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Uudelle foorumille siirtyminen

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Vastaus: Uudelle foorumille siirtyminen

Tapatalk tuen poisjättäminen (sinänsä ymmärrettävästä syystä) tarkoittanee että jollei korvaavaa mobiiliratkaisua tule, minun osaltani aktiivisuus tulee vähentymään selvästi.

Lisä-ärsykkeenä uuden foorumin ulkoasu on selaimella aika karsea. Itse käytän chromea ja mitenkään helppolukuiselta uusi ulkoasu ei vaikuta. Boldaus on ylivahvaa otsakesivuilla ja varsinaisissa ketjuissa rivivälit / fontti pistää silmään.

Kiitokset kuitenkin konsolifin tiimille kovasta työstä, tiedän ettei tämä niin ruusuilla tanssimista ole, mutta ehkäpä molempien yo. kohtien osalta siirrytään vielä kohti parempia aikoja.
Nyt vissiin Tapatalk noudattaa gdpr. Joko saadaan Tapatalk-tuki, vai eikö ole luottoa?

Tuli sähköpostissa pari päivää sitten:

If your inbox is anything like ours, it’s recently been filled with emails like this one: a company updating its policies. You’re probably going to receive many more before May 25 because of a new European privacy law called the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR). Companies are updating their policies to meet GDPR requirements, and are sending their customers notices about the changes.
Today, we are releasing our own updated Privacy Policy, which provides greater clarity and detail about the information we collect, how we use it, and how we comply with GDPR. What is not changing is the already strong level of privacy we provide for your personal information. While GDPR only holds us accountable for how we process EU residents’ personal data, we’ve taken this opportunity to review our practices to ensure that our high standards for data privacy extend to everyone using the Tapatalk App or Tapatalk Groups.
Our new Privacy Policy has added some detail around what you can do with data we collect about you, and how you can exercise your privacy rights. It also provides increased transparency around the different purposes for which we use this data. And by May 25th, we will have a consent management platform in both the Tapatalk App and Tapatalk Groups so you can easily manage your preferences about data sharing.
Keeping data about you safe and increasing transparency are important to us, and we are committed to these changes. The new GDPR law goes into effect on May 25, 2018, and many Tapatalk users around the world will benefit from the added privacy protections this law affords.
Thank you for being a part of Tapatalk.
Tapatalk Support Team"

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