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Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Upean näköinen peli! Olen valopyssypelien ystävä, joten aika hyvä valinta näin ensimmäiseksi Revolution peliksi, josta kuvia näkee.
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

ShereKhan sanoi:
Upean näköinen peli! Olen valopyssypelien ystävä, joten aika hyvä valinta näin ensimmäiseksi Revolution peliksi, josta kuvia näkee.

"Valopyssypelit" on tietty ihan eri asia kuin Red Steelin tapainen FPS, mutta tässä tavallaan yhdistyy molempien hyvät puolet, joten eiköhän tästä jotain sullekin irtoa ;P
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Justin Bailey sanoi:
"Valopyssypelit" on tietty ihan eri asia kuin Red Steelin tapainen FPS, mutta tässä tavallaan yhdistyy molempien hyvät puolet, joten eiköhän tästä jotain sullekin irtoa ;P

Eihän niissä ole muuta eroa kuin että Revolutionin FPS:issä saa liikkua itse, sen lisäksi, että ampuminen on yhtä hienoa kuin valopyssypeleissä. Mikäs sen mahtavampaa :)
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Salmari sanoi:
Eihän niissä ole muuta eroa kuin että Revolutionin FPS:issä saa liikkua itse, sen lisäksi, että ampuminen on yhtä hienoa kuin valopyssypeleissä. Mikäs sen mahtavampaa :)

Jätetään kommentoimatta, eihän siinäkään ole muuta eroa kuin että kommentoin tai en kommentoi. Mikäs sen mahtavampaa :)

Mut ihan tosissaan, mikäs sun pointti olikaan (?) vai komppasitko vaan mua, lol, ei saa selvää. Mun ymmärtääkseni FPS ja Light Gun-pelien (suuret) erot on varmaan useimmille täällä ihan selvät. Ite tarkotin tosiaan sitä, että Red Steel ei toimi kuten Light Gun-peli, niin kuin monet ovat kaikenmaailman boardeilla epäilleet. Red Steel on siis ihan puhdasverinen FPS, mutta Revon ohjaimen kautta uusia ulottuvuuksia avaava sellainen. Samaa mieltä kyllä, mikäs sen mahtavampaa :)
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

En nyt tiedä, mikä viesti olisi pitänyt siteerata, enkä missään nimessä olisi halunnut siteerata tuhottoman montaa viestiä... Mutta nyt asiaan.
Valopyssypelit taitavat olla rail-shootereita, joissa mennään koko ajan ennalta määrättyä reittiä tai sisältää jokusen vaihtoehtoisen reitin. Ja jos Red Steel ei noudata tätä kaavaa, se taitaa olla FPS. :rolleyes:
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Tässä PhoenixDarkin (GAF) kokoama pikainen tiivistelmä GI:n Red Steel artikkelista (boldasin muutamia itselleni tavalla tai toisella mielenkiintoisia detaljeja):


-Game development started shortly after E3 2005. Ubisoft saw and demoed the controller before E3 2005.
-Ubisoft Paris took their idea directly to Iwata and Miyamoto, and were given the go ahead. After that meeting they were given prototype controllers. The article states that Ubisoft worked "closely" with Nintendo's engineers in Japan on the title
-Game Informer mentions that while conducting the interviews with Ubisoft, they were handed the "latest version" of the controller

-During the beginning of the game, you are encouraged to use your weapons ruthlessly, but as the game progresses you become more proficient and strategic. This gameplay idea led Ubisoft to decide to give the game a martial arts setting. "Enter the Yakuza"
-The first third of the game will be all about being "brutal by necessity"
-You will be less precise and favor more devastating weapons (machine guns)
-As you progress and become more precise, smaller guns will be used
-"The goal...is to use five bullets to kill five enemies" -"When fighting with this level of skill, the music and sound effects will reflect it, remaining calm and peaceful"-"
-"When you fight brutally, the sounds around you grow increasingly more intense"
-"Audio feedback"

