Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
Kyllähän stadin lesoilijoiden lahtaaminen olisi meille muille Suomalaisille mieleen.Nisupulla sanoi:Haluaisin sellaisen murre-version, jossa hyvikset vääntää stadin slangia ja örkit turun murretta![]()
Hommahan voisi toimia kuten PSP:n Killzone Liberationissa eli puhe- ja tekstitysvaihtoehdoista voi valita mieleisensä yhdistelmän (Liberationissa ei tosin ole suomea vaihtoehtona ollenkaan).XShava sanoi:Samaa mieltä olen, suomi tekstitkin toimivat loistavasti tuossa pelissä. Niin miks ei myös muissakin ja varmaan osissa peleissä tekstitys toimisi paremmin kuin puheet noin yleisestikin.
tebboo sanoi:Ne Suomi-tekstit olis hyvät kyllä...varsinkin kun jossain peleis hahmot puhuu niin huonosti että ei oikein tiiä mitä ne selittää![]()
Janus sanoi:Jos Killzone 2seen tulee suomalaiset ääninäyttelijät, keitä haluat kuulla siellä?![]()
Ja joka toisessa turkulaisia...!Paolo sanoi:Tai sitten joka toisessa lauseessa muistettaisiin
pilkata tamperelaisia...!
Jos sellainen väkisin tulee, toivottavasti tehdään kunnolla, eli näillä sopivan karheilla "homieilla" Antti Reini, Pertti Koivula, Vesa-Matti Loiri ja Sasu Moilanen.Janus sanoi:Jos Killzone 2seen tulee suomalaiset ääninäyttelijät, keitä haluat kuulla siellä?![]()
Pikku_pinokkio sanoi:Ei missään nimessä Suomeksi!! Suomalainen ääninäyttely vain pilaa lempipelini maineen.
"Ehkä se on pora"karpaasi sanoi:Ihan mielenkiinnosta olisi pelattava peli uudestaan suomeksi, jotta kuulisi lausahduksia, jotka saattavat jäädä legendoiksi suomalaisessa pelimaailmassa![]()
Onkohan tuo nyt ihan totta. Ennemmin olisin veikannut lokalisoinnin laskevan myyntiä 30-40 prosenttiaKäännöskustannukset maksavat kuitenkin itsensä takaisin, sillä Brusseen mukaan lokalisointi lisää pelimyyntiä jopa 30 - 40 prosenttia.
On several dutch gamingwebsites and in written papers there have been reports on Killzone 2 tidbits from journalists that were invited to have a look at what Guerilla Games was doing.
Since I master that language, I'll translate the most important parts for the ones who would like to know. These are certainly not the best interviews I've read, and if a local paper about news is sending a guy, you get general questions for general reading public, but still some interesting things came out.
One gamingsite was invited to their HQ in Amsterdam to talk about their PSP KZ Liberation, but there was a small percentage about KZ-PS3 in the interview. Some other info is from a daily paper that was invited because it's such an enormous entertainment project for Holland (most expensive budget ever for entertainment bizniz in Holland, even bigger budget than the new record-costing movie of Paul Verhoeven Zwarthoed, that is 16 million euro's, around 20-30 million I guess for Killzone PS3).
Okay, here's what I learned :
1) The paper mentions a release somewhere in 2007, but I have to say this is not a direct quote from GG, it is a conclusion of the interviewer about what was said to him.
2) Killzone-PS3 is going to feature downloadable episodes after release, just like Killzone Liberation is planning to do now.
3) Players this time are not fighting against the Helghast-invasion only. A GG dude responsible for music unintentionally leaked this info when talking about the music in the game, mentioning the music is not going to be only classic symponic style this time, lot's of different music styles are going to be introduced. What other types of enemies they are introducing, or what different story-themes will evolve around this remark, stays vague, it was more a slip of the tongue I guess.
