Vastaus: Tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)
RTS-naksuttelua Move-ohjauksella: Under Siege
Olenkin miettinyt mihin tämä peli katosi. Peli julkistettiin jossain muodossa kaksi vuotta sitten Gamescomissa Leipzigissä, mutta sen jälkeen siitä ei kuulunut sanaakaan.
Peli sai nyt myös kotisivut:
..:: Undersiege ::..
Pelin perustietoja:
Under Siege is a real time strategy game exclusive to the PS3 and the PSN store.
It includes a single player campaign as well as online and local multiplayer content.
The ingame editor enables the players to create their own maps and share them with the world.
* Control scheme specially designed for the Dual Shock/Sixaxis Controller
* Playstation Move Support
* 4 players online
* 2 players split screen
* Video and voice chat in game and in the lobbies
* XMB screenshot and custom music support
* Video recording
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