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Virallinen fanipoikatesti

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Nisupulla
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 48%
Sony Fanboy: 51%
Microsoft Fanboy: 49%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy

Aikas tasaiseksi meni... mutta ihan oikealta näyttää.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 50%
Sony Fanboy: 59%
Microsoft Fanboy: 46%

You're a gamer.

Kaipa toi paikkansa pitänee...?
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 35%
Sony Fanboy: 48%
Microsoft Fanboy: 18%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Your Test Scores

Nintendo Fanboy: 15%
Sony Fanboy: 52%
Microsoft Fanboy: 26%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 6%
Sony Fanboy: 32%
Microsoft Fanboy: 22%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not... a gamer
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 12%
Sony Fanboy: 65%
Microsoft Fanboy: 9%

says that I'm -------------------------------- todella lohduttava vastaus :)
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 8%
Sony Fanboy: 73%
Microsoft Fanboy: 13%

says that I'm Sony Fanboy.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 13%
Sony Fanboy: 21%
Microsoft Fanboy: 56%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Somewhat Fanboy

Ehkä se sitten näin menee.. :D
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 24%
Sony Fanboy: 26%
Microsoft Fanboy: 53%

Says that I'm Not a fanboy
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 13%
Sony Fanboy: 45%
Microsoft Fanboy: 5%

says that I'm Somewhat Fanboy

Well, you like Sony the best, but you aren't in love with them. Guess you're really not in love with video games period... or at least you're not obsessed with them. Which may not be a bad thing.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti


Nintendo Fanboy: 42%
Sony Fanboy: 65%
Microsoft Fanboy: 11%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm A Microsoft Hater

What does it mean?

You aren't a fanboy, since you love both Nintendo and Sony. But you really hate Bill Gates and everything he creates. Or at least you don't care about anything he creates.

aika nappiin meni...
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 23%
Sony Fanboy: 18%
Microsoft Fanboy: 39%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 27%
Sony Fanboy: 66%
Microsoft Fanboy: 31%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm A Nintendo Hater
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 8%
Sony Fanboy: 84%
Microsoft Fanboy: 2%

says that I'm Sony Fanboy :cool:
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Hmm... kummallista

Nintendo Fanboy: 5%
Sony Fanboy: 71%
Microsoft Fanboy: 1%

says that I'm Sony Fanboy.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 32%
Sony Fanboy: 29%
Microsoft Fanboy: 47%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy

Jotenkin noin se menee omastakin mielestä... :D
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