Well-Known Member

Nimi: Robocop: Rogue City
Kehittäjä: Teyon
Julkaisija: Nacon
Alustat: PS5,Xbox Series, PC
Lajityyppi: FPS
Julkaisu: 2.11.2023
Kotisivut: https://robocop-roguecity.com/en
KonsoliFIN Pelisivu: https://www.konsolifin.net/peli/robocop-rogue-city
Tunnin mittainen pätkä demosta.
Become the iconic part man, part machine, all cop hero and bring justice to the dangerous, crime-ridden streets of Old Detroit.
Uphold the law by any means necessary:
With your powerful Auto-9 or one of the other 20 weapons available, eradicate criminals throughout an explosive first-person adventure. Thanks to your robotic strength and cybernetic abilities, which can be upgraded as you progress, you are the most effective officer at upholding the law.
It's up to you to decide how to fulfil your prime directives:
Explore open areas and complete your objectives according to your own sense of justice. Finding evidence, interrogation and maintaining public order are just some of your daily tasks as a police officer. But don't take decisions lightly: your choices can determine the fate of citizens and the result of your mission.
An original story in the world of RoboCop:
The city of Detroit has been hit by a series of crimes, and a new enemy is threatening the public order. Your investigation leads you right into the heart of a shadowy project in an original story that takes place between RoboCop 2 and 3. Explore iconic locations and meet familiar faces from the world of RoboCop. Peter Weller, the original actor is even back on duty to voice the cybercop.
Nyt kun tätä on jotkut päässeet jo testaamaan niin tehdääs oma ketju. Pelistä on siis mahdollista kokeilla demoa PC:llä ja se on aika kattava, kestoa 2-3h kaikkinensa. Demo sai juuri patchin jonka pitäisi korjata stutterointi ongelmat joten nyt vaan testailemaan.
Omat mietteet pelistä demoa kokeiltuani, jos pidät Robokytästä ja et odota mitään AAA tuotosta niin aivan varmasti viihdyt sen parissa, Terminator: Resistance peli samalta kehittäjältä antaa suuntaa laadusta. Silläkin Steamissä huikea yli 90% arvosana.