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Devil May Cry 4 [PS3]

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Oliver
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

PS3 on huono, kun ei pysty edes 2 HDlla pyörittämään 1080p:tä 120fps. En osta.
EDIT: Ja tuo DMC on huonon näköinen ja ruma. Ihan turha. Ostan mieluummin NESin.
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Tätä odottaa kyllä innolla! Olen sarjan suuri fani, vaikka ekan osan, RE:Code Veronica X:n mukana tullut demo ei kovin kummoiselta tuntunutkaan, niin itse peli oli kyllä rautaa!
Virallisilla sivuilla paljon kuvia ja Yksi video, en tedä onko jo postattu tänne. :)
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Outoa mutta en ole kauhean ínnoissani Devil May Cry 4:jästä :(
Olen sarjan fani ja omistan kaikki kolme peliä, mutta jotenkin tuosta DMC4:jästä tulee mieleen DMC2, ja jotenkin se vaan näyttää olevan sitä samaa huonossa mielessä. Devil May Cry 2 oli pettymys koska siinä ei ollut juonta nimeksikään ja muutenkin peliin oli vaikea päästä sisälle, olo oli irrallinen. Lisäksi orbeilla ei voinut enään upgradata kuin aseita ja miekkoja. Toivon että DMC4 olisi samaa tasoa kuin DMC3, eli monipuoliset liikeet, mielenkiintoinen juoni ja ympäristö. Toki varmasti ostan tämän pelin, mutta katsotaan nyt minkälainen se tulee olemaan, näin God of Warin jälkeen ;).

Hieman hirvittää että käy kuten MGS2:sessa eli pelataan jollain vara-Dantella, ja katsotaan kun oikea Dante hoitaa homman kotiin vierestä. :(
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

What's the plan for DMC4?
-The big theme is "Next-gen aka. NEW", we've been trying all sorts of new ideas, and there's a 'new' lead.

Why Nero?
-A few reasons. For one Dante has this aura associated around him of being in HARD games. As the PS3 is a new machine, it will have a new audience, many who haven't played DMC before, and we don't want to scare them off thinking it'll be too hard and not giving it a chance. Also since the users will be new to the DMC universe we wanted to give them a character that is new as well, so when the character meets Dante for the first time, new players will be meeting him for the first time as well. Now old fans will still get a kick out of it, seeing "oh this is how Dante acts in these situations!". Also we really couldn't implement the arm (Devil Bringer) concept with Dante. Sure we could've figured out some way to give it to him, but even if Dante had the Devil Bringer, going by his personality he'd still kick the **** out of everything with his guns and sword; he has no need for another attacking style. Finally Dante at the end of DMC3 is really powerful after the players have gotten all his abilities. Now we could zap all his powers away and start him from scratch, but that's lame. The other way around this is that we could have set DMC4 even BEFORE DMC3 where Dante is just a newbie but then he'd have to have less attacks/abilities than DMC3 and going a step back would be no fun for the player.

The arm?
-(blah blah blah he can use it as a 3rd way of attacking blah blah blah). As designers with Dante only being able to use the sword and guns, it sorta limited us in our enemy/boss designs since we had to design them around those two attacks. We couldn't make any cool fights that would require players to attack with a different method. With Nero's ability to grab and throw, we can think up all kinds of cool situations and strategies that would be fresh and fun. [probaby like throwing dudes into spiked walls or something?]. So not only does it give the players more options, it gives us more options in designing the enemy patterns, which is always a plus.

The PS3?
-DMC4 is a game that can only be made with the power of the Playstation 3 (blah blah blah next-gen machines rock blah blah blah). One thing that's cool about having the power of the PS3 is that instead of just doing dark night stuff or foggy stuff, we can do awesome looking blue skies and even the sea and do it with awesome graphics. We're gonna have locations in DMC4 that will make the players go "WTF!? Is this really a DMC game?" [lol, boat stage confirmed :P]. We want the locations and visual and ambience to be a 'new' experience and only the power of the Playstation 3 can bring that.
-We want to make a game that has the impact on the PS3 and gaming world that DMC1 had on the PS2.
-Also we've worked really hard on the movement and animation of the main character. In a lot of action games, the difficulty is actually because the charactere control's badly or the animations are too long and un-interruptable, we've worked really hard as a base to make the movement and animations great, so we hope everyone enjoys it.

