Hei,Pitää tarkkaan miettiä, miten tämän esittää ettei vaan spoilaa mitään.
Minusta tarina etenee todella vauhdikkaasti ja paikoin voisi jopa pysähtyä vetämään henkeä välillä. Mutta koska peli kannustaa usein tekemään sivutehtäviä ja syventämään suhteita kaverien kanssa, niin voin hyvinkin nähdä miten sen voi kokea takkuilevaksi. Itsellä meni melkein 20-25h päästä pois ekalta alueelta, koska tein yksinkertaisesti *kaiken*, mitä oli tarjolla. Siinä kohtaa mietti, että tämä voisi vähän nopeammin edetä. Mutta jahka tajusi, että tässä asetetaan itse tahti, niin ongelma katosi tyystin.
Toinen osapuoli onkin se, minkä mainitsin arvostelussa. Eli kyseessä on peli vailla alkua ja loppua. Meno on päällä jatkuvasti ja sitä ei pahemmin rauhoitella. Puolisoni vilkaisi peliä satunnaisesti, kun valtasin olohuoneen maraton sessioille, ja totesi, että jos alkuperäinen ei olisi niin tarkkaan muistissa, hän varmaan ihmettelisi puolet ajasta ollaanko nyt miten lähellä loppua.
Eli sanoisin ongelman olevan enemmän rytmityksessä kuin tarinassa, mutta itselle se ei osoittautunut ongelmaksi. Halusin liian vahvasti nähdä, mitä seuraavaksi käy, eikä itselläni ollut kertaakaan 90 tunnin aikana tylsää.
kiitos hyvin kirjoitetusta arvostelusta!
Gamespotin arvostelija kuvaili tuntojaan pelin loppuhuipennukseen liittyen näin:
The prospect of a reimagined Final Fantasy 7 story that acknowledges the past while also exploring a new future is exciting. My biggest concern was that the setup at the end of Remake and the implications of it could lead to the story becoming convoluted and, sadly, that's exactly what happens in the final stretch of the game. Each time I think about it, I'm either less certain of what is going on and what it means or I'm perplexed at why it happened that way. I loved that Remake folded in all the additional ideas that expanded the world of Final Fantasy 7, and Rebirth was poised to lean into that further, but it ended up making the core story much worse and not doing right by a character key to that element. I can understand what Square Enix was going for and it's an idea that I like because it is full of potentially interesting narrative pathways, but its delivery is so poor that I don't think most people will see that potential.
There is one specific moment that has been the subject of will-they-won't-they speculation for years, and how it resolves manages to be confusing to the point of being incomprehensible. For the original Final Fantasy 7, it became an iconic moment crystalized in the minds of millions by its emotionally devastating impact--and for many, it changed the way they thought about video game characters. In Rebirth, it is bewildering and undermines multiple characters, diminishing and obfuscating qualities that define who they are, the decisions they make, and their motivations for doing so, while also being unclear about what is actually happening. Aerith, in particular, is robbed of a moment that is so crucial to her character by the messy delivery; the message is lost among narrative noise that wasn't there before and it's so uncharacteristic of a game that otherwise is sharp in how it presents its characters. In my case, there was also an instance where the way the story unfolded and a character behaved contradicted how the actions I had taken up until that point dictated it should have played out.
There is one specific moment that has been the subject of will-they-won't-they speculation for years, and how it resolves manages to be confusing to the point of being incomprehensible. For the original Final Fantasy 7, it became an iconic moment crystalized in the minds of millions by its emotionally devastating impact--and for many, it changed the way they thought about video game characters. In Rebirth, it is bewildering and undermines multiple characters, diminishing and obfuscating qualities that define who they are, the decisions they make, and their motivations for doing so, while also being unclear about what is actually happening. Aerith, in particular, is robbed of a moment that is so crucial to her character by the messy delivery; the message is lost among narrative noise that wasn't there before and it's so uncharacteristic of a game that otherwise is sharp in how it presents its characters. In my case, there was also an instance where the way the story unfolded and a character behaved contradicted how the actions I had taken up until that point dictated it should have played out.
Pystytkö kommentoimaan omia tuntojasi loppuratkaisuun liittyen, miten koit sen, ja miten tyytyväinen olit siihen (omasta teksistäsi paistoi, että suhdetta alkuperäiseenkin löytyy?) ? Allekirjoitatko vai oletko eri mieltä kuin tämä arvostelija?