True Light Gun Control:
Every time I talk about this one, people get pissed, but it has to come up. Right now, Wii does NOT work like a light gun. The controller is being pointed at the sensor and not at the television, so theres no good way to actually have it work like a laser pointer, aiming directly at where youre looking. You can try this on your own when you pick up Red Steel or Metroid, as bringing the controller up to your eye (like youre looking down a scope) will show that the Wiimote isnt aiming exactly where you are pointing.
Thats obvious when you think about it though. The Wii-mote is simulating where the cursor is based on Nintendo-designated starting points. Its centered by Nintendo, and developers have told us time and time again that they dont need to worry at all about where the Wii-mote is looking. Thats why were seeing games that play like a mouse and keyboard and not like light guns. It just isnt possible the way its set up right now.
This can be changed though, as Nintendos controller is obviously submitting total coordinate data. If the controller knew how big your TV was (by calibrating like any SEGA light gun game), it could adjust for when your hands go closer/farther on the Z axis, adjusting for your distance from the TV. It isnt an easy task, but it IS possible for Wii to do light gun control. Right now, Nintendo (and other developers) dont seem to be making that a high priority.
As an odd note on that one, why does Nintendo have a zapper controller at all? We havent seen a single game using light gun accuracy, so wouldnt it still be a gun thats moving a cursor around on screen? Until Nintendo shows us that the Wiimote can be zeroed in on each individual TV, using exact light gun control, I dont see a reason for that controller. Id like to get light gun games at some point on the system, but at the very least, dont show a guy jumping from behind his couch, looking down the barrel of the Wii-mote and firing directly at the TV like in Time Crisis or something. Thats misleading, and that isnt how the controller is working currently.
I hope you guys enjoyed a few rants about good/bad design choices on the Wii. Am I right? Thats up to everyone who reads this to determine I guess. Feel free to throw in your own ideas, or at least comment on my thoughts in the comment section below. As more issues come up, Ill be sure to make a note of them, as I think leading designers into making good choices about how to use the Wii console is an effort that takes not only a few strong minds, but also a TON of user feedback.