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Xboxin hinta Euroopassa

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Eipä ole GC:n hinta Euroopassa paha, 249 Euroa. Taitaa tulla Sonylle taas uusi hinnanlaskun aika.

Originally posted by Shaban
Eipä ole GC:n hinta Euroopassa paha, 249 Euroa. Taitaa tulla Sonylle taas uusi hinnanlaskun aika.

Jeh, wanhana rahana hikiset 1500mk. Tuon ostoahan voisi ruveta jo hieman ajattelemaan... sitten aikoinaan Xboxin kumppaniksi.
tjooh... mitäs se cube makso mis oli se DVD homma kans? meinaan ilman DVD:tä mun huoneeseen ei tuu yhtään konsolia... ja ei väliä... xbox se on jokatapauksessa =) oon yhden konsolin mies... ei mahtuis mun tv tasoon enempää konsoleita =)


ps. Tuli vaan mieleen että eikös cubella pääse myös suoraan nettiin? ilman lisäpalikoita.
vòla! GC hinta selvitetty =)

no... hyvä konsoli niille jotka haluavat vain pelata... ei mitään xtraa... ja sen huomaa hinnassakin... olishan se ollu kova veto MS:ltä pistää markkinoille stripattu xbox... sit olis xbox ja viel mega varusteltu HS... mutta ei siitä enempää kun kukaan ei siitä tiedä mitään.<- toi piste oli niinku PISTE!!!

Vois kyllä helmikuussa myydän PS2:n jossain huuto.netissä pois, ja ostaa sitten maaliskuun alesta V5:n. Pakko PS2:n hinta on tippua, kun tulee Xbox... 249 olisi pop hinta

Europe foots the X-Box bill for Microsoft
By Eurogamer.net
Posted: 22/01/2002 at 12:25 GMT

It's no great secret that most of the gaming industry views Europe as something of an afterthought, despite the fact that we're already the world's second biggest market for video games and still growing fast.

The latest company to catch flak over this attitude is Microsoft, whose Xbox is (finally) launching in our neck of the woods on March 14th at a price of £299 / Û479, compared to the US list price of $299 (£210 / Û340) and the recently announced Japanese launch at ´34,800 (£185 / Û300).

This means that Europeans will be paying significantly more for their Xboxes, despite the fact that Microsoft has a dedicated factory pumping out the consoles in Hungary, a country not renowned for its high labour costs.

"There are additional costs, such as shipping and taxes, which are reflected in the price," Microsoft PR reps on this side of the pond told us when we quizzed them about the discrepancy.

But while we understand that sales taxes (which are in the 10-20 per cent range in most European countries) do make a significant difference, this still doesn't really explain why European gamers will pay 40-50 per cent more for an Xbox than their American and Japanese counterparts. And if distribution costs are such a big factor, surely the Japanese pricing should be much higher?

Microsoft insist that "the price represents tremendous value" despite the hefty mark-up, but it does leave the Xbox at a distinct disadvantage in the coming European console war. The PlayStation 2 is already down to a mainstream friendly £199 and is widely expected to shed a few more pounds before March, while the GameCube should also cost significantly less than £299 if/when it eventually arrives in Europe.

By comparison, in America the Xbox went head-to-head with the PS2 on price, and was still marginally outsold by Sony's year old veteran over the festive season, probably thanks to the arrival of eagerly anticipated games like Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2. Both games are expected to arrive in Europe just before the Xbox.

The Xbox's saving grace is that you get more bang for your extra bucks, including a couple of features which are relatively expensive optional extras on the PS2. "Xbox is the ultimate games console", our PR contact swooned. "Advanced features such as the Nvidia graphics card, online readiness out of the box, and the in-built hard drive mean that Û479 / £299 is an extremely competitive price for Xbox. We've been aggressive with the introductory pricing for Xbox since we want to grow the market and make retail, publishers and gamers happy. This is a price that meets all those criteria."

Despite Microsoft's protests of innocence, we have already heard of at least one online petition complaining about the console's European pricing, and at the time of writing some two thousand people had signed it. Although this won't have any impact on Microsoft's plans for the Xbox, it shows that there is some discontent amongst hardcore Euro gamers, who once again are getting the feeling (whether or not it is justified) that they are being ripped off...

Dear Sirs,

With this petition, we would like to consult you as regular readers of AreaXbox. Until now, the Xbox has filled us all with great enthusiasm. Nevertheless, we feel put at a disadvantage with the estimated retail price of 479 Û, particularly in comparison with the retail price in the USA and Japan. In our opinion, it is not acceptable that we Europeans should subsidize the even keener competition in the USA and Japan. According to ELSPA, the European games market yields the second highest turnover after the American market, after all.

It also seems nonsensical to us that the Xbox will be released last in Europe with the retail price exceeding the Japanese price by 183.76 Û and the American one by 143.80 Û. Apart from that fact, games and accessories are also more expensive in Europe than in the other countries.
We, as real and faithful fans of the Xbox, consider this the console's first actual point for crticism. In our opinion, the price of 479 Û could considerably endanger the rightful success of the Xbox.

What's more, Microsoft offers no bundles or other privileges for European Xbox buyers, making the console not overly attractive for potential customers. Besides, the equipment in Japan, including HDTV packages and a limited edition, is better than in Europe.

By writing this petition, we ask for a comprehensible and clear statement on the great price differences on the three continents. In addition, we hereby appeal once more to Microsoft, who just entered into the console business, to adjust the European Xbox price with reference to the other countries and to take the European market a bit more seriously. Besides this, we would like you to take the following question into account: "How come that a console, which is produced in Hungary, is about a third cheaper in Japan than it is in one of Hungary's neighbouring countries?"

We would like to thank you for a detailed answer and hope that, by replying to this mail, Microsoft proves once again that they take their European customers' questions and problems seriously.


The Readers of AreaXbox
No musta olisi aika hienoa, jos Xbox maksaisi Euroopassa vaikka tuplat siitä mitä Ameriikassa. Niin ei kukaan voisi ostaa Peto-Billin orjuutusmasiinaa, vaan hankkisivat kunnollisia japskikonsoleita :D Kauhea ajatuskin tuo Mikkisoftan vyöryminen olohuoneeseen.
"kunnollisia japskikonsoleita "

tjooh... osaahan japskit tehä autojakin... mut siinäkin puolessa Jenkki on aina Jenkki =)

esim jos lippiksessä lukee made in Japan, on eka päätös "aha tä on joku viro pska"

jos siin lukis made in USA niin sillon se olis aito =)

oliko muuten hiukan turha postaus =)

no huh...eikös se inertia saa tekniikkanerona edes :tä näkyviin ?
Tämä kaikki horina pitää varmasti paikkansa (euroopassa kallista) ja on varmasti järkevää ja aiheellista keskustella asiasta...MUTTA M$ ei todellakaan harrasta sitä yksin. Jos luit Ronkan jutun aiemmin sama toistuu koko ajan laitetoimittajasta riippumatta. Täytyisi varmaan muuttaa jonnekin esim. ameriikkaan...siellähän kaikki on niin hyvin...
jokatapauksessa mukavaa että heräsit kahden päivän jälkeen kommentoimaan juttujasi...
edit: tai ainakin lainaamaan jostain...
Pitaa varmaan saataa OmniWebbia X:ssa. Ei nayta oikein nayttavan kaikkia merkkeja. Toisin tama viela beta. Taytyy kokeilla muita selaimia.
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