No niin, arvatenkin xboxtyypit ei lukeneet uutista loppuun, tai lukivat sen xboxin vihreät lasit silmillä ja menettivät jutun varsinaisen pointin.
Kyse on isommasta kuin pelkästä yhdestä Madden nettipelin menettämisestä.
Kyse on siitä että isommat pelitalot (id software ei ole iso pelitalo), muutkin kuin EA, eivät tunnu oikein pitävän siitä että nettipelaaminen tapahtuisi pelkästään MS:n omien serverien ja palveluitten kautta.
Tässä sisälukutaidottomille referoituna kohdat jotka olivat jutun varsinainen uutisaihe.
Suomentamaan en teille rupea.
'Several people close to the negotiations said Microsoft had been trying to force software publishers to offer their online games on data-serving computers controlled by Microsoft, a move that could potentially give Microsoft access to information about customers.'
"Any developer who accepts an agreement that doesn't respect their relationship with the customer is like a turkey accepting an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner,"
He said that Electronic Arts had decided to ally itself with Sony in part because of this and because he believed that Sony's online strategy entailed less risk for his company. Sony, like Nintendo, would let publishers run games over their own servers or independent Internet service providers
"We understand and like Sony's business model, and we don't yet understand Microsoft's,"
The executive, Brian Farrell of THQ, said Microsoft's service could appeal to smaller publishers who cannot afford to build their own systems for authentication, billing, Web host operations and security for online games. But to work with Microsoft, he said, "we will have to be assured that Microsoft will respect who our customers are and who their customers are."