-Freeze shot: by fighting effciently you fill the Freeze Shot gauge...fighting chaotically causes to decreases
-When the gauge is filled you can hit a button to momentarily stop time, and then target specific locations on enemy bodies
-Headshots thus are tempting, but non lethal shots, such as shooting guns out of enemy hand, can be more beneficial
-By defeating high ranking leaders who command others and sparing their lives, you will be rewarded. He will offer you respect and help (guns, help, new weapons, alternate paths, etc)
-Respect plays a MAJOR part in the game

More later

-Flailing your sword isn't a smart idea
-Specific motions with the controller will trigger combos (in the final game)
-Tracing an X in the air, for instance, will unleash a devastating attack
-You can stop these combos at any time by simply pausing your own movement. So if you do something that leaves you open to attack, you won't be screwed

-New moves will be taught to you by two mentors in the game
-One will teach you gun tactics, and another will teach sword tactics
-If you don't show the proper respect to them, they won't help you
-Friendly/respectful interaction is tied to the controller
-You signal "yes/no" answers by nodding the controller up or down or shaking it from side to side
-You show extra respect by bowing to the masters
-Ubisoft is still coming up with other interactions

-"You can act disrespectively as well: there are no cut scenes in the game - all conversations take place in game, as in Half Life 2. However unlike that game, characters wont keep prattling on if you walk away from them. They will react angrily to your imputent behavior"
-Staying in the master's good graces is key: they give you missions that can be tackled in any order
-You track down the gang leaders and try to turn them to your side. If you don't, they will join Tokai's (the main villian) gang
-You have to prove you are worthy to them by battling them and sparing their lives.
-You will need as many of them with you as possible to face Tokai. Without their help, you'll have a rough time when you finally face him
-You turn gang leaders to your side by besting them in battle and stopping a deadly blow miliseconds before it strikes
-Training sessions are offered by the two masters so you can hone your skills

More later

-Split screen multiplayer with traditional deathmatches
-Totally original multiplayer modes Ubisoft is not revealing yet. Wait until E3

-They didn't talk about Nintendo Wi Fi (NDAs). Full details haven't been revealed yet
-Revolution works by placing a small sensor bar either above or below any TV
-You can stand at any angle and not lose any accuracy. You can even take your controller to a friend's house and instantly start playing without syncing up the controller
-"Perhaps most impressive is the fact that although splitscreen reduces the amount of onscreen space you are playing in, you don't have to make smaller movements - you can gesture as wildly as you want, and it won't interfere with the other player's onscreen quadrants

Game Informer's hands on:
-The two triggers on the front of the analog unit activate ducking and jumping. The analog stick controls movement, and the revmote controls aiming. No rails.
-Level consisted of shooting ranges that popped out from behind cover
"Aiming with the controller is as simple as using a laser pointer. You point your hand at a target and hit the trigger on the underside of the controller to fire
-"Unlike other FPS games, which tie the camera and aiming together, Red Steel's camera follows your aim with a slight delay. If, for example, you point to the edge of the screen, the camera will turn to re-center on your view after a second. With the sensitivity of the controller, a standard FPS control would move too much, potentially making the player feel ill
-"Thanks to the improved reaction that the controller offers, the team can create gunfight scenerios that would be extraordinarily diffilcult with a standard controller"
-Most console FPS games limit their enemies to horizontal planes to prevent player frustration, but targets on a verticle plane are just as easy to hit with the Revolution controller
-You can aim at a target as quickly as you can move your hand
-In the demo targets popped up on rooftops and in second story windows, as well as behind cover points on the ground, and all were equally easy to hit
-While you can quickly shoot enemies anywhere on screen, Red Steel never feels in a light-gun game - this is a true FPS, one that feels like it has drawn from the best of both the PC and console shooter worlds

-According to lead game designer Oriola, it takes roughly three seconds to turn completely around around in most console shooters, while it takes about one-quarter second in a PC game. In Red Stel, it takes one second