4) About Phill H recent comments that some elements of KZ-PS3 already exceed the trailer, the GG guy says GG did not make and release the target 2005 E3 trailer if they did not think they would reach that level of quality. According to the interviewer the guy is very reluctant in this respect because of the NDA's and high expectations, but also very confident saying that it is "realistic to expect the same quality of the trailer in the game", and says that the impression the game wil give you, will be on par with the 2005 trailer.
Main thing is (except for the graphic showcase it will be), they want to introduce a lot more variety in the gameplay in this genre, and improve vastly over the original, specificly mentioning things like smart AI and also non-repetitive voiceacting to be the essential things they can improve on PS3 to make that trailer-experience happen in realtime. Ofcourse they also mention the power and performance of the PS3, saying it really makes a lot of things possible now they could not do before. They and Sony are aiming the game to become the systemseller like Gears is now for the 360, and think that is certainly possible.
6) Talking about becoming First Party for Sony, they state they had enormous benefits from it, from a technical point of view, but also because it gave them a lot of publicity and financial security. They could attract a lot more excellent people as a Sony-dev, who would otherwise not have come to Guerilla as a rather small independent Dutch devver. So it opened a lot of doors.
The proces is, they make the gameplans, and are free to do a lot of stuff they want, but have to report to Sony frequently and convince them over and over again that their game is coming along the right way. On the question if they thought Sony was too strict and influencial in the development of their games so far, they say this has not been the case at all untill now, Sony has not veto'ed any ideas of them, Sony is just giving feedback and being curious about their progression.[/B]
7) GG is satisfied with their gaming-record and quality-progression so far. Nam '67 being their first average game (6 grade), Killzone doing better (average 7 grades), Liberation being better again (average 8), and Killzone 2 to be expected to go way beyond that compared to Liberation (their words).
8) Access to the area where their 80 people were working on the game was still strictly forbidden, so no pictures or movies. They hope to sneak-preview the game soon, but are very patient since they want to reach the demanding expectations. Before they can silence the skeptics with this game, you will not see anything. But it will be sooner rather than later Sony gives the green light to show it.
About detail :
"For KZ-PSP we made 50x50 pixel models for the game, in KZ PS3 we even want the nosehairs to move. What took one man one week on other platforms, takes one month on the PS3 because of the increased details."
"Stuntmen in Hollywood are hired and motioncaptured for the game, when they fall and jump their movements are captured and transformed into digital models." (so you can jump this time..lol.. ).
About worldwide release-stuff :
20 different languages are integrated in the game. Most of them will not only be menu-language-text stuff, but also translated voiceacting. They mention different languages increases sales with 30-40% for a game. Translating the original Killzone audio (that had only 13 languages, and 8 off them were audio-translated, the rest just menu-text) into for example Polish, made their game the best selling game ever in Poland. So instead of bringing out different versions in each country, they now try to fill the Blu Ray also with all sort of different audiotracks for all kind of regions and countries.
They hire specific studio's that specialise in translating for entertainment bizniz, mentioning studio's in China and the US doing work for them in this respect.
About their own personal:
About 50-75% of the people they hire for new projects are from abroad. Most of the people they hired 5 years ago are still working there, there is very little 'emigration' of personal. Which is according to the interviewed guy good news for them since it means the people are satisfied and inspired to go on with new games, normally there is a lot more moving in/leaving out of new and old personal in gamingcompanies.
120 people work at Guerilla. About 80 people working full time on the PS3 game, this is 3 times as much as PS2 Killzone. PSP's Liberation game took 25 people, who are still working on multiplayer and extra episodes for Liberation to come out later (online Liberation patch is aiming for spring 2007).
After KZ-PS3 is finished, they plan a holiday, and continue on KZ-PS3-episodes, and ofcourse more new games for PSP and/or PS3.
karpaasi sanoi:Ehkä se myös nostaisi pelin uudestaan läpipeluu arvoa. Ihan mielenkiinnosta olisi pelattava peli uudestaan suomeksi, jotta kuulisi lausahduksia, jotka saattavat jäädä legendoiksi suomalaisessa
pelimaailmassaAntti Tuisku huutamassa "granaatti" voisi kutkuttaa nauruhermoja