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Nimi: Marvel Rivals
Kehittäjä: NetEase Games
Julkaisija: NetEase Games
Alustat: PS5, Xbox Series, PC
Lajityyppi: F2P, Kolmannen persoonan sankariammunta
Julkaisu: 6.12.2024
Kotisivut: https://www.marvelrivals.com/
KonsoliFIN Pelisivu:
Marvel Rivals is a Super Hero Team-Based PVP Shooter! Assemble an all-star Marvel squad, devise countless strategies by combining powers to form unique Team-Up skills and fight in destructible, ever-changing battlefields across the continually evolving Marvel universe!
A Deep and Varied Marvel Roster
Choose from a vast array of fan-favorite and cult-classic Marvel Super Heroes and Super Villains from across the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men, and many more from across the Marvel Multiverse.Fast and Fun 6v6 Action with Ever-Changing Game Dynamics
With intricate environments, fast-paced gameplay, and ever-changing battlefields, there's never a dull moment in Marvel Rivals! Battle as Super Heroes and Super Villains with incredible abilities and combine your powers to bring unexpected fun to the battlefield in a matter of seconds.Tehdääs tällekkin ketju jos jengi haluaa jutustella tästä. Uusi yrittäjä F2P hero shooter genreen ja usein ne vaan epäonnistuu, katsotaan kuinka käy Marvelin. Tottakai kokeilemaan lähdetään koska hyvät genren pelit on hauskoja kunhan niitä ei pilata surkealla rahastuksella. Ainakin Battle Passit on tehty hyvin sillä mallia on otettu Halo Infinitestä missä BP ei vanhene vaan voit tehdä niitä niin kauan kuin haluat. Eli pelin rahastus ei ole ole niin törkeää ainakaan kuin esim. Overwatch 2.
"By far the biggest takeaway is the fact that the Marvel Rivals battle pass won't expire at the end of seasons, meaning you can don't have to worry about ticking every single box and reaping max rewards before time runs out."
"NetEase also confirmed "we will be charging for cosmetics that will provide only visual changes, with no stat bonuses or pay-to-win elements." All maps and heroes will be free and available at the same time to all players."
Hämmentävän tyylikäs julkaisu traileri.
Moon knight

Marvel Rivals Reviews
Marvel Rivals is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 55 critics, with an overall average score of 78. It's ranked in the top 29% of games and recommended by 82% of critics.

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