-AI characters will care for themselves. They will go for cover, attack you while you're reloading. They focus on risk management
-"They won't walk around a table to get to you. They will simply jump over the table"
-"The benchmark for their intelligence and aggressiveness, says Oriola, is the PC title F.E.A.R., which has widely been praised for it's AI"

-Destructable environments. There's a pic of a giant explosion on a carm with gang members being thrown left and right by the blast. Nice effects. The lighting on the explosion and the store signs is pretty good
-GI: we found Red Steel most enjoyable to play while standing up
-Strafing is extremely easy and effortless
-"Aiming felt similar to using a PC mouse, and it's possible to quickly explore every direction in a three-dimensional space with quick gestures"
-"In the finished game, you will be able to push forward with the controller to knock over an object to use for cover, pull it backwards to reload, and twist it to lead behind walls"
-Lob grenades with the controller, or roll them on the ground like a bowling ball

-"gangsta style" shooting is cool
-Total immersion. Feels like you are living the game

-GI: the Revolution is real
-Andy: It could change the very way all games are played now and forever


Saman tyypin tiivistelmä George Harrisonin haastiksesta:

-Harrison admits that a mere uber powered Gamecube would wind up doing just as bad as the GC. Because of this, Nintendo decided to do something totally different
-Their main goal was to revive the Japanese market. The DS was to be the first shot at this (and it has clearly succeeded).
-Art direction can be just as expressive as photo-realistic graphics. He mentions that the Simpsons wouldn't be nearly as funny if it was live action
-Revolution will be a multiple of the GC in terms of capibilities
-Nintendo is still deciding what will be packed in the Revolution. Right now a controller and a nunchuk add on will be, but Nintendo is thinking about adding another controller as well. No mention of the shell
-Nintendo is shooting for a worldwide Revolution launch this year
-"Clearly, for us, the Japanese market might be the most important - it's the home market, it's the chance to reset the clock to the main competition, which is Sony"
-On price, as compared to the 360: "Yes, our goal is to come in at a slightly more mass market price"
-Nintendo is considering some like XBL Marketplace
-Harrison mentions that they learned a lot of lessons from the PS2. In terms of having a wide variety of software and the fact that the strongest tech doesn't always win
-"The other thing we recognized is that you really make your reputation in the first year. You've got to deliver software, not just at launch, but you've got to deliver software in the first six to nine months after launch. It has to be solid software. In GC, we didn't have that, we had kind of a drought for six months after it launched. By that time your reputation starts to solidify and it's hard to reverse that after awhile."
-$50 games will not be the standard on the Revolution, although he does say that there could be some games that cost $60
-Compares the challenges Nintendo has in terms of marketing the Revolution to those it had marketing the...Virtual Boy
-You can't simply show gameplay or people won't see the difference. He mentions that game commercials used to show people on their couch playing the game, and that the industry moved away from that. He says Nintendo might get more into that with Revolution marketing
-Nintendo still hasn't chosen a cost barrier for the Revolution's Virtual Console
-Possibly 20 games at launch. He says they haven't seen many of the games licensees have
-"Maybe a third will be Nintendo games"
-Red Steel is a Revolution launch title, and will broaden appeal like GoldenEye 64 did
-"We had no choice but to be succesful with the DS."

Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

No jopas oli pläjäys! Etteikö ohjaimiakaan tarvitse kalibroida? Siistiä. Ei välttämättä tarpeellista, mutta siistiä yhtäkaikki.
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Sama viel uudelle sivulle, ja siistimmässä muodossa:


-Game development started shortly after E3 2005. Ubisoft saw and demoed the controller before E3 2005.

-Ubisoft Paris took their idea directly to Iwata and Miyamoto, and were given the go ahead. After that meeting they were given prototype controllers. The article states that Ubisoft worked "closely" with Nintendo's engineers in Japan on the title

-Game Informer mentions that while conducting the interviews with Ubisoft, they were handed the "latest version" of the controller

-During the beginning of the game, you are encouraged to use your weapons ruthlessly, but as the game progresses you become more proficient and strategic.

This gameplay idea led Ubisoft to decide to give the game a martial arts setting. "Enter the Yakuza"

-The first third of the game will be all about being "brutal by necessity"

-You will be less precise and favor more devastating weapons (machine guns)

-As you progress and become more precise, smaller guns will be used
-"The goal...is to use five bullets to kill five enemies" -"When fighting with this level of skill, the music and sound effects will reflect it, remaining calm and peaceful"-"

-"When you fight brutally, the sounds around you grow increasingly more intense"

-"Audio feedback"

-Freeze shot: by fighting effciently you fill the Freeze Shot gauge...fighting chaotically causes to decreases

-When the gauge is filled you can hit a button to momentarily stop time, and then target specific locations on enemy bodies

-Headshots thus are tempting, but non lethal shots, such as shooting guns out of enemy hand, can be more beneficial

-By defeating high ranking leaders who command others and sparing their lives, you will be rewarded. He will offer you respect and help (guns, help, new weapons, alternate paths, etc)

-Respect plays a MAJOR part in the game

More later

-Flailing your sword isn't a smart idea

-Specific motions with the controller will trigger combos (in the final game)

-Tracing an X in the air, for instance, will unleash a devastating attack

-You can stop these combos at any time by simply pausing your own movement. So if you do something that leaves you open to attack, you won't be screwed

-New moves will be taught to you by two mentors in the game

-One will teach you gun tactics, and another will teach sword tactics

-If you don't show the proper respect to them, they won't help you

-Friendly/respectful interaction is tied to the controller

-You signal "yes/no" answers by nodding the controller up or down or shaking it from side to side

-You show extra respect by bowing to the masters

-Ubisoft is still coming up with other interactions

-"You can act disrespectively as well: there are no cut scenes in the game - all conversations take place in game, as in Half Life 2. However unlike that game, characters wont keep prattling on if you walk away from them. They will react angrily to your imputent behavior"

-Staying in the master's good graces is key: they give you missions that can be tackled in any order

-You track down the gang leaders and try to turn them to your side. If you don't, they will join Tokai's (the main villian) gang

-You have to prove you are worthy to them by battling them and sparing their lives.

-You will need as many of them with you as possible to face Tokai. Without their help, you'll have a rough time when you finally face him

-You turn gang leaders to your side by besting them in battle and stopping a deadly blow miliseconds before it strikes

-Training sessions are offered by the two masters so you can hone your skills

More later


-Split screen multiplayer with traditional deathmatches

-Totally original multiplayer modes Ubisoft is not revealing yet. Wait until E3

-They didn't talk about Nintendo Wi Fi (NDAs). Full details haven't been revealed yet

-Revolution works by placing a small sensor bar either above or below any TV

-You can stand at any angle and not lose any accuracy. You can even take your controller to a friend's house and instantly start playing without syncing up the controller

-"Perhaps most impressive is the fact that although splitscreen reduces the amount of onscreen space you are playing in, you don't have to make smaller movements - you can gesture as wildly as you want, and it won't interfere with the other player's onscreen quadrants

Game Informer's hands on:

-The two triggers on the front of the analog unit activate ducking and jumping. The analog stick controls movement, and the revmote controls aiming. No rails.

-Level consisted of shooting ranges that popped out from behind cover
"Aiming with the controller is as simple as using a laser pointer. You point your hand at a target and hit the trigger on the underside of the controller to fire

-"Unlike other FPS games, which tie the camera and aiming together, Red Steel's camera follows your aim with a slight delay. If, for example, you point to the edge of the screen, the camera will turn to re-center on your view after a second. With the sensitivity of the controller, a standard FPS control would move too much, potentially making the player feel ill

-"Thanks to the improved reaction that the controller offers, the team can create gunfight scenerios that would be extraordinarily diffilcult with a standard controller"

-Most console FPS games limit their enemies to horizontal planes to prevent player frustration, but targets on a verticle plane are just as easy to hit with the Revolution controller

-You can aim at a target as quickly as you can move your hand
-In the demo targets popped up on rooftops and in second story windows, as well as behind cover points on the ground, and all were equally easy to hit

-While you can quickly shoot enemies anywhere on screen, Red Steel never feels in a light-gun game - this is a true FPS, one that feels like it has drawn from the best of both the PC and console shooter worlds

-According to lead game designer Oriola, it takes roughly three seconds to turn completely around around in most console shooters, while it takes about one-quarter second in a PC game. In Red Stel, it takes one second

-AI characters will care for themselves. They will go for cover, attack you while you're reloading. They focus on risk management

-"They won't walk around a table to get to you. They will simply jump over the table"

-"The benchmark for their intelligence and aggressiveness, says Oriola, is the PC title F.E.A.R., which has widely been praised for it's AI"

-Destructable environments. There's a pic of a giant explosion on a carm with gang members being thrown left and right by the blast. Nice effects. The lighting on the explosion and the store signs is pretty good

-GI: we found Red Steel most enjoyable to play while standing up

-Strafing is extremely easy and effortless

-"Aiming felt similar to using a PC mouse, and it's possible to quickly explore every direction in a three-dimensional space with quick gestures"

-"In the finished game, you will be able to push forward with the controller to knock over an object to use for cover, pull it backwards to reload, and twist it to lead behind walls"

-Lob grenades with the controller, or roll them on the ground like a bowling ball

-"gangsta style" shooting is cool

-Total immersion. Feels like you are living the game

-GI: the Revolution is real

-Andy: It could change the very way all games are played now and forever

George Harrison:

-Harrison admits that a mere uber powered Gamecube would wind up doing just as bad as the GC. Because of this, Nintendo decided to do something totally different

-Their main goal was to revive the Japanese market. The DS was to be the first shot at this (and it has clearly succeeded).

-Art direction can be just as expressive as photo-realistic graphics. He mentions that the Simpsons wouldn't be nearly as funny if it was live action

-Revolution will be a multiple of the GC in terms of capibilities

-Nintendo is still deciding what will be packed in the Revolution. Right now a controller and a nunchuk add on will be, but Nintendo is thinking about adding another controller as well. No mention of the shell

-Nintendo is shooting for a worldwide Revolution launch this year

-"Clearly, for us, the Japanese market might be the most important - it's the home market, it's the chance to reset the clock to the main competition, which is Sony"

-On price, as compared to the 360: "Yes, our goal is to come in at a slightly more mass market price"

-Nintendo is considering some like XBL Marketplace

-Harrison mentions that they learned a lot of lessons from the PS2. In terms of having a wide variety of software and the fact that the strongest tech doesn't always win

-"The other thing we recognized is that you really make your reputation in the first year. You've got to deliver software, not just at launch, but you've got to deliver software in the first six to nine months after launch. It has to be solid software. In GC, we didn't have that, we had kind of a drought for six months after it launched. By that time your reputation starts to solidify and it's hard to reverse that after awhile."

-$50 games will not be the standard on the Revolution, although he does say that there could be some games that cost $60

-Compares the challenges Nintendo has in terms of marketing the Revolution to those it had marketing the...Virtual Boy

-You can't simply show gameplay or people won't see the difference. He mentions that game commercials used to show people on their couch playing the game, and that the industry moved away from that. He says Nintendo might get more into that with Revolution marketing

-Nintendo still hasn't chosen a cost barrier for the Revolution's Virtual Console

-Possibly 20 games at launch. He says they haven't seen many of the games licensees have

-"Maybe a third will be Nintendo games"

-Red Steel is a Revolution launch title, and will broaden appeal like GoldenEye 64 did

-"We had no choice but to be succesful with the DS."
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Tuo Red Steel kuulostaa kyllä aivan liian hyvältä ollakseen totta, mutta jos nuo ominaisuudet toteutuvat ja peli toimii yhtä hyvin kun on lupailtu, ja jos Revo saataisiin vielä Eurooppaan tämän vuoden puolella, niin tämän jampan virtsasta löytyisi hunajaa vielä kolme vuotta julkaisusta eteenpäinkin. :)
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Kieltämättä aika mielenkiintoiselta kuulostaa tuo Red Steel ja tuntuu että ohjaamiseen on todellakin panostettu oikein kunnolla. Tässähän rupeaa jo itsekin hieman innostumaan laitteesta.
Vastaus: Nintendo Revolution

Luulisi Nintendon hoitavan meillekin viimeistään joulujulkaisun. Mutta eihän sitä koskaan tiedä.
Harrison kertoilee juttuja

Game Informer -lehden haastattelema Amerikan Nintendon markkinointijohtaja George Harrison paljasti, että yhtiö aikoo saada Revolutionille sen julkaisuun noin 20 peliä. Hiljattainhan Satoru Iwata kertoi, että konsolia tuskin julkaistaan samanaikaisesti Japanissa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Euroopassa.

Spekulointien ja huhupuheiden mukaan loppuvuodesta tapahtuvan julkaisun yhteydessä olisi saatavilla Ubisoftin Red Steel, Tecmon Skatto Golf Pangya Revolution, Activisionin Call of Duty -räiskintä ja Tony Hawk -skeittipeli, THQ:n lisenssipeli Pixarin Carsista, Atluksen DS:ltä tunnettu Trauma Center, uusi Super Smash Bros., nimeämätön peli Midwaylta, Metroid Prime 3 sekä Shigeru Miyamoton oma projekti.

Lisäksi Harrison kertoi, että vielä ei ole päätetty, mitä Revon myyntipakkaus sisältää. Konsolin kaveriksi lähtee todennäköisesti kaukosäädinohjain sekä nunchakumainen lisäosa siihen, mutta myös toinen ohjain on harkinnassa. Harrison povasi paketin olevan hieman Xbox 360:stä halvempi ja toisteli muutenkin aikaisemmin kuultuja juttuja yhtiön strategiasta uudessa konsolisodassa.

Mies kuitenkin myönsi, että Nintendo on kiinnostunut Xbox Live Marketplacen kaltaisen palvelun tuomisesta Revolutionille, jonka Xbox Live Arcadea vastaavan Virtual Console -palvelun hinnoittelusta ei ole vielä tehty siitäkään lopullista päätöstä.

No pistethin nyt viäl uutinenkin.

Nuo Red Steelin kuvat ja hehkutus saavat kieltämättä Revon nousemaan entistä korkeammalle odotuksissa, mutta odotellaan edelleen niitä E3-messuja ja itse konsolin julkaisua ihan rauhassa. Paha noista kuvistakaan on loppujen lopuksi vielä mitään sanoa.
Vastaus: Harrison kertoilee juttuja

Paavi sanoi:
Hiljattainhan Satoru Iwata kertoi, että konsolia tuskin julkaistaan samanaikaisesti Japanissa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Euroopassa.

Kun taas George Harrison tuoreimmassa GameInformerissa:

-Nintendo is shooting for a worldwide Revolution launch this year

Tossa Harrisonin haastattelussa oli tosiaan muitakin mielenkiintoisia juttuja:

You can even take your controller to a friend's house and instantly start playing without syncing up the controller


Nintendo is still deciding what will be packed in the Revolution. Right now a controller and a nunchuk add on will be, but Nintendo is thinking about adding another controller as well.

Revmote ja nunchalogue on siis jo varmoja, toivottavasti laittavat vielä toisen revmoten mukaan.
Vastaus: Harrison kertoilee juttuja

Justin Bailey sanoi:
Kun taas George Harrison tuoreimmassa GameInformerissa:

Harmillisesti en onnistunut noita mistään kaivamaan esille, joten jos joku lähde löytyy niin voinpi uutista päivittää.
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