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Virallinen fanipoikatesti

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Nisupulla
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 51%
Sony Fanboy: 15%
Microsoft Fanboy: 28%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 23%
Sony Fanboy: 31%
Microsoft Fanboy: 49%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy

Pelit ne on jotka ratkasee..
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Jaksanu tehä loppuun. Vastaukset oli nii perseestä että pitäis arpomalla valita.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 3%
Sony Fanboy: 77%
Microsoft Fanboy: 2%

Helppohan toi oli arvata että näin käy:D Pleikkari on ainut josta on kokemusta joten wiin ja xboxin kanssa liikutaan neutraalilla alueella:)
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti


Nintendo Fanboy: 34%
Sony Fanboy: 52%
Microsoft Fanboy: 33%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 23%
Sony Fanboy: 37%
Microsoft Fanboy: 25%

This means you're: Not a fanboy


Nintendo Fanboy: 27%
Sony Fanboy: 34%
Microsoft Fanboy: 30%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Not a fanboy

Eipä paljoa ole muutosta tapahtunut..
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 36%
Sony Fanboy: 48%
Microsoft Fanboy: 10%

Itseasiassa jos itse olis täytynyt itelleni prosentit asettaa, niin ei varmaan kovin kauas ois noista tuloksista mennyt. :)
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 43%
Sony Fanboy: 32%
Microsoft Fanboy: 55%
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Näin tuli mulla:

Nintendo Fanboy: 51%
Sony Fanboy: 26%
Microsoft Fanboy: 16%

What does it mean?

You like all the systems pretty equally, or at least don't love any of thes systesms. Good for you, you like vareiety.;)
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Tulipa sitten tehtyä tuokin testi:

Nintendo Fanboy: 44%
Sony Fanboy: 43%
Microsoft Fanboy: 37%

What does it mean?

You like all the systems pretty equally, or at least don't love any of these systems. Good for you, you like variety.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti


Nintendo Fanboy: 24%
Sony Fanboy: 54%
Microsoft Fanboy: 11%

says that I'm Not a fanboy

Olihan nuo prosentit jotenkin arvattavissa. :)
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Your Test Scores

Nintendo Fanboy: 14%
Sony Fanboy: 70%
Microsoft Fanboy: 2%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Sony Fanboy.

Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 16%
Sony Fanboy: 70%
Microsoft Fanboy: 11%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm Sony Fanboy:).
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 40%
Sony Fanboy: 9%
Microsoft Fanboy: 47%

The Better Fanboy Check Test
says that I'm A Sony Hater

What does it mean?

You are an odd and rare breed. You like Microsoft and Nintendo, but yet can't stand Sony. Why is this exactly? Explain yourself if you get this answer!
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 8%
Sony Fanboy: 15%
Microsoft Fanboy: 57%

Well, you like Microsoft the best, but you aren't in love with them. Guess you're really not in love with video games period... or at least you're not obsessed with them. Which may not be a bad thing.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 28%
Sony Fanboy: 26%
Microsoft Fanboy: 55%

This means you're: Not a fanboy :)

What does it mean?

You like all the systems pretty equally, or at least don't love any of thes systesms. Good for you, you like vareiety.

Tein uudestaan. Tulokset:

Nintendo Fanboy: 18%
Sony Fanboy: 48%
Microsoft Fanboy: 28%

What does it mean?

This means you're: Not a fanboy

You like all the systems pretty equally, or at least don't love any of thes systesms. Good for you, you like vareiety.
Vastaus: Virallinen fanipoikatesti

Nintendo Fanboy: 11%
Sony Fanboy: 67%
Microsoft Fanboy: 3%

says that I'm Sony Fanboy.

What does it mean?

You love sony so much, based of two consoles and a handheld that is less than a year old. You need help. And that PS3 is gonna cost a LOT OF MONEY...a little FYI...
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