Last words to the fans?
-The TGS demo was just a drop in the bucket, I can say with confidence that we're making a game that will make you say "I'm really glad I bought a Playstation 3". We're not going to let you down. We're making a game that has tons of depth and replayability to it that'll keep you satisfied. So please buy it!

Todella todella hyvä artikkeli "ainakin minulle" kuten nimestä voisi päätellä, oon BIg BIG DMC FAn

muuten artikkeli on Japanilaisesta Magazinesta, jonka NeoGaffilainen on kääntäny englanniksi!

Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Vaikka alunperin pelin sanottiin tulevan keväällä, on nyt ollut juttuja joiden mukaan julkaisu venyisi loppuvuoteen.
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Cyrus1 sanoi:
Vaikka alunperin pelin sanottiin tulevan keväällä, on nyt ollut juttuja joiden mukaan julkaisu venyisi loppuvuoteen.
On kyllä tietääkseni aina ollut syksyn 2007 julkaisulistoilla. Tai noh, ainakin sen jälkeen kunhan pelistä näytettiin muutakin kuin teknologia-demoja '05 Tokyo Game Showssa.
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]


Executive Vice President for Capcom Europe sanoi:
And then we've got a full portfolio of products, everything from PSP to PS2 to DS, culminating in Devil May Cry which is coming out later in the year, probably in the autumn, which will be our next real triple-A push.

Eli loppuvuonna vieläkin tulossa ja eiköhän se syksyllä tule, välttäen marraskuun peliruuhkan.. Tai sitten Capcom venyttää sen sinne 2008 alkuun.
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Niin jos joku ei satu vielä tietämään niin pelihän julkaistaan yhtäaikaa PS3:lle ja XBOX360:lle.

-DMC4 is a game that can only be made with the power of the Playstation 3 (blah blah blah next-gen machines rock blah blah blah). One thing that's cool about having the power of the PS3 is that instead of just doing dark night stuff or foggy stuff, we can do awesome looking blue skies and even the sea and do it with awesome graphics. We're gonna have locations in DMC4 that will make the players go "WTF!? Is this really a DMC game?" [lol, boat stage confirmed :P]. We want the locations and visual and ambience to be a 'new' experience and only the power of the Playstation 3 can bring that.
-We want to make a game that has the impact on the PS3 and gaming world that DMC1 had on the PS2.

Ja eiköhän tämä kerro aika napakasti, MIKSI annan piut paut noille pelinkehittäjien puheille :rolleyes:
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Brittien pleikkari lehti väittää, että ainakin DMC4:n PS3-versio olisi heidän testisessionsa aikana pyörinyt 1080p@60fps. Kaiken maan PSM:t ja OPM:t ovat puhuneet niin paljon jargonia menneisyydessä, etten menisi tuohonkaan vielä uskomaan.

Samalla myös varmistettiin, että Dante on tosiaan pelattavana hahmona. Hän on selvästi pienemmässä roolissa kuin Nero, mutta pääseepähän kuitenkin pelaamaan. Mikä parasta, Dantelle on lisätty Instant Style Changing! Eli nappia painamalla voi vaihtaa taistelutyyliä, jota pelaaja käyttää (Danten tyylit ovat DMC4:ssä samat Tricksterit ynnä muut mitä löytyi kolmannesta osasta), sen sijaan että pitäisi vain tyytyä yhteen per kenttä.

Tässä on muutakin juttua:

-The game is said to be long, the longest DMC yet. The bestiary is larger than all previous games combined.

-Both Nero and Dante are playable. However, Nero is the focus so Dante in DMC4 is a replica of his DMC3 combo system, but this time they've added instant 'style' switching to the instant weapon switching. They also updated the animations. (For the people that want to bitch, Dante isn't the highlight, Nero is the focus. So don't bust a cherry about him havin some re-used combat from DMC3)

-1080p / 60 fps

-Hands on impressions let them fight against Bariel and the twin frost enemies. Says, each boss has to be killed in a unique way. (none of that god of war / shenmue **** either, apparently it has to deal with using the devil arm in unique instances -- for example, "slamming the twin frost demons together via devil arm to finish them off)

And here's the **** the article posted, taken from Razma from IGN.

-- Dante is approaching 40. I don't know if it's literally 40 or the character designer was told to model a guy appearing to be that age.

-"Dante is getting too powerful" says Hiroyuki Kobayahi, and said that "making him the main character would take all the challenge outta the game".

-PSM prefer Nero over Dante

-This game ran at 1080p and 60fps when they played it. -DMC4 is a mixture of the best bits of DMC1 and DMC3:SE

-gameplay is very polished, solid, and responsive, it shames games like Genjiawn of Blade (this doesn't really say much, but sure -- sounds good)

-Two levels were playable, the seaside setting level with the docks, and the Ice level with the enormous gothic cathedral and snow capped mountains.

-Frosts are hard mofos to kill. They can disappear, recharge their health by freezing themselves, and when they freeze, their health is revived almost to the stage when you first started fighting them.
-The move "accelorator" is very handy in this battle, since its "spewing flames and steam" out of the sword.

-Demon arm could be used to slam the frosts.

-Plenty of green orbs spew out if you successfully defeat Frosts.

-Press "select" for neros taunt, in which he says "scum"(Hint to Vergil and Nero similarity?)

-Variel is now known as Berias?

-Nero mocks him by saying "he doesnt tan"

-Berias's face is his weak point. Nero is capable of double jumping to his face.

-When he gets ****ed, he sends nero flying backwards with a deafening roar.
-Using guns eventually start ti diminish ihis flames.

-Accelarator gives it the slight edge of doing extra damage(Sword goes firey red when he puts that petrol handle down)

Neros moves:
-Grim Grip: Lets neo stretch out his arm like the bendy one outta fantasic four. he can chuck enemies around, but its main use is reaching distant objects.
Fly Over: While Dante is stuck to the ground - Excluding cutscenes where he regularly darts up the side of buildings, Nero can use the grim grip to pull himself across caverneous gaps. You can do this at set points,so keep an eye out for the blue markers.
-Devil Bringer:Not only does this contiune the fine capcom tradition of "arms that do stuff"(God Hand, Onimusha), but happens to be one of the most interesting things in the game. It gives nero an extra egde over Dante in combat.
-The Red Queen: Neros sword is bettar than neros because it has a motorcycle rev in the handle, if you press R2 in time with your attacks he revs until it glows red, which unleashes nasty flame attacks that get steadily more damaging, so long as you keep your rhythm.
-Another shot of CGI Nero Vs Dante, except this time, without pointing guns at each other, they are weilding their swords.
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Tämä "DMC4 is a mixture of the best bits of DMC1 and DMC3:SE" (otettu tuolta famazin linkkaamasta jutusta) on syy, miksi odotan peliä kuin kuuta nousevaa.
Kolmosen teiniläpät pois, pelimekaniikka vieläkin monipuolisemmaksi ja ykkösosan mahtavia goottimaisemia, ja luvassa voisi olla itselleni jopa yksi parhaista peleistä ikinä :)
Vastaus: Devil May Cry 4 [Hype]

Kieltämättä aika killeriltä kuulostaa. Näyttää shoteissakin ajoittain jonkun toisen pelin CGI-kamalta ja Devil Bringer vie mätön taas uuteen ulottuvuuteen. Ja miten vitun coolia onkaan joku kaasukahva miekassa :eek: :p

Juoni onkin ainoa asia missä vene voi kaatua, mutta eipä tuo edeltäjissäkään haitannut.
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