Vastaus: LittleBigPlanet 2 [Hype]
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Project Mega Man (tentative title)
This project is meant to be a larger scale operation if I can find LBPC members interested in participating in a larger, more ambitious project that would be effectively lead and managed. To pull things like this off (and having a life, too

) requires distribution of tasks. There are people who are way better than I am with many aspects of creation - music and visuals especially. I plan on writing a detailed plan & project layout for me & everyone else to see what needs to be done and how far the progress for each part is.
I am going to ask for people interested in wroking on this project actively later on, when I have myself finished much of the basic fundamentals of the game system & player controls. If anyone joins this project, they're going to be credited equally and be authors of the project just like me. I'm not going to hog the credits and I'm not going to hide how anything is done - this is meant to be a project for the LBPC community and I try to have fun creating and sharing whatever I make.
Feel free to discuss about ideas for the project or anything relating to this project on this thread! If you want to help or participate, let me know! Or you can go ahead and make a weapon icon (these would be visible at least when you have a certain weapon selected, next to the ammo meter) or try your hands at creating a cool boss Sackbot. Below you can find my ideas about level / boss themes and how the weapons available would function.
An original LittleBigPlanet 2 shooter mimicking the theme of Mega Man. While the basic premise - levels, boss fights and weapon system is the same as with Mega Man, the approach is going to be original. There is going to be gazillions of game copies available, let's create something new. Besides, it is much more fun to not just trace but be creative.
Similarities to Mega Man:
- Multiple weapon choices
- Health bar
- Weapon ammo bar
- Level formula: platforming + boss fight
- Shooting limitations - No free aiming, just left & right (possible exceptions for special weapons)
Key Differences:
- LBP Physics, so slightly different platforming experience - will work hard to get control system responsive enough for precise platforming.
- No limitation of LBP powerup usage (grappling hooks etc) - no need to limit creativity!
- Allow for original enemies
- Unique bosses
- Unique weapons
- Original music
Project Resources
Everything I make for the level will be available at
Index of /LBP/LBP2/MM
First video footage:
YouTube - LittleBigPlanet 2 Beta - Mega Man meets SackBot
Project layout
Background System
Level Hub
Player Progress Tracking
Gameplay Functions
Control Layout
Weapon System
Weapon Selection System
Hit Points, Ammo & Healing
Enemies & AI
Visual Design
Attack Patterns
Visual Design
Attack Patterns & Behavior
Player Character & Animation
Level Textures
Weapon Objects
sound Effects
Level Design
Enemy Spawns
Drop Placement
Boss Fight Arena Layouts