Tuon FF-moottorin kiinnitys on todennäköisesti hyvin samankaltainen kuin MOMO Forcessa, jossa FF-moottori on kiinnitetty vastaavan tyyppiseen peltirunkoon kahdella vaivaisen pienellä ruuvilla. Ongelma on, että ruuvit löystyvät Forcessa 6-12 kk käytön aikana (riippuen tietysti käytöstä). En tiedä kuinka vaikea Driving Force on purkaa, mutta MOMO Force on hieman hankala.
Jos joku MOMO Forcen omistaja on huomannut, että ratti on alkanut pitää FF:n toimiessa kovempaa ääntä, se johtunee siitä, että FF-moottori on irtoamassa. Pahimmillaan moottorissa oleva pieni ratas alkaa hyppiä isomman rattaan hampaiden yli. Tästä voi aiheutua isomman rattaan hampaiden rikkoutuminen, koska se on muoviratas.
Tässä on tekemäni kuvasarja MOMO Forcen purkamiseksi (teksti on englanniksi, mutta kuvat kertonevat tarpeeksi):
1) 6 screws keep the wheel and the metal plate. The buttons aren't a problem.
2) Now what's here. Two nasty socket and a bunch of cord to break!
3) Nice job to unplug them and push the bunch inside.
4) Damn! Nothing to see yet.
5) I'm getting sea sick when turnded up and down all the time.
6) BTW. The small bearing on the left is for an FF-gear. Watch also the two steel pegs on the left and right. They are for allocating the plate back to it's place.
7) P-meter stand for potentiometer which is used to record the steering movements. Remove it very carefully. The same goes also for the white socket which is on the left connected the board. That's the other end of the cord coming through the main axle
8) Starring: Potentiometer
9) Small black screws removed and
almost ready to pull the plate off.
10) Potentiometer and the socket removed. Loosen the two black screw (one seen in the bottom-right corner) to make it easier when you put the potentiometer back to where it belongs!
Now you can pull the plate off. This needs some force because the bigger FF-gear makes it a little difficult.
11) At last the plate is off. Looks a little greasy because I added some a few weeks ago when tightening the screws.
The screws are really small when compared to the size of the motor. I wonder who was the wise guy who decided to use them. :roll:
12) The main bearing looks robust.
13) try to put all pieces together in the reverse order you took them off.
14) When I did this for the first time I wondered how I'm going to get the wheel to it's right position, but it's not a problem because of the groove.
The End
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Joe Racer. Thanks!