta ja julkaisu kesällä 2021.

I work for WB Marketing. They plan this year to show off this game among others. Here is what I know about the game. It won’t be called Harry Potter anything.

Instead it’s called Hogwarts: A Dark Legacy

  1. You get to customize your character. It’s not super detailed but the models look good. Male or Female. You are a 5th Year Student at Hogwarts who transfers from another Wizard School (I don’t know why but it’s a major plot detail later in the game). You play through all the way until graduation and then in your first year as an Auror? You also get to determine if your character is muggle born, pure blood or half blood. That decision will provide unique dialogue and minor quest options.
  2. Based on decisions you make regarding your character in the creation screen determines the house you get sorted in at Hogwarts.
  3. Each of the four houses has a unique quest line. However regardless of the house you are in you can’t side with the villain. That doesn’t mean you will make good decisions all the time. We were told that there are major moments in the game that can result in the deaths of important characters based on your decisions.
  4. Game takes place after Harry Potter series and after his children go to and graduate from Hogwarts. Was told main antagonist is not Voldemort level but is formidable and a former Death Eater. There are multiple antagonists in the game. Expectations for multiple sequels. Your character has a set last name that everyone will call him/her by.
  5. Multiple book characters make appearances however they are keeping this under wraps. Expect Harry Potter to make an appearance at some point.
  6. Skill tree is robust. Five Different branches to focus your characters magical abilities as well as perks that can unlock after X amount of points in a tree. We were shown a perk that allows your character to slow combat for a brief moment. Another perk that allowed you to control monsters for a certain amount of time.There is also Good/Evil points. If you veer towards evil you can learn more powerful spells. However you cannot learn any of the major forbidden ones unfortunately . There is classroom “assignments” that have difficult puzzles which can provide significant bonuses to your character.
  7. Story and combat are a slow burn but we were told the game builds up to some insane moments. Combat is fluid but relies on timing and tactics. You cannot button mash and win. Your character also has so much energy at any given time. You fight other wizards, creatures, etc. There is also a duel system for rivals. In non missions your character doesn’t reload from a previous save instead wakes up in the infirmary with some temporary negative effects.
  8. A reimagined version of the Nemesis system used in the Shadow of Mordor games is in this one. It’s not as robust as those games in terms of quantity but instead is very detailed on the few rivals it generates. It creates rivals for your character. The main rival is randomly generated via this system. He/she will be unique to each play-through however voiced by the same voice actors. This rival can be beaten, killed or made an ally based on decisions you make in the game.
  9. Lots of exploring. Four different hubs that are extremely detailed and offer lots of npcs, interactions, secrets and quests. Hogwarts, Hogsmead, and The Ministry are the three I know of. Not sure of what the fourth one is. Most of the game takes place in Hogwarts. However you will have missions in some surprising locations and the end game takes place in London when you work for the Ministry.
  10. Game gets extremely dark and is not made for children so it won’t be a super kid friendly game. This game is more for the fans who read the books and are now older. Expect an T or possibly M rating for he violence and dark themes.
  11. Quidditch is in the game and it’s very detailed. You can play every year. House points are in the game. A Card game is also there and we were told is as detailed as Gwent.
  12. You play as a different character at some point in the game. I believe it’s the main antagonist but I don’t know. It’s only for a few missions and the developers said will be very fun and have a big surprise.
  13. Missions as the Auror were inspired by LA Noires investigations. However there isn’t many not sure if the actual amount.
  14. There are romance options. Your character can actually marry someone and they will be your spouse in the end game. There are also companions that go on missions with you and you can command.
Expect a trailer and then gameplay before August. Game is expected to be released around June of 2021.

Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Harry Potter RPG:stä huhuja redditin puolelta.

Nyt kuulostaa kyllä vähän liian hyvältä ollakseen totta. :D

Uusi Gran Turismo on tulossa, kenties jo launch peliksi?
Brothers in Arms saamassa jatkoa? Kyllä ainakin mulle kelpais ja vähän tälle jatkoa jo odotellutkin :)

  1. Pre-production started in 2015. Speaking to IGN, Randy Pitchford (CEO of Gearbox Entertainment) explained the project was still in its early stages: "I think the next Brothers in Arms game has to be authentic and we have been working on that. I feel we have unfinished business there with both the fiction and the history and I’d like to get into that. I spend a lot of time thinking about it".
  2. SAG-AFTRA´s strike - in October of 2016 - revealed the development of a new Brothers in Arms game, alongside a list of leaked games.
  3. It wasn’t until 2017 that we started hearing concrete details though. In an interview at E3 2017, Pitchford confirmed that a new Brothers in Arms game was in development at Gearbox, that it was going to feature Sgt. Matt Baker, that it would be “authentic”, and that it would be published by Gearbox’s own label (with the studio having re-acquired the rights to the franchise when Ubisoft dropped them in 2012). In doing so, Pitchford confirmed that Ubisoft is no longer working with the franchise and that the new game will be published by "Gearbox Publishing".
  4. In 2018 a major development update was obtained from Randy Pitchford via Twitter. Randy replied the following to a gamer asking how Brothers in Arms 4’s coming along: “Sure. We have awesome tech, some awesome content and gameplay. Currently trying to nail the story. When we have that, we’ll be able to push towards something we can show and announce. I’m pretty happy with how it’s going.” From this point it seemed that the announcement was near and some fans like me were excited.
  5. From that moment, Randy Pitchford stopped sharing new details, limiting himself to answering restless fans with a simple phrase: "We are not ready to announce anything else". This was repeated a few more times until early 2019. "So sorry I don’t have an answer for you yet" said Randy answering a fan, again in Twitter. "We are working on something and I look forward to when it’s ready to share".
  6. On April 9, 2019, Borderlands 3 was announced. The hype was huge for fans of that series. From that moment, Randy Pitchford stopped sharing details of Brothers in Amrs 4. The silence lasted for many months. It was clear that the only priority for Gearbox was Borderlands 3, as they wanted to make it a great success. And it was.
  7. Now something very interesting. Before the announcement of Borderlands 3, I found this. It is a leak that I managed to share on Gearbox Forums. Apparently an indie developer got a gift from a Gearbox developer during the SxSW 2018 convention: an engraved image of Brothers in Arms on what looks like a type of plaque. The image contains two soldiers. It is very peculiar that one of them has winter googles, clothing never used in the saga before. In my opinion, this may be a clear reference that the next Brothers in Arms game will be set in the Battle of the Bulge.
  8. Randy would eventually end the silence after the launch of Borderlands 3. On January 1, 2020, IGN published an article called "I miss the Brothers in Arms series". Pitchford, again via Twitter, answered this.
  9. Later, some huge news went off in the media. In late April 2020, Gearbox announced that Brothers in Arms will have a television series. Yes, you heard it. A television series, with some Band of Brothers producers and set in the Operation Tiger of WW2. Why would Gearbox take advantage of the name of a franchise that has been asleep for more than a decade? Maybe something big is coming.
  10. One last interesting tweet from Randy Pitchford was posted last month. When a fan asked how combat and gameplay will evolve in the franchise, Pitchford replied: "we are going deeper, closer and more personal"

Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Obsidianilla character artistina työskentelevä Craig Matchett on julkaissut jo jokunen kuukausi sitten muutamia hahmomallinnuksia peliprojektista, jonka parissa hän työskentelee.

Jos Obsidianin edellinen roolipeli Outer Worlds lainasi palasia Falloutista, niin mennäänkö nyt Elder Scrollsin suuntaan? Kyllä ainakin minulle ritariajan roolipeli kelpaa. :)

Tässä vielä saman veikkosen Artstation sivu: https://www.artstation.com/cmatchett
XIII remake tulossa 10.11.



Hieman hullu studio tiputti tiedon että tällanen kruisailu ois vielä tulossa tänä kesänä. Varovainen kiinnostus tähän tekeleeseen, kertovat että ovat huomioineet myös pädipelaajat. Pädillä ajettavia tän tyylisiä ei liialti ole.
Twitterissä tuli vastaan seuraavaa:

Paljon on timed exclusivea. Kuinkakohan pitkistä ajoista noiden pelien kohdalla puhutaan?
Twitterissä tuli vastaan seuraavaa:

Paljon on timed exclusivea. Kuinkakohan pitkistä ajoista noiden pelien kohdalla puhutaan?

Gtav on kyllä täysi vitsi jos maksaa jotain omistajille. Ressa 8 kiinnostaa mutta vasta alesta. Muita itseä kiinnostavia ei ollut :)
Vähän offtopic mutta saakohan Skyrim esim jonku ultradelux käsittelyn myös tälle sukupolvelle?
Vähän offtopic mutta saakohan Skyrim esim jonku ultradelux käsittelyn myös tälle sukupolvelle?
Kenties, saahan GTA V myöskin uuden version. Ja Skyrimin myynti voi saada lisä boostia, kun seuraava Elder Scrollsia ruvetaan esittelemään joku vuosi.

Toisaalta siellä Bethesdalla voidaan jo miettiä, että myykö peli enää lisää riittävästi panostukseen nähden kuten esim. GTA V edelleen tekee kiitos Onlinen. Ja Fallout 76 sekä TESO:n tuominen uusille laitteille voi myös olla Bethesdalle tärkeämpää.

Hieman hullu studio tiputti tiedon että tällanen kruisailu ois vielä tulossa tänä kesänä. Varovainen kiinnostus tähän tekeleeseen, kertovat että ovat huomioineet myös pädipelaajat. Pädillä ajettavia tän tyylisiä ei liialti ole.

Johan tuosta tuli pelikuvaakin kuukausi sitten